TWD, Season 6, Episode 9, “No Way Out”

“No Way Out”

(All images used in this post are screen caps from AMC’s “The Walking Dead” and “Talking Dead” unless otherwise specified.)

Well, that was fun!

Sad…yes.  Dark, yes.  Haunting…god, yes.

Admittedly, it is with some real trepidation, and assorted beverages, that I set out to craft this post, and face, at some point, the inevitable moment when I must revisit the harrowing scene where Sam, Jessie, Ron, and Carl each meet their respective, tragic fates amidst the swarm of savage walkers invading the streets of Alexandria.

I know that in the rewatchings, there will be many moments, and images, from that scene that will cling to me like burrs, imbed themselves into the depths of my psyche, and stay there for a long while.

This episode’s definitely going to leave a mark or two to remember it by.

Since Episode 609’s airing, there has been a constant stream of social media postings celebrating many of the key moments of “No Way Out” as we in TWD fandom strive to process the constantly-unfolding “new classic” moments of this iconic episode. We, the obsessed fans, show our devotion to the TWD creators, cast, and crew by shipping our favorite show, (and the characters we love so well) with the unparalleled devotion they deserve, in the form of screenshots, memes, videos, blogs, fan fiction, interviews, articles, etc.

This, of course, is as it should be.

Lucky for us, dear readers, great love, lasting love, is reciprocal. Real love, when it’s got the flows, is a mutual, symbiotic exchange, an ever-evolving dance of give and take between two (or more) parties.  That, people, is how real love do.

And, lucky for us, dear readers, Robert Kirkman, Scott M. Gimple, and Greg Nicotero know this.

They are worldly men, with big hearts & mad skills.

They know when to bring the love, and with TWD‘s Season 6’s action-packed, chock-full of spills, thrills, and cold, ghostly chills (OMG, the Sam chomp scene…and then, Jessie…and Michonne skewering Ron…and Carl’s eye….and Rick…and Michonne…and OMG, Richonne!..and that Rick and Carl scene…and Daryl…and Glenn and Maggie…and Carol and Morgan….and Denise and The Wolf…and the epic Battle For Alexandria…and Rick Smash! taking on all the walkers, berzerker-style… I cannot…but I must, and I will, dammit, I will!) mid-season premiere, Episode 609, “No Way Out,”  Robert Kirkman, Scott M. Gimple, and Greg Nicotero gave everyone in TWD fandom a big, red heart-shaped box, tied with a pink satin ribbon, like:

Here you go, guys. Happy VDay.

And we TWD fans receive this love offering joyfully, grateful for the respite, because we know that as we celebrate the victories and post the memes, trouble is brewing, and hard times are coming for Rick and the gang.

We know soon enough, dear readers, that we are going to get our asses kicked, but good, and we’re ok with that.

It is, of course, as it should be.

So, let us seize the day and celebrate some of the highlight scenes and pivotal moments from The Walking Dead’s Episode 609, “No Way Out.”


“No Way Out”

When we left Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham in the first four minutes of “No Way Out,” Daryl had just been roughly escorted to the back of the fuel truck, at Snidely’s orders, by one of Negan’s biker goons, “T,” while Sasha and Abraham were looking down the barrels of their own handguns as they were held at gunpoint by Snidely, who had just informed them that he was basically done talking…

snidely gunpoint 1

snidely drops the weapons

Then, suddenly, Snidely brings the weapons down, by his sides, slumping into his bike’s seat, looks down, as if reconsidering...

snidely looks up 2

Snidely looks up at Sasha and Abraham with a sheepish grin…

snidely looks up 3

…then rolls his eyes upward…

snidely sez i'm not gonna kill you

“I’m not gonna kill you,” he tells Sasha and Abraham in a joking, friendly manner.

sasha looks relieved

Sasha looks at Snidely, nods, unsure of how to interpret this…

sasha looks at abraham

…and turns to Abraham, questioningly, like, “Is this a sick joke, or what?”

abraham looks at snidely

Abraham seems to be wondering the same thing, does not take his eyes off Snidely.

snidely reconsiders 1

“Wait,” Snidely says, as if reconsidering…again.

snidely says wait, wait


snidely says you know what, yes i am

Snidely looks up at Abraham and Sasha. “You know what? Yes, I am,” and with that shitty statement, Snidely starts to lift the handguns, ready to shoot Abraham and Sahsa…

blast 1

We hear a hissing noise, and then a huge explosion engulfs Snidely and his crew of biker dicks in a huge fireball.

blast 2

Later, dicks.

blast 3

Hey Snidely, did anyone ever tell you that you have quite the combustible personality?

blast 4

Well, rather, you had quite the combustible personality…

blast 5

…because you, and your shitty crew, and your snide comments are in the past tense, now…

daryl and missle launcher 1

…thanks to our man, Daryl Dixon.

daryl and missle launcher 2

Holding the smoking rocket launcher, Daryl surveys the burning remains of Snidely and his charred posse.

daryl and missle launcher 3

Daryl’s like, “Whoa!”

daryl and missle launcher 4

He looks down at the smoking weapon as Sasha and Abraham ease their way back to standing from where they dove for cover.

sasha covering ear gets up

Coughing, sputtering, ears sure to be ringing, Sasha and Abraham survey the burning, blackened remains of the men who, just one minute before, almost killed them.

sasha abraham daryl 1

I love this look on Sasha’s face as she steps towards Daryl. She’s beaming at Daryl, and nodding, and dazed, and so stoked, like, “Well, how about that?  Hell yeah, Daryl Dixon!

daryl bleeding 1

Daryl turns away, says, “Sonuvabitch was tougher than he looked,” (which is pretty funny, because that guy, T, looked pretty tough). As he walks away, we see that Daryl has a bleeding stab wound on his left shoulder, leaving a bloodstain on his left angel wing. This image really saddened me, on many levels, one of them being how it seems to symbolize all of the wounds Daryl has taken right to the heart in his life. ❤ We love you forever, Daryl Dixon, and we are with you, always, every step of the way.

daryl bleeding 2

“Did he cut you?” Sasha asks. “A little,” Daryl replies.

daryl bleeding what a bunch of assholes

Daryl turns, and classic Daryl Dixon style, says, “What a bunch of assholes!”

daryl bleeding sasah lets get you fixed up at home

Sasha laughs, delighted, lays her hands on Daryl’s shoulder, causing him to wince slighty, probably both from the shoulder being tender and Daryl’s general cageyness about letting others touch him. Sasha, however, is family, and this is the first time we have seen her smile like this since, well, Boband certainly since Tyreese. “C’mon, let’s get you fixed up at home,” Sasha says, getting to play the role of bossy, loving, sassy sister once again. ❤

daryl sasha yes ma'am

“Yes ma’am,” Daryl agrees. Still beaming, Sasha follows Daryl as they take one last look at dead-ass T and climb into the truck.

abraham nibble on that

Abraham turns to take one last look at the blown up bikers and in classic Abraham-style, tosses out the last word:


later snidely u dick

“Nibble on that.”

Standing ovation, cheers all around to that incredible scene, especially to our man, Daryl Dixon, for proving his constancy and resourcefulness by saving the day, and the peeps, once again.

Deadie of highest order, The MVP Award, to our man, Daryl Dixon, and to the fine, fine actor who plays him, Norman Reedus.

How we love thee, Daryl Dixon/Norman Reedus!

There will be more star players awarded by the end of this post, but we have to take a moment to show the love, “right out of the gate.”

We can only imagine the awesomeness of Daryl’s silent, stealth takedown of T behind Patty the fuel truck’s back bumper. God love him, because we sure do! Five or six minutes into the S6 mid-season premiere, and we are already awarding our man mad props and highest accolades.

I am also loving seeing Sasha blossoming once again, jolted back to life after her and Abraham’s brush with death. That beaming smile…so great to see that again!  The banter back and forth between her and Abraham spoke to a deepening connection between the two. Very interested to see how this all plays out.

And, while we rejoice, I do feel the need to point out that there are speculations online about this scene, about the sight of a far-off car way down the road behind Snidely and his fellow “chodes on choppers” as he goes through his comedy routine of, “I’m not gonna kill ya, oh, wait, yeah I am.” 

My WD buddy sent the following link to myself and our new team member, The Rookie. (Very cute and fabulous and fun, loves to research TWD, loves The Reeduswelcome to the fold, Rookie! <3):

When I rewatched, I kept watching back in that corner, and I did see something that gleamed like a faraway car appear in the distance. As the article in the link says, there is speculation that the car may be Negan himself, or perhaps one of Negan’s scouts, who speeds off as the explosion happens.

It’s a compelling theory, and there is definitely a car back there if you watch the link’s video footage. At the first watching, I had wondered about their leaving the burnt remains of Snidely and the biker gang behind, seeing that the road where Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha meet up with Snidely’s road block was probably a well-known and well-utilized road & route for Negan and his operation, and that sooner or later, somebody was going to come up on the charred remains of the biker gang and report back to Negan, who would start sleuthing who the perp(s) were and get to plotting his revenge.

Because it just seems like Negan isn’t the kind of guy who lets such insults slide. Negan feels like he might just be the reigning Godfather of the PZAand if he is that guy, then I don’t think that guy lets shit like blowing up his motorcycle scouts slide.

oh no they di

Negan be like, “Oh, no they didn’t!

<Sipping Stella, trying not to have a bad-boy crush on Negan.>


Replace.There, that’s better. In this post, I am going to feature some of my favorite recent offerings from various TWD-loving IG accounts. ❤ Enjoy, and if you aren’t already, give them a follow!

Meanwhile, back at Alexandria:

walker walk rick 1

walker walk ron 2

walker walk sweet carl 3

walker walk sweet carl 4

walker walk jesse 6

walker walk gabriel 7

walker walk michonne 8

walker walk vday walker 9

walker walk passin thru 10

walker walk passin thru 11

walker walk sam 12

walker walk sam 13

walker walk rick and carl 14

walker walk rick leads gang 15

walker walk jesse 15

walker walk new plan 16

When the gang is able to break away from the walker herd, they duck behind a bush for a brief rest. Rick turns to the others and outlines a new plan: there are too many walkers, too spread out, for the few weapons and flares in the armory to take care of. Rick lays out a plan to head out to the quarry and recover the vehicles there, come back, and I guess, lead the walkers away from Alexandria. As Michonne watches out (looking majorly badass while doing so), Rick tells the group that they need as many drivers as possible.

walker walk jesse but judith 17

Jessie, after a moment’s hesitation, agrees with Rick’s plan…Rick sees the hesitation, waits, then listens as Jessie voices her concerns about Judith’s safety if they set off for the quarry. As always, excellent boyfriend behavior exhibited by our man, Rick Grimes, and good looking out once again by Jessie. Props. <3<3

gabriel steps up 1

Rick turns, thinking, and we see that Gabriel has overheard this conversation, and a light has turned on inside him…this is his chance to step up, to redeem himself. Gabriel recognizes the opportunity immediately, says:

gabriel steps up 2

I’ll take her…keep her safe in my church until you all lead the walkers away.”

gabriel steps up 3

Rick looks into Gabriel’s eyes, measuring this. I looked into Gabriel’s eyes as well, and after a brief wave of creepiness and trepidation, I did believe Gabriel would keep his word and do his best to protect Judith…and as we’ve seen in previous episodes, Gabriel def has some walker killing skillstime to put that shit to good use, son!

gabriel steps up 4 michonne can u do this

Mama Michonne is not taking any chances. “Can you do this?” she asks softly, like, ‘I will fuck you up if you fuck this up, got me?’ Gabriel gets her, says, I’m supposed to…I have to.”

gabriel steps up 5 i will

Gabriel turns to Rick. “I will, he vows. (Well, alrighty then, Gabriel. Don’t fucking blow it…or else.)

gabriel steps up 6 baby judith pass off

Carl passes Baby Judith to Gabriel…what a horrible, scary world to be a sweet little baby in! 😦

gabriel steps up 7 gabriel shush

gabriel steps up 8

Jessie and Rick look on as Gabriel gathers up the baby, covers her in his cloak slimed with walker gutsone of the things that really worked for me with Jessie and Rick’s connection was that they both knew what it was really like to be a parent, and could understand/support each other in that. Jessie would have been a good mom figure to Judith and Carl. 😦 ❤

gabriel steps up 9 take sam

As Gabriel turns to go, Jessie has, voices the idea, “Take Sam.” Sam protests, and despite Jessie’s insistence that he would be safer in the church, with Gabriel…

gabriel steps up 10 sam i'm not leaving you

Sam insists on staying with her, continuing on to the quarry. “I’m not leaving you,” Sam tells his mother.

gabriel steps up 11 jessie gives in

After Sam’s repeated assurances that he will be ok, that he wants to continue on, Jessie, God help her, relents to her son’s wishes (despite not looking too convinced…the shot pans around to the others, and they are not looking too convinced either)…

gabriel steps up 12 rick jessie

…but, Jessie gives in to Sam, thus sealing her fate, and her sons’, as well. 😦

gabriel steps up 13 I'm going to keep her safe

Gabriel turns to Rick, vows, “I’m going to keep her safe.”

gabriel steps up 14 rick says thank u

Rick looks at Gabriel, says simply, humbly, “Thank you.” (One of the first things that I fell in love with about Rick Grimes was his impeccable good manners when someone did him a solid. The man is just solid gold, always. <3)

gabriel steps up 15 michonne stink eye

As Gabriel begins towards the church, Michonne shoots him a final stink eye, like,I’m watching you, got that?”

gabriel steps up 16

They all watch as Gabriel walks away with Judith concealed under his cloak, making his way quietly, evenly, into the throng of walkers. He is doing well, not calling attention to himself.

gabriel steps up 17 rick

Awwwww…. <3<3

gabriel steps up 18 jessie

Jessie looks Rick in the eye, tells him earnestly, Hey, he’s going to make it, ok? Jessie gives Rick’s hand an extra squeeze. “I know it.”

After a moment, Rick takes Sam’s hand, and one by one, they begin to make their way back into the flow of walkers. Carl looks towards Ron, who hangs back, hesitating, and offers Ron his hand…

gabriel steps up 19 carl reaches for ron's hand

gabriel steps up 20 ron

Again, Ron hesitates, looks down at Carl’s proferred hand a moment…

gabriel steps up 21 ron grabs carl's hand

…before taking it in a rather dickish and aggressive fashion (I thought, anyway). (Ugh, you’re such a chip off your dickhead dad, McSlappy!)

Meanwhile, in another part of Alexandria, Tara is peering through the barred window of the home that she, Rosita, Eugene, Carol and Morgan is safely encased in…you can tell she is peering out for any sign of poor Denise, who was taken against her will by the dark-haired young Wolf.

Outside, countless walkers pass, some lurching along in a slow, plodding fashion, others zigzagging in a shuffling sidestep, heads jerking discordantly as long-dead nerves fire intermittently in the most basic arc. a mere brain-stem connection.

There are so many walkers pouring past the barred window.

tara sez we gotta save denise

Tara turns from the window, says, “We have to try. (Man, poor Tara is having some pretty horrible luck dating women in these postapocalyptic times!)

rosita sez no way, there are too many of them

Rosita, who is ever-so-hot, and ever-so-wise, sez no way, there are too many of them.

The girls go back and forth, Tara saying that the Wolf will kill Denise, and Rosita countering that they won’t even be able to get to her (through all those walkers). 

“She needs us!” Tara pleads. “We’ll die, Rosita says, flatly.

rosita is hot lady boss

Like a boss, Rosita lays it down, hard truth delivered firmly, but with love: They have one gun, and there are too many of “those things” out there. The Wolf needs Denise, as he’s sick, and she’s a doctor. (I hadn’t really thought about that angle of it, but that does make sense…he would have a vested interest in making sure Denise made it with him through the walkers.) Rosita points out that the Wolf knows how to survive out there, and that she, Tara, and Eugene need to stay back and make sure Carol and Morgan are ok…when they wake up, then they can make a plan.

“We can’t just go,” Rosita says, quietly, firmly. Tara nods tearfully, agrees.

A noise from the other room startles them, and they go in to see Eugene helping Carol come to standing. She’s pretty jacked, you can tell, after Morgan threw her down on that concrete floor  (thereby earning himself quite the drop in approval ratings from my corner of the universe).

Like, I empathize and all, and I have love for Morgan. I know that he is trying to apply Eastman’s style of kung fu quite literally to his own life, to help him have a code to live by, but Eastman’s methods apply way more in theory than in actual practice around these parts.

Eastman had indulged his deep bloodlust desire for vengeance to the max, building a prison cage inside his mountain home to imprison the man who killed his family, and destroyed Eastman’s life, and exacting his vengeance by watching the man starve to death in that cage, Eastman keeping him alive enough to prolong the man’s suffering while watching it, 24/7 if he wanted to…like bingewatching your revenge.

I have thought about that Eastman storyline,  and I tried to imagine what that would have been like, how long it would have taken, what kind of interactions he and the man had while the man starved to death, day after day without food, and Eastman had total access to watch the whole horrific day-to-day process unfold.

Basically, people, like I’ve said before, I know it isn’t real, but I still obsess, and I have formed a personal theory that Eastman was able to indulge his darkness, his obsessive desire for revenge, fully, and come out the other side, perhaps sobered and sickened by the reality of what he did to the man who killed his family. Dude, starving someone to death who is imprisoned in a cage that is basically right in your living room, where most people’s tv’s would be, is some pretty burly shit.

So, Eastman indulged his darkness, fully, and was living in isolation, so he had time, space, and distance to then immerse himself in his quest for peace and quietude: reading, meditating, practicing with his staff, working in his garden, practicing nonviolence, vegetarianism, embracing life as something precious.  Those lofty ideals that Eastman espoused were much easier to practice safely removed from others, especially in the days after a zombie apocalypse.

The way I see it, Morgan’s path is vastly different from Eastman’s. Every time Morgan hesitates in killing someone, or something, who is clearly a threat and who will remain a threat, well, that hesitation seems to come back and bite him, or someone close to him, in the ass. Little Duane was killed, in a horrible twist of irony, by his undead mother, Jenny, who Morgan remained unable, or unwilling, to rekill, though he had many opportunities to do so, and knowing, deep down, that he needed to.

The Wolf boys who Morgan refused to kill found Aaron’s man purse, and came and slaughtered many residents of Alexandria, and then, those selfsame Wolf boys that Morgan continued to spare tried to ambush and kill Rick Grimes in the RV, and now, one has taken Doctor Denise as a hostage and is trying to cross the sea of walkers to scramble up and over the fence…to do something, I’m not sure what, but I’m pretty sure it involves making Denise a walker, herself, at some point. (Honestly, I am still not sure what these freaking Wolves actually believe in…for a sect of humanity that seems to devalue life so much, that dark-haired Wolfboy sure didn’t seem to be in any hurry to become a walker himself, am I right? Like, hypocrite much?)

Anyhow, not sure how all this rant got started, but basically, I think Morgan is full of crazy beans and needs to get over it, like yesterday, or he can just go free-agent or some shit and get traded to another community, because I do not think the chemistry is there if he continues on this foolhardy crusade of his.

carol wakes up

Carol seems mos def in my camp, as she looks down at Morgan’s unconscious form, asking Rosita if she can borrow her gun, so she can take a sweep around the brownstone and see if there are “any other surprises” waiting for them in there.

morgan wakes up

And then, Morgan wakes up, looks around…

morgan wakes up 2 where is he

…asks, “Where is he?”

morgan wakes up 3 where's denise  he took her

Nobody has the heart to answer right away. Morgan then asks, “Where’s Denise?” to which Carol guesses, immediately, “He took her,” (while actually managing to hold herself back from adding, “You fucking idiot,” to Morgan).  I thought this omission showed some real restraint on Carol’s part. Props, New Carol.

Didn’t he?” New Carol presses Rosita, who answers without words, slowly coming to standing, looking at Carol and nodding, then pulling out her handgun, silently handing it to Carol, who stalks off angrily to take a sweep of the rest of the house.

Morgan’s eyes register his dismay as he realizes the truth of what has happened, while Eugene, no stranger to fucking shit up royally for others, gently encourages Morgan to stand, and offers his assistance in helping Morgan up off the floor.

While that hot drama unfolds in the brownstone, we see an ariel shot of two figures, fleet of foot and nimble of mind, dart across the expanse between the fence and the church in short, well-timed dashes, ducking behind bushes, signs, undetected by the milling walkers, until they are able to scramble up the church steps and get inside safely.

glenn and enid 1

We recognize these figures, with their speed and savvy, as Glenn and Enid. #superteam

…while outside, in another part of town…

denise and the wolf 2

The young Wolf looks over as Denise bravely tries to keep her calm, and composure, as they hunker down and wait for an opening in the steady stream of walkers, just an iron railing away, while taking momentary refuge in the downstairs bricked-in porch/patio of one of Alexandria’s brownstones. The Wolf narrows his eyes and smiles at this, touches his gun to Denise’s back, says, softly, “Easy.”

Meanwhile, once safely inside, Glenn bars the church doors and instructs Enid to look for anything that may have been stashed or hidden, even inside torn-out pages of a bible. As Enid looks up at a proverb painted on the church’s wall, Glenn continues, instructing Enid to look for any cloths or robes, curtains that could be tied together for Maggie to climb down off the platform she is trapped up on, while a swarm of walkers press and paw at her from below.

enid looks up 1

Honestly, at the first watching, I was kind of bored with Enid’s process…sorry, but I was like, “C’mon, Enid, didn’t we do this already, like in that town, in that apartment, then out in the bushes, outside the wall, in the tree, climbing up to the wall? “ Like, I don’t know, didn’t versions of this conversation happen like ten times already, or am I being very creative with my memory (again)?  I was like, “Boring.” My friends were more tolerant with Enid’s process, so I shut up and sipped champagne and tried to emulate their good example. And they were right. Sorry, Enid. I have a shot attention span. I know you are a young girl and Glenn had an important message to impart. I’s a dick.

enid looks up 2

“Faith without works is dead.”

Meanwhile, crouched outside the brownstone as countless walkers stream past, just above their heads, Denise has her eyes closed, breathing through bursts of fear, and panic, that bubble up. The Wolf regards her closely.

wolf and denise 1 how things turn

wolf and denise 2 how things turn

“How things turn,” muses the Wolf, watching Denise like a movie.

glenn like wtf enid

Glenn finally turns around and is like, “WTF Enid?” and Enid’s all like, staring and mopey and like, “When I wanted to run, you said that’s how you lose people…” and then it was all like, wah, wah, wah, blah, blah, blah,  my parents died, everybody dies, what’s the point? and Glenn was like, “You do it because you’re here, they’re not, and so you do it for them,” and Enid was like, “Ohhhh…” (and I was like, “Come on, already!”) and Enid’s all like, “Who were your people ?”

And Glenn’s like…

glenns like who are my people

Who are my people? Girl, I’ll tell you who my people are…”



And then, Enid finally fucking got it, and I was like, “OMG, finally!” and Enid was like, “Oh, look, I found a gun in the bible!” and Glenn was like, “Good job,” and I was all like…

wolf and denise 3 crouched side look

“Oh, YAY, Enid. You go, girl. Now, can we please move the fuck along to the other storylines? Thanks!

So, moving right along, to other storylines…

when theres an opening 1

The Wolf begins to prepare Denise for the next step of the plan, “When there’s an opening…”

when theres and opening 2 well make a break for that tower

“…we’ll make a break for that tower, over there.” Denise tries to convince the Wolf to leave her: “No, I’ll just slow you down…”

denise youre here with me

Poor Denise is not to be let off the hook that easily, however. The Wolf leans in to her. “Denise? You’re here…with me.”

denise you're here with me 2

“I need you.”

denise youre here with me 3 maybe i want u to say bc i'm enjoying your company so much

The Wolf pauses, then smiles horridly, “Maybe I want you to stay…because I’m enjoying your company so much.

Enid, meanwhile, flips the script on Glenn when he tries to order her to stay behind in the church while he goes to rescue Maggie…

enid pulls a glenn

Back in the church, Enid basically pulls a classic Glenn Rhee manuever on Glenn and tells him, “You were right, and I’m here now, so I’m going out there, and I’m helping you!” Enid then hatches a pretty brilliant plan involving Glenn distracting the walkers while she helps Maggie, who is injured and needs help, over the wall. “We do it together,” Enid says. Then she laughs, shakes her head with a shrug. “I’m just going to follow you anyway.” Glenn looks at her like he’s looking in the mirror. (Well, alrighty then, Enid! I like you so much better when you’re not being totally annoying.)

wolf makes chitchat

Meanwhile, the Wolf continues to chat up Denise. “I liked what you said before,” he says, by way of opener.

“That I wasn’t born this way?” the Wolf continues. “You’re right…I changed.

wolf makes chitchat 2

The Wolf looks at Denise intently. “And now, I want to help you change.” (Oh, fuck, it’s some bad, bad fucking news when the dude with reanimated torsos hanging from meat hooks in the truck trailer says that line!)

The Wolf continues, telling Denise that she’s being given “a gift.” The young Wolf looks upward, muses aloud that, maybe, one day, Denise will realize that…or maybe she won’t.

denise be like that breath dude, seriously

Denise be like, “Well, I don’t know about all that, but I do know one thing…your breath smells like a walker ate a dead, decomposing skunk,  and then shit it into your mouth. Seriously, dude, keep fucking breathing on me like that, and I’m gonna jump up and run screaming into that sea of walkers out there, just to get the fuck away from those mossy-ass teeth and that Breath of Death of yours.”

and then night was falling

In the next scene, night is falling, and the walkers continue to swarm the streets of Alexandria. Their hissing and snarling fill the air.

rick leads the gang 1

Rick leading the way, the gang makes their way carefully through the savage walkers.

rick leads the gang 2

carl 1

carl 2 ron

sam 1

At first, Sam is holding it together pretty well, until some particularly messed-up walkers come snarling close by…

sam 2

Butterface Walkers be like, Yo, young homie, looking good, son! Looking fresh.

sam 3

And then, Creepy Carol’s lilting voice begins to fill poor young Sam’s head, reciting the fairy tale that is both a promise and a curse:

the monsters will come 1

“The monsters will come…”

the monsters will come 2

“…and you won’t be able to run away…”

the monsters will come 3

“…when they come for you.”

the monsters will come 4

These images seem like they are straight from the nightmares poor Sam must have started having that very night after Creepy Carol terrorized him into keeping her secret about stealing guns from the armory…

the monsters will come 5

(Damn, Creepy Carol, did  you have to get so jiggy with your scary tale? That poor kid never had a chance…all he wanted was the cookies, Creepy Carol.  All the poor kid wanted was the cookies!)

the monsters will come 8

Creepy Carol’s voice over continues, “The ones out there, and they will tear you apart…”

the monsters will tear you apart and eat you up

“…and eat you up…”

the monsters will tear you apart

“…all while you’re still alive.”

white walker close up

And with those words, the curse was cast upon the doomed young Sam…

sam is a goner 1

…for once the words fell from Creepy Carol’s lips, they imbedded themselves into Sam’s fertile young mind, and black vines of terror and foreboding began on grow wild…

sam is a goner 2 young walker

…until they choked out the light inside the young boy, leaving only darkness within.

sam is a goner 3 jessie sees his terror

Sam stops short, staring at the walker child, and when Jessie looks into her son’s eyes, she sees his terror, his paralysis…and the fear in her eyes grows because she’s seen this before with him…she knows this is bad.

sam is a goner 4 jessie tries to coax him

As Carl looks out, alarmed, Jessie tries to coax her son, “Sam? Come oncome on. Sweetheart? Sam…”

sam is a goner 5 sweetheart, sam

But Sam does not, cannot, heed his mother’s quiet urging...he is frozen with terror.

sam is a goner 6 jessie close up

Jessie pulls at her son’s hand, but Sam does not respond, does not budge, will not move…

sam is a goner 7 sam sam

Rick joins in, and we hear his voice, Jessie’s voice, softly calling to Sam in alarmed whispers… “Sam? Sam! Come on, honey, come with me.” But poor Sam is in the grip of his worst nightmare come to life…


sam is a goner 8 ron

To his credit (which is limited at best), Ron tries to encourage his brother, “Sam! You can do it! Sams, look at Mom! But Sam shakes his head, becoming more and more upset, agitated, starts to cry…his heart pounding, body temperature rising, blood surging to the skin’s surface and to extremities to be ready to fight, or flee…and predators, like the walkers, can sense, smell, prey in distress…

sam is a goner 9 jessie

Jessie kneels down to Sam’s eye-level, says more firmly for Sam to come now, come with her…

sam is a goner 10 whimpers

Poor Sam, paralyzed by his fear, whimpers, “I want to.”

sam resigned

This shot really gets me…it felt to me like Sam had already resigned himself to his unspeakable fate in the moment before the walkers’ attack

sam chomp 1

And then…oh, God! OH, GOD, oh, God, oh God.

sam chomp 2


sam chomp 3

Like, seriously, people…

sam chomp 4

…I may need to go on antidepressants after rewatching this scene. OMFG, is that a chunk out of Sam’s shoulder in Take A Bite Outta Sam Walker’s mouth? Jesus Christ…


sam chomp 5

At this point, I usually insert a technical factoid to distance myself from the horror of what is happening in a scene, so here goes: On Talking Dead, Greg Nicotero explained how the special effects crew designed special dentures for the walker actors in this scene. The dentures contained fake blood capsules that burst when the actor bit down on them, creating the effect of the blood streaming from poor Sam’s head as the walker bites down on it.

sam chomp 6

As the walkers engulf the little boy, poor Sam unleashes a blood curdling scream that has haunted my dreams, as well as some of my waking hours, since…

And, of course, the horror is just beginning…

jesse chomp 2

Poor Jessie… 😦

jesse chomp 3


jesse chomp 4 hands

I…cannot. (Honestly, of all the gnarly and heartbreaking screenshots I have ever posted on this site, I think this shot, of Jessie holding her son’s hand as he gets eaten alive by walkers, has gutted me more than any other image I have posted. I am so glad this shit isn’t real, that Major Dodson and Alexandra Breckenridge are alive and well. (And p.s., Robert Kirkman, Scott M. Gimple, and Greg Nicotero, I will be sending you three the bill for all the therapy I am going to need after watching, and rewatching this scene in the writing process. Bravo, sirs…well played, well played.)

jesse chomp 6 ron and michonne

Ron looks on in disbelief as Michonne’s eyes register the horror and gravity of their situation.

jesse chomp 7 walker

And, when a walker looks up a moment, tearing away a bleeding piece of her son’s flesh, muscle…

jesse chomp 8 jesse scream

…Jessie unleashes a primal scream of a mother’s anguish as Rick, in shock at the sudden, horrific turn of events, looks helplessly on…

jesse chomp 9 walker

This scream, of course, gets the attention of nearby walkers…

jesse chomp 10 carl ron jesse

…as Carl (whose hand Jessie still grips) and Ron realize, with growing alarm, what is surely about to happen…we her Rick’s voice, sounding so far away through her echoing screams, “Jessie...Jessie!

As her son’s hand slackens in her grip, Jessie’s gaze deadens as she stares, fixated, at the grisly sight before her, of a group of walkers feasting on her youngest son, tearing him apart before her very eyes.

jesse chomp 11 carl

Carl, pale, panicked, sweaty, calls to Jessie in a frantic whisper, tries to pull her away, but she cannot, does not, heed him…


jesse chomp 12 you have to come

“You have to come!” Carl begs her. Jessie pulls back, in shock, seems unable to process this horror, this nightmare.

jessie chomp 1

The walkers pounce on Jessie so quickly…

jesse chomp 13 walkers

…it takes Jessie a moment to register what is happening to her.

jesse chomp 14

By the time she realizes, it is already too late. The walkers descend on poor Jessie.

carl shock 1

rick shock 1

“No,” Rick keeps muttering, in dull shock and grief, watching the lovely, good woman who he cared so deeply for suffer such an angonizing, cruel fate…

jesse flashback 1jesse flashback 2jesse flashback 3

carl shock 2

Carl’s voice cuts through Rick’s reverie: “Dad…Dad!” Rick looks over, dazed, to see Carl’s hand still held fast in Jessie’s death grip…

jesse carls hands 1

rick axe 1

As if in a dream, Rick lifts the axe he is holding, and after the barest hesitation, brings it down on Jessie’s arm…

rick axe 2

…and begins to hack away at it to save his son.

rick axe 3 red jessie

rick axe 4

rick axe 5

rick axe 6 red jesse

rick axe 7

rick axe 8

With a final swing of the axe, Rick severs poor Jessie’s arm through, freeing Carl. The walkers pile savagely on Jessie, pulling her down to the ground in frenzy of feeding.

Through all this, a handgun (I forget whose gun this is…anyone?) falls into the grass, unheeded by Rick, Carl…but someone, someone who has now lost everyone closest to him, and who blames Rick Grimes for this, notices the gun, lying there.

rick axe 9 ron gun click

Carl whirls at the sound of the handgun’s safety being released, sees Ron, who is clutching the gun, pointing it at Rick, behind Carl. “You…” Ron grinds out, staring at Rick with unbridled hatred.

rick axe 10 ron gun

“You!” Ron says, again, pointing the gun at Rick.

rick axe 11 rick

Rick says nothing, does not try to defend himself, or talk Ron down.

michonne skewers ron 1

Before Ron can fire the gun at Rick, Michonne comes from behind, and in one quick upward thrust…

michonne skewers ron 2

…and skewers the shit out of Ron McSlappy, son of an abusive a-hole, bearer of a legit grudge against Rick Grimes, but…we can’t have you killing our main man, McSlappy. Michonne no likey when some dicknuts is trying to kill her man, Rick Grimes…remember that time when the Gov was beating Rick almost to death at the Battle Royale for the prison?



Then, suddenly, Snidely brings the weapons down, by his sides, slumping into his bike’s seat, looks down, as if reconsidering…

Ron, in his dying throes and jerks, does manage to squeeze off one shot, involuntarily, as he goes down. Michonne pulls her blade back quickly, silently, as Rick nods his thanks to her and walkers fall upon Ron’s dying body.

carl eye 1 dad

Rick then turns to his son…and sees…

carl eye 2 dad


carl eye 3 rick

“Carl!” Rick gasps, stricken at the sight of his son, blood pouring out of the hole where Carl’s right eye used to be.

carl eye 4 carl ground

Carl collapses to the ground. Rick rushes to his unconscious son and quickly scoops him up into his arms.

carl eye 5 michonne rick carl

Wild with anguish, Michonne hacks a clear path through the swarm of walkers as Rick runs behind her, Carl bleeding out in his arms.

Holy crap, gang, I tell you…there isn’t enough wine in the world to make that shit go away anytime soon.

(Side note, I was still working on this scene when TWD’s Episode 609 aired this Sunday.  It did my soul good to watch the next episode, and celebrate the classic Rick/Daryl hotness, as well as the new man talent (I ❤ Jesus), but it definitely was surreal to have to go back, after the watching of that frolicsome episode, and taking part in the Richonne celebration, and reimmerse myself into recounting this dark scene.

Honestly, t kind of messed me up, and I actually woke up the next day exhausted, run-down, fighting off a cold, and asking myself, for the umpteenth time, “Why the hell am I putting myself through this?”

I know why, loves…I think I do, anyway. It’s inexplicable, but it’s something bigger than me. It’s like some kind of Field of Weird Dreams:  “If you write it, it will come.”

What will come, I have no idea, but this crazy project has been a life-changing endeavor, as it keeps me writing, and creating, and the readership is ever-increasing, at an unprecendented rate, with views from all over the world.

And, thanks for that, gang. Thanks for reading my crazy-ass blog. 

It means the world…it really does. ❤ <3<3<3


Now, where were we? Ah, yes, having survived the Jessie/Sam/Ron/Carl scene portrayal, let us step back and enjoy a couple of related IG postings:


This post features the amazing makeup and technical effects that went into creating the illusion of Carl’s eye wound.The makeup effects team created an incredibly realistic dummy in Chandler Riggs’ likeness, complete with eye wound, which was used in certain scenes, like the scene where Rick is running, carrying his wounded, unconscious son through the walker horde. An image of the eye wound was also digitally superimposed onto Chandler Riggs’ face (shown in the last panel)  in the final edits of the scene where Carl looks up Rick, immediately after getting shot by Ron.


And this post (by the always-hilarious @therickygrimes ) is one of my personal favorites in regards to the character of poor, doomed Sam.

And, mad props, and a round of Deadies to:

1) Alexandra Breckenridge, the lovely and talented actress who plays Jessie Anderson. 

Jessie, girl, despite my initial resistance to your coming on the scene, I did grow to have love for you. Respect.  You did not deserve what you had to endure, both in your life, and in your death. I am glad you got to kiss Rick Grimes, and hopefully, you were able to knock out a quick one with him in that garage before all the shit went down.

RIP Jessie Anderson

2) Major Dodson, who plays Sam Anderson, the sweet, doomed boy who went in search of cookies, and found himself a world of shit, instead…sorry, little buddy. That’s some rough breaks, right there. I love me some cookies, as well, and I could see myself getting into some similar trouble in the PZA in my endless quest for tasty night snacks.


Chris Hardwick posted this hilarious IG posting comparing a childhood picture of himself next to the talented young actor, Major Dodson, with the hashtag #IAmSam

RIP Sam Anderson

And, finally:

3) A very special Deadie to Austin Abrams, the handsome and talented young actor who plays the complex character of Ron Anderson (a.k.a. Ron McSlappy).

Austin, it is not an easy thing to play a character who is generally disliked by an overprotective, somewhat obsessive fan base, but you really did an amazing job. Baller, truly. 

May your young star continue to rise…you’ve def got the goods, son.

And, Ron, well, you started out sweet, then downward-spiraled pretty quickly into becoming a bitter young D-bag.

Carl said it best, when he told you, straight up, that “Your dad was an asshole.”

He was, and for that, I am so sorry. And, your beef with Rick Grimes was definitely understandable, but we can’t have you shooting at the man, Ron, and we certainly cannot have you shooting out Carl’s eye.

That aggression simply will not stand, Ron McSlappy.

(I think, once again, Talking Dead’s In Memoriam said it best):

RIP Ron McSlappy


Meanwhile, back at the brownstone:

tara peers out 1

As Tara tirelessly keeps watch out the window for any sign of Denise…

morgan mopes 1

…and Morgan mopes…

eugene machete

…Eugene ponders the machete he holds in his hands.

eugene machete 2 game face and front lines mullet

Sporting both a game face and the Front Lines mullet, Eugene looks up at Rosita, who is watching him with narrowed eyes.

eugene machete 3 rosita

“Sooner or later, we’re fightin’ our way out of here,” Eugene says. Rosita regards Eugene a moment more, says nothing, then turns her gaze away.

“I am fully aware that you know that we will,” Eugene continues, in classic #EugeneSpeak.

eugene machete 4 i know that you're fully aware that we will  yeah

Rosita looks back at him. “Yeah,” she confirms, arms crossed, “We will.”  Rosita then narrows her eyes at Eugene. “Not you,“she says, somewhat bitterly, and begins to move past him. 

Eugene protests, “Well, by my reckon…”  Rosita cuts him off with a sharp hiss. “Eugene!” she says, arms crossed and eyes shooting daggers down at him. “Come on!” Rosita stalks off angrily…

eugene machete 5 by my reckon

…leaving Eugene sitting there, holding the machete and rocking the Butt-Hurt mullet. She’s right…how many times did she, Abraham, and so many others fight off walkers to protect him in the past, while he faked having the key to curing the walker epidemic? (Gotta say, really loving this shot of Eugene.)

wolf 1

Meanwhile, the dark Wolf peers through the railing at the walkers moving away, en masse. “They’re moving towards the gunfire,” he says, then muses, “I suppose someone thought they  could put up a fight…I guess you all thought that.

wolf 2 denise

“We did put up a fight,” Denise replies. “That’s why your friends are dead.” (Oh SNAP, Doctor Denise! You throw some shade at that bad man, girl! )

wolf 3 denise look, wolf reply

Denise cuts a sideways look as the Wolf agrees easily,Yeah…we should have waited, and watched a little longer. I was selfish.” The Wolf smiles, remembering, as he moves behind Denise to her left side, watching the flow of the walkers. “But, if I hadn’t been so selfish, I wouldn’t have gotten that I.V.”

Clocking the walkers, the Wolf tells Denise, “We’re gonna find a gap, and GO…up that guard tower, and over the wall.”

wolf 5 looks at denise

The young Wolf then turns to Denise, looks at her intently, grabs her arm.

wolf 6 and denise looks back at him

Denise turns to look at him, afraid.

“You don’t need to be afraid,” the Wolf tells her. Denise turns her eyes back to the steady flow of walkers in front of them, turns back to look the Wolf in the eye.

wolf 7 go to hell

“Go to hell,” Denise tells him.

wolf 8 you need to know, it's safer out there than it is in here

The Wolf replies, “You need to know, it’s safer out there than it is in here.” Denise does not reply. “Start moving,” the Wolf commands her, “Start moving.” Denise is left no choice but to nod, wordlessly, and starts moving towards the stairs, the Wolf right behind her.

As they slowly make their way up the steps, the Wolf instructs Denise, “Straight up the guard post, and do not stop…go!

wolf 9 run for it

Using Denise as a human shield, the Wolf pushes her forward as they begin to dash across an opening in the stream of walkers.

wolf 10 walker blocking them

They zigzag past the walkers, but see that there is one walker blocking their way to the ladder, and another walker or two turning towards them…

wolf 11 post blocker walker

Post Blocker Walker be like, “Hey, y’all know where the dang all-you-can-eat dinner buffet is? I been lookin’ all over the place for it, and I cain’t find it anywhere!”

wolf 12 stabs walker

Owww! Goddam, now that hurts like a sonuvabitch! Y’all young people nowadays got shit for manners, you know that?”

wolf 13 early bird special walker

Early Bird Special Walker grabs Denise and starts shaking her. “You gonna tell me where that damn all-you-can eat buffet is, you hear?

wolf 14 i wore my purdy dress

“I got all dolled up for the fancy party, wore my purtiest dress, got my hair did and everything! Now, I’m a gonna get me somma that all-you-can-eat buffet, so you better just start talking,  missy!”

After killing Post Blocker Walker, the young Wolf turns around, looking for Denise, and sees her trying to fend off Early Bird Special Walker. Now, the Wolf has a clear path to the ladder, is right there, but he rushes back to help Denise, stabbing Early Bird Special Walker in her rotting skull, rekilling her.

wolf 15 stabs ebs walker

Aaaahhhh! That ain’t no way to treat a lady, no sir! Lookit what you gone and done…you done ruined my fancy hairdo!”

wolf 16 you had it comin walker

As soon as the she-walker slumps down, dead for good, You Had This Coming Walker takes a bite out of the Wolf’s left arm.

wolf 17 chunk outta arm

Gnarly! As You Had This Coming tears a huge chunk out of the Wolf’s arm, the young man howls with pain and rage and rekills the walker with a downward stab to the head.

As the young man’s arm begins bleeding out, Denise stares down in momentary shock, then she looks up at the Wolf. “You get me to the infirmary,” she tells him, “and I’ll save your life.” He looks at her in shock. “I’ll save your life,” she says, again.

wolf 18 denise says u get me to the infirmary, i'll save your life

The Wolf and Denise begin to run back towards the infirmary...

carol 1

Meanwhile, Carol has done a sweep of the brownstone, and looks out the window, upstairs, down at the streets filled with walkers. She sits down heavily, her head in her hand. She looks so over it.

carol 2 morgan

Carol hears a noise, jumps up, gun raised, sees it is Morgan, who approaches slowly, looking somewhat shamefaced.

carol 3

Carol’s face, as she registers who it is, shows her anger. She lowers the gun, turns back to the window. Morgan comes into the room cautiously, towards Carol, not taking his eyes from her.

carol 4 morgan guesses you had a child

“You had a child…right? Morgan guesses, astutely.

carol 5 looks out window

Carol does not reply. “A husband?” Morgan guesses, again, and Carol’s eyes close a moment at that. “I didn’t want to hurt you,” Morgan explains, by way of apology. “I had to stop you.”

carol 6

Carol calls Morgan out, her voice shaking with anger.. “You saved him for you, not us.”

carol 7 if it was for us, you would have...

“If it was for us, Carol continues, “you would have-…” and she lets the thought trail off, unsaid.

carol 8 i should have killed you

“I should have killed you,” Carol says, looking a little shaken at this realization. “I should have…”

carol 9 you can't

“You can’t, Morgan replies, before turning and walking out of the room.

Meanwhile, Denise and the Wolf duck into an office. The Wolf stares ahead in shock as Denise unbuckles his belt to make a tourniquet for his bitten arm.

doc denise 1

“The infirmary is right across the alley,” she tells the dazed Wolf.

doc denise 2

“We need to get you there, now.

The Wolf continues to look dazed with shock. “Hey!” Denise says, trying to bring him back to the present. The Wolf looks at her, then looks away, his brow furrowing with confusion. “The ladder was clear,” he says, wonderingly. “We could have made it.”

doc denise 3

“You turned back for me,” Denise reminds him, tightening the tourniquet around his arm. The Wolf turns to look at her, remembering. “Maybe it was because you needed a doctor,” Denise says, looking at the Wolf significantly..

doc denise 4

“Or, maybe you changed.” The Wolf looks at her, stunned at this. Denise turns to go, then turns back to the Wolf. “You ready?” she asks him, and after a moment, he follows her out of the office.

Once outside, the pair must start fighting off many walkers. The Wolf is able to shove a few nearby walkers away and clear a path, but one walker makes straight for Denise.

doc denise 5

Sub Pop Walker be flyin’ the flannel and the ferocity.

The Wolf pulls the walker away from Denise, just in time, and calls to her to “Come on!” when a couple of pops sound out from above…

doc denise 6

The Wolf is hit by one bullet, then another, as Denise stops and stares, in shock, first at the Wolf, then up where Carol is standing above them, on an upstairs balcony, pointing a gun at the Wolf. “Go!” screams Carol to Denise.

Denise hesitates, and Sub Pop Walker lurches forward for another go at her. The Wolf clasps his arms around the walker from behind, dragging it down with him as he echoes Carol’s command, yelling for Denise to “Go!”. Denise looks back at him a moment more, as walker upon walker descend upon the young Wolf, before turning and running.

doc denise 8

Carol watches the young Wolf, whom she had wanted to kill, and who just so clearly intervened to save Denise’s life, get taken down by walkers. Carol’s face shows her conflict, and her sadness as she watches this. A very special Lupine Deadie goes to Austrailian actor Benedict Samuel, who plays the dark haired Wolf, and who, thankfully, is as handsome and delightful as he is talented. Well done, mate!

heath 1

Denise rushes into the infirmary as Heath and Aaron quickly bar the door behind her. (And, where the hell has Heath been this whole time? I haven’t seen that dude since before the Wolves attacked Alexandria. Heath’s all like, “Whoa, man, I was totally bingewatching Gilmore Girls dvds, and then I musta fallen asleep, because next thing I know, this crazy noise wakes me up, and I look out the window, and there’s like a shit-ton of walkers everywhere!”)

Aaron peers out the infirmary window, whispers, “Oh my God!” at what he sees outside…the others peer out and see:

aaron sees rick and michonne

Rick and Michonne running, Rick carrying his unconscious, bleeding son in his arms, as Michonne hacks a path through the walkers to clear the way. They are hauling ass to the infirmary.

“It’s the kid,” says Heath. “Is he bit?”

aaron sees rick and michonne 2

Denise closes her eyes, takes a few deep breaths to steady herself, then replies, “No.” She then starts to order the men to gather the needed supplies, meds, IV, gurney. They rush to do her bidding. Doctor Denise is in the house!

rick brings carl 1

Denise opens the door and points Rick towards the waiting gurney. He rushes through the doorway, Michonne behind him, both looking frantic with worry for Carl.


rick brings carl 2 please save him

Denise immediately begins assessing the situation. “Gun shot wound?” she asks. “Handgun, close-range,” Michonne replies. As Denise gets to work, Rick pleads, softly, humbly, “Please save him…”

rick brings carl 3 eye wound

“Please! (And how about those eye wound effects? So super duper gnarltastic!)

rick dad 1

Denise’s voice, and the others’ voices, begin to drone out, sound further and further away as it all begins to close in on poor Rick:  His son is gravely wounded, eye shot out, he just watched his girlfriend and her son get eaten alive by walkers, and to add insult to injury, Rick had to hack off his doomed gf’s arm with an axe to free his son…and then, poor Carl took a bullet in the eye that was meant for Rick, and now, he’s watching a capable woman, who is an untrained doctor, begin the procedures to try to save his son. #shittiestdayever


rick dad 2 michonne takes off walker cloak

My WD buddies and I loved this tender gesture on Michonne’s part, taking the walker guts cloak off Rick for him. ❤

rick dad 3

Rick turns away, head in hand, then turns back as Denise begins to operate on Carl, ordering Michonne to apply pressure to Carl’s head, above the eye, to try to keep him steady during the procedure, and to limit blood loss…

rick dad 4

Rick peers out the window, and as feared, the light that Denise is using for surgery is indeed drawing the attention of nearby walkers, who are shuffling en masse towards the infirmary.

rick dad 5 axe drawn

Rick Smash! has some serious rage that he needs to work out, and so our man pulls out his trusty hatchet, goes to the door, and begins to open it.

rick dad 6 axe ready

Time to get to work, Rick Smash! (P.S. I love you. <3)

rick dad 7 rick what are you doing

As he saunters out the door, ready to fuck shit up, we can hear Michonne’s voice calling after him, “Rick! What are you doing? Rick…Rick!” Rick Smash! does not hesitate as he out the door and closes it behind him. <3<3<3<3

rick smash 1

Rick Smash! is not fucking around.

rick smash 2

Our main man is all about the business of fucking some walkers UP.

rick smash 2.5

Rick Smash! be like, “I am most ill and I’m axin’ and slayin!'”

rick smash 3

(On a side note, my hubby’s been teaching me how to split logs, and I’ve been wielding the axe a lot lately, chopping a lot of wood. I have a long way to go with my building my strength and skillz, but I have been thinking that the axe might be my signature weapon in a zombie apocalypse. Just a lil FYI.)

rick smash 4

As Rick Smash! kicks Why Don’t You Ax Him? Walker‘s rekilled ass away, Phil Side Walker looks on in dismay all the harshness going down, like right in front of him.. He’s all like, “Hey, man! Hey, man, that’s not cool! That’s not cool, bro…so not cool!!”

rick smash 5 phil side walker

Phil Side Walker continues his conscientious objections: “Dude, your agro is totally harshing the collective mellow…don’t you know, like, it’s all connected, bro? We are all one with the universe, man!”


rick smash 6

But, of course, Rick Smash! doesn’t care about any of that shit. He just wants to smash him some of these undead fuckers that keep ruining his life and fucking everything up for everyone he loves. And so, he does, looking completely sexy and baller while doing so.

rick smash 7

He gets jiggy with that shit, and we likey. 

rick smash 8

rick smash 9

rick smash 10

rick smash 11

rick smash 12

rick smash 12.5

At this point, Phil Side Walker feels it is his karmic duty to call out, “Dude, bro, violence is never the answer!”

rick smash 13

rick smash 14

❤ The Rick Smash! angels in my head are singing, “Hallelujah!” ❤

michonne rick 1

Back inside, Michonne keeps looking towards the door, getting frantic. “Rick’s out there,” she says, in a rush.. “Hold on,” says Doc Denise, calmly, stitching Carl’s wound.


michonne rick 2 he's out there, he needs my help

“He needs my help!” Michonne presses. “Just one more suture,” Doc Denise replies, steadily working. “He’s out there! Michonne cries.(OMFG, were you fellow Richonners out there just loving the shit out of this, or what? I was sooo dying! ❤ )

michonne rick 3 one more suture

Doc Denise is all like, “Girl, I know you gotta get out there to your bf and all, but first things first…”

michonne rick 4 this is his son, one more second

Doc Denise says calmly, firmly, This is his son. Give me a second.” Really becoming a major fan of Doc Denise, and busting out a love offering right here, right now by awarding Doc Denise both a barnfullawalkers Weird Science Deadie Doctorate and naming her as one of the three MVP‘s of TWD Episode 609Daryl Dixon, Doc Dense, and our third  MVP will be named soon enough, loves, and I am sure you know who it is already. 🙂 ❤

michonne rick 5 yes doctor

Even Michonne, in her panic, is like, “Yes, Doctor.” Behind her, Aaron marvels, “He’s taking them all on…we have to go get him.

michonne rick 6

Spencer’s like, “Say what?” (Yeah, that means you. too, pretty boy, so grow a pair, arm yourself, and get out there and get to rekilling STAT.)

calvary 1

Heath (who is well-rested and reinspired after his long nap and Gilmore Girls marathon) turns to Spencer, agrees with Aaron. “We have to.” Heath turns to the others, taking deep breaths, readying himself for battle. “This is it.”

michonne rick 7 kisses carl

Doc Denise announces, “Got it,” and Michonne bends down to give Carl a quick kiss on his forehead…

…then grabs her katana, rushing out the door, with Heath, Aaron, and after a moment’s hesitation, Spencer, following right behind her.


calvary 2 walkers

The walkers are coming full force towards Rick, who is still hacking away at them, berzerker style.

calvary 3 rick

calvary 4 rick

calvary 5

The others, Michonne, Aaron, Heath, and Spencer, join Rick, and the gang forms a kill circle, back to back, facing the oncoming walkers head on…

calvary 6 f2c guy

…as other residents of Alexandria look out from the safety of indoors, and see the small circle of warriors battling for their town… (I think this is Fax 2 Cleveland guy from the Abraham/Francine walker attack construction site. Go, F2C guy, go on with your bad self and help Rick Grimes take back this town!)

calvary 7 olivia

Go, Olivia!

calvary 8 eric

Go, Eric! You can do it!

calvary 9 heath rekill

Heath got some mad rekill skillz…

calvary 10 heath skillz

calvary 11 rick knock em away drive em down  and sees

Rick-In-Charge orders his band of warriors: “Knock “em away, drive ’em down.” He then turns to see…

calvary 12 second string eric and olivia

…the second string, machetes in hand, running down the steps to join the fight! Yahoo!

calvary 13 eric and aaron

Couples who rekill together, stay together!

calvary 14 rick and spencer

Spencer’s starting to get the hang of this…

calvary 15 rick we can beat em

“We can beat ’em!” Rick exhorts his troops.

calvary 16 aerial shot

Aerial view, as the Battle For Alexandria rages on.


gabriel 1

From inside his church, Father Gabriel peers out the window at Rick and the others fighting. We can hear Rick shouting orders, encouragement from outside.

gabriel 2

Judith begins to fuss, and Gabriel takes her over to a female parishioner, asks her to take the baby.

gabriel 3

gabriel 4 tobin gabriel, what are you doing

Gabriel then walks over, picks up a bloodstained machete, and walks over to the door. Tobin follows him, asks, “Gabriel, what are you doing?”

gabriel 5 we've been praying, praying together, for god to save our town

Gabriel turns to the his parishioners. “We have been praying, together, praying that God will save our town…”

gabriel 6 well our prayers have been answered

“Well, our prayers have been answered. God will save Alexandria…”

gabriel 7

“…because God has given us the courage to save ourselves.” (Can I hear a “Praise the Lord!”?)

berzerkers 1

As Rick Grimes and his merry band of Badass Berzerkers go to town on the walker herd…

berzerkers 2

berzerkers 3 carol rick's making a stand we need to get out there

Tara tells the others, in the brownstone, that the walkers outside are starting to thin out…Carol comes in and informs them that Rick, along with Michonne and some others, is making a stand against the walkers. “We need to get out there,” Carol says, heading for the door.

Carol tells Tara that Denise made it back to the infirmary safely, then tells the others that she’s going to help Rick.

berzerkers 4 morgan

Morgan chimes in, says that he is going, too. The others, one by one, voice their support. They are all in, even Eugene.

berzerkers 5 rosita eugene you don't have to

Rosita turns to Eugene. “Eugene, you don’t have to,” she tells him.

berzerkers 6 eugene

“That’s incorrect, I do, Eugene replies. “Nobody gets to clock out today. And, hell, this is a story that people are gonna tell.

battle 1

And so, the story of the Battle of Alexandria continues, as the invading walkers stream towards the fight…

battle 2

Rosita and Eugene leading the way, the others join the seige.

battle 3 wolf walker

The first blow Morgan delivers with his staff sends a walker to the ground, and as it rears back up, snarling, Morgan sees it is the young dark-haired Wolf.

battle 4 morgan i'm sorry

Morgan looks down at the Wolf Walker. “I’m sorry,” he says, before swiftly delivering the fatal blow.

maggie rescue 1

Meanwhile, Operation Rescue Maggie is underway, with Glenn and Enid sprinting past walkers…

maggie rescue 2

…to the lookout post Maggie is trapped up on. To Glenn’s horror, the walker horde is charging the posts, and the makeshift wooden structure is rocking as Maggie hangs desperately on. It will not hold much longer.

Glenn orders Enid to “Go get her,” and when Enid hesitates, Glenn barks out the order again. Go get her!

As Enid rushes forward towards Maggie, and the swarming walkers…

maggie rescue 3

…Glenn begins firing his handgun, screaming to the walkers, “Over here! Over here!

maggie rescue 4 maggie sees glenn

Hearing Glenn’s voice, Maggie looks up to see her man for the first time since before he set out to redirect the quarry walkers and was feared dead.

maggie rescue 5 maggie yells glenn

Maggie immediately sees the danger Glenn is putting himself in. “Glenn!” she cries.

maggie rescue maggie glenn!

“Glenn!” Unbeknownst to Maggie, Enid is scaling up the side of the tower to help her. Glenn continues shooting, calling to the walkers, to draw them away from Maggie, going hand-to-hand with the ones that get too close to him. “Over here! Hey! Over here!

maggie rescue 6 maggie enid

Maggie helps pull Enid up, and they both watch helplessly as the horde of walkers begin to stream over to Glenn, who continues shooting, yelling, fighting them off.

maggie rescue 7 glenn and walkers

The walkers continue to swarm around Glenn, backing him up against a wall. He continues to fight, and that this point in the inital watching, TWD fans’ cortisol levels were rising…

maggie rescue 8 maggie gun

Maggie raises her gun, aims, and pulls the trigger, but the telltale click signals that the gun is out of ammo. “Shit!” she swears, then in a last-ditch effort, she bangs the gun against the railing, trying to draw their attention away from Glenn, to no avail.

maggie rescue 9 glenn getting closed in

Glenn Rhee continues to fight, to the very end if he has to…

maggie rescue 10 glenn closed in on

…and the walkers continue to close in on him.

maggie rescue 11 maggie watches

Maggie watches, helpless and distraught, as Enid takes advantage of the clearing to tie her makeshift rope to the railing. It is what Glenn would want her to do, and she knows it.

maggie rescue 12 glenn!

Maggie cries, frantic, watching the walkers close in and around Glenn.

Suddenly, the sound of shots pepper the air, and the walkers closest to Glenn go down, one by one.

glenn drops for cover

Glenn drops for cover as the walkers around him go down, one by one, in a spray of undead blood and guts.

glenn drops for cover 2

It’s the sexy sharpshooters, Abraham and Sasha, come to save the day!

As Glenn looks up dazed, he sees Abraham looking down at him.


“Can you get the gate?” Abraham jokingly calls to Glenn. “Appreciate it, pal!” And with a laugh, Abraham returns to one of his favorite pasttimes…

abraham 2

…blowing away some walkers.

abraham 3

Later, fuglies.

end 1

As Abraham, Sasha, and Enid help Maggie down onto Patty the fuel tanker…

end 2 daryl and glenn

…Glenn climbs into the shotgun seat,. Daryl asks him, “What the hell happened?” Glenn replies that he doesn’t know, he just got back there, himself. It’s crazy to think of all that has happened to each of them since they first set off for the quarry, to lead the walkers away from Alexandria.

Glenn voices the idea of leading the walkers away, but Daryl has a better plan. He bangs on the ceiling of the truck, signaling the others on top.

end 3 eric sporty style

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Rick and the others continue to go hand-to-hand with the walkers. (I found myself admiring Eric’s sporty style of walker killing…those Alexandria cardio kickboxing classes have really paid off!)

However fearsome and badass each warrior is in holding his/her own, the walkers’ sheer numbers continue to give them the advantage as they press onward towards the living.

end 4 daryl backs patty up to the pond

Meanwhile, Daryl backs the fuel truck up to Alexandria’s mini lake in the center of town…

end 5 daryl unleashes gas into water

…and while Glenn, Sasha, and Abraham fight off walkers, Daryl opens the hose and unleashes a large spray of gasoline into the lake.

end 6

The warriors of Alexandria continue to face off with the press of walkers…

end 7

…who keep backing them up…

end 8

…until they are nearly up against the walls.

lake of fire 1lake of fire 2lake of fire 3lake of fire 4lake of fire 5lake of fire 6lake of fire 8lake of fire 9lake of fire 10 walkers see firelake of fire 11 walkers firelake of fire 12 walkers close uplake of fire 13 walker killslake of fire 14 walkers lake 1lake of fire 15 daryllake of fire 16 walkers on firelake of fire 17 fire walkerslake of fire 18 fire walkerslake of fire 19 fire walkerslake of fire 20 rick

The next day…

next day 1next day 2next day 3next day 4next day 5next day 6next day 7

carl rick 1

carl rick 2 i was wrong

“I was wrong.”

carl rick 3 i thought after living behind these walls for so long that...

“I thought after living behind these walls for so long…”

carl rick 4 maybe they couldn't learn

“…that maybe they couldn’t learn.”

carl rick 5 but today

“But, today…”

carl rick 6 today i saw what they could do...what we could do

“Today, I saw what they could do…what we could do…”

carl rick 7 if we work together

“…if we work together.”

carl rick 8 we'll rebuild the walls, we'll expand the walls

“We’ll rebuild the walls…we’ll expand the walls.”

carl rick 9 there will be more, there's gotta be more

“There will be more; there’s gotta be more.

carl rick 10 everything that deanna was talking about

“Everything that Deanna was talking about…”

carl rick 11 is possible, it's all possible, I see that now

“…is possible. It’s all possible. I see that, now.

carl rick 12 when I was out there with them, when I knew it was over, I had this feeling

“When I was out there, with them, when I knew it was over, I had this feeling…”

carl rick 13 it took me a while to remember what it was

“It took me a while to remember what it was…”

carl rick 14 because I hadn't felt it since before I woke up in that hospital bed

“…because I hadn’t felt it since before I woke up in that hospital bed.”

carl rick 15

carl rick 16 i want to show you the new world, carl  i want to make it a reality for you please, please carl, let me show you

“I want to show you the new world, Carl. I want to make it a reality for you. Please, please, Carl…let me show you.”

carl rick 17 carls hand closes over ricks

In response, Carl’s fingers close gently over his father’s hand.

carl rick 18 rick lookscarl rick 19 rick looks

carl rick 20 rick looks at carl

Ladies and gentlemen, our third and final MVP for Episdoe 609: Rick Grimes.<3 ❤ <3<3

Well, kids, there it is. I wanted to pay homage to this incredible episode and reconnect with my fave show with a super tweaktastic post.  I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the playlist as well. Next couple of posts will def be breezier, more scaled-down, but def showing the love and celebrating TWD.

Until next week, loves, and enjoy the playlist.



Aerosmith, “Back In The Saddle”

Judas Priest, “You Got Another Thing Comin'”

Van Halen, “On Fire”

Misfits, “Last Caress”

The Smiths, “This Night Has Opened My Eyes”

Mob Deep (Nas, Raekwon), “Eye For And Eye (Your Beef Is Mines)”

Smith & Mighty, “Walk On”

Meat Puppets, “Backwater”

Nirvana, “Oh Me”

Nirvana, “Lake of Fire”

Nirvana, “About A Girl”

PJ Harvey, “The Wheel”

The Night Before The Walking Dead, Season 6 Premiere


Tonight. 9 p.m. Eastern. Season 6 is finally here.

What can I say, at this point, that hasn’t already been said?

I, like you all, am feeling the love, the anxiety, the excitement. I am so nervous about what dangers are coming, and I am so worried for our gang. I love them all so much, and I don’t want to lose a single one of them…but I know that’s not really how this all works.

I know it’s not real, people, but I still obsess. It’s how I do. And if you have found this blog, and actually read my tweaker posts, then I guess that’s how you do, too!

Welcome aboard the Crazy Train.

I have come to refer to this time, when the TWD television series is about to resume, and kick all our asses, as “blog season.” Ever since the fall of 2013, when TWD’s Season 4 began, I have been writing about each new episode of The Walking Dead television series, and aside from some questionable font choices, and typos (which I still find), I can pretty much say that I stand by my crazy product.

I have read, and reread, each post I have written so many times by now that I cannot even face them…this phase will pass, and I will return to them, one day, and reread, and do some much-needed editing.

One day, when I have time…

Time. Time is something that I am constantly negotiating, on many levels, in my life.  As a mom, a wife, and a grown-up who works two jobs for my paycheck (unfortunately, this writing gig is not one of those jobs that pay…yet.). But, I am hopeful. Momentum is building. I am pleased.

This blog is something I started doing`for myself, something soley for myself, that had nothing to do with anybody else. This was my joint.  While I had dabbled in writing, before, and had some aptitude for it, I had never fully committed myself to writing any kind of cohesive project, writing for long hours at a time, until the self-consciousness and inner constraints fell away from sheer exhaustion, and a strong voice I didn’t even know I had began pouring out, and glimmers of inspired magic began to appear on the screen.

The concept of this blog started forming itself in my head, and in my heart, years ago, when I, an exhausted, nursing mom, would read over the hilarious text exchanges between myself and my WD buddy as we watched The Walking Dead tv series together, in our separate homes, after our kids went to bed.  I really have no idea where exactly this idea came from, but once it took root, it was like a, “Build it, and they will come” kind of thing.

So, I lined up a trade with a technical wizard friend, and he helped me set up a WordPress account, helped me load in my artwork for the banner, and showed me how to insert playlist widget embeds into my posts. And so, when TWD Season 4 began, I began writing.

My writing style asserted itself from the beginning as a kind of “live blogging” style, letting my personal responses to what I was watching lead the narrative.  I wanted what I wrote to have the same organic, conversational feel as my text exchanges with my friend.

When I first started writing my posts, I was not on any kind of social media at all. Not even Facebook. Truly. In the beginning days of, I would send a mass text to my circle of friends every time I completed a post.

Now, two years later, I am a big social media ho (or as much of one as I could, or should, be, being a mom and someone who is old enough to know better). I try to keep my usage of social media as a fun, creative way to promote my blog and explore whatever element of pop culture I am obsessed with in the moment. While I do, at times, get political on my social media accounts, being a “citizen of the world” and all, I usually try to keep it light, tight, and deliciously superficial.

Speaking of keeping it tight, I have been thinking about the evolution of my writing style, and what I want for myself, the blog, and my readers as TWD Season 6 unfolds.

Look, I know that nobody asked me to basically write a 10,000+ word dissertation on every new episode of The Walking Dead. The highly-detailed synopsis-parody-deconstruction style I offer is self-imposed, tweakeresque, and inexplicable, really. I really have no idea what exactly I am trying to achieve with any of this.

After each episode’s breezy 400-word recaps have come and gone, there I am, long after everyone else has moved on, wading around the fake blood, guts, and gore in my mucking boots, pulling key items of interest out of the mire and holding them up for others to see, “Hey, guys, look what I found!” 

I’m like a TWD episode archeologist or some shit, and the funny thing is, I think it’s filling a need out there, because my readership is growing at unprecedented rate. I’m still small-time, for sure, but just to give you some specifics: Last year, over Thanksgiving weekend, barnfullawalkers hit a milestone of 3,000 total views. At the time of this writing, not even a year later, barnfullawalkers is fast approaching 10,000 views, from different countries, all over the world.

That’s a 200% increase in less than a year’s time, if I’m doing the math right.

At the very least, my detailed synopses and my crazy rantings seem to be adding something to the conversation surrounding the TWD phenomenon, and that makes me smile. I am pleased. I know many readers started tuning in with my Season 5 posts, with all the fun screenshots, crazy captions, and epic playlists.

I love what I achieved with my Season 5 postings…it was such an incredible season, and I am proud of have honored it in the way I did.  But, it cost me. It left a mark.

To post in that high-media style, taking, loading, naming, and uploading all those pictures, takes a lot of time and energy. I committed myself to it, then, but for someone in my position, who is raising children, working, running a household, and trying to stay married, it is not sustainable to devote that much time to a recreational endeavor that does not bring in a paycheck.

When you are a parent, you begin to think of things in a “needs before wants” framework. You have to. The needs must be met before the wants can be considered. In my Season 5 posting style, I was able to achieve a lot of great things, stylistically, and I feel like the blog grew, and evolved, in a way I never thought possible. But, personally, it was a constant struggle to try to make it happen.

You can’t create time where there is none, and so, time-wise, I robbed Peter to pay Paul, as the saying goes.  I pulled all-nighters, worked all day on weekends to make those posts happen. There were fights, there were tears. It was kind of crazy, and by the end of it, I was completely fried. I still don’t know if I’ve completely recovered, honestly. Probably never will, and that’s why man discovered how to make alcohol.

If I could get a paying job doing what I do with my blog, with my social media accounts, I would consider it the best job in the world. And I think I would totally kick ass at it. When I look at what I can achieve doing it on the side, I think, “Imagine what I could do if someone actually paid me to do this!”

I personally think I would be a great social media marketer…Robert Kirkman, drop me a line if you think you could use me. For instance, I feel like I could singlehandedly raise the hype on your new spinoff series, Fear The Walking Dead, which I was posting about before I was beset by technical difficulties. I got what your new show was trying to do, and I felt like the shots I got, the moments I highlighted really captured the feel, the nuances of that show. Plus, amazing L.A. based playlists! 

Think about it, Robert Kirkman.  I would work my ass off for you!

Anyhow, shameless self-promoting aside, while my Season 5 style contained lots of glitz and glamour, I did miss my grassroots Season 4 writing style, where I paddled out, until I caught a wave, and rode the swells and breaks of prose. Some of my personal favorite posts are from that time: “The Grove,” “Claimed,” “Still,” “Alone,” “Us,” are all from that period, TWD Season 4.

Is it weird of me to kind of think of them as “classics” in my crazy world of barnfullawalkers?

To me, the feel of the writing is more organic in the Season 4 posts, and when I read back on them, I can see how the direction of the writing took its shape and form. I really found myself missing the purity and innocence of that time, that style, and while the Season 5 posts shine in their own high-media glam style, I am gravitating towards combining my Season 4 and Season 5 writing styles for my upcoming postings on TWD Season 6.

I’m going to open it up, dear readers, and not hold myself chained to any one style, or set of self-imposed expectations. There may be fewer pictures, less blow-by-blow in some posts, while, in other posts, we may hearken back to the Instagram-style postings for TWD Season 5’s “Forget,” and my brief posting foray into Fear The Walking Dead, a show which I really loved, by the way. (Had an epic post in the works for FTWD finale episode, “The Good Man,” with amazing sweet 16 song L.A. playlist, in the works, but I ran out of time, so I had to abandon it…it’s saved, so one day, I will try to put it out there. If I find the time. 🙂 )

So, don’t worry darlings. It all gets better and better. I wanted to keep you up on what is really happening, and while there will be a shift in how I do things this season, I imagine it will still be chock full of all the fun and crazy you have grown to know and love with !

I promise.  In many ways, dear readers, I feel like things are just getting started. And I am pleased. 🙂 ❤

I predict TWD Season 6 will be about evolution…Rick and his gang must evolve, Morgan must evolve, as do Deanna and the Alexandrians (um, band name alert!), and we must all learn to evolve alongside them.

We may gain some, we may lose some, but one thing will always be true:  We are family.   #TWDfamily XO

Much love, dear readers, and raise a glass with me tonight, when the first strains of the iconic Bear McCreary opening title sequence begin to play, and let us toast to Rick and the gang.

To Rick Grimes, and to our sweet gang, and to you all, dear readers.  Cheers! 

Enjoy the playlist, which features some sweet selections from my epic L.A. FTWD finale playlist.


Foals, “Mountain At My Gate”

The Delicate Cycle, “Promises and Plans”

Bad Religion, “Suffer”

Los Lobos, “Mas Y Mas”

Open Mike Eagle, “Ziggy Starfish (Anxiety Rap)”

Deepakalypse, “I Got A Vibe”

Trouble in Paradise: Deconstructing The Walking Dead SDCC Season 6 Promo Poster


So many thoughts about this picture…

Hello again, and much love, dear readers.  We at barnfullawalkers hope that you all are having a lovely summer, full of fun, frolic, naps, and shenanigans.  May there be lots and lots of shenanigans.

Speaking of shenanigans, if you are among the lucky folk who are en route to San Diego, as I write this, for this week’s #SDCC2015, congratulations!  A few years back, I was able to go to the SDCC, and it was the funnest, ever. As soon as I walked into the San Diego Convention Center, I felt like I had finally found my natural habitat, and immediately got to the business of having one of the best long weekends of my life (thus far).  

Memories include: riding in an elevator with Gene Simmons (my friend said he checked me out); seeing Mix Master Mike spin at a club on the beach (and skinny-dipping in the Pacific ocean, afterwards); going to the “Marvel Party” with a friend who had done artwork for a few issues of different Marvel comics; walking behind David Cross and a girl that I think was Amber Tamblyn (not sure if they were together yet) and eavesdropping on their adorable fake-argument-debate; setting off on foot across the city in search of the Buffalo Exchange with my adventurous friend, Amy…we had only a vague idea of where we were going, and we shared stories along the way, browsed in stores, stopped at coffee shops and cafes, climbed trees and meandered for many hours (and about 80+ blocks) until we found the store we were looking for.  After an epic shopping spree, we treated ourselves to a bus ride back to the convention center (which took all of about 25 minutes) as the fellow passengers, upon learning of our day’s journey, exclaimed over us for being crazy enough to actually walk that far, anywhere.  

I also tried my first, and last, Bikram yoga class on that trip, after a night of hard partying…an ill-advised move, dear readers. I do not recommend anyone doing that, ever, unless one is both a seasoned partier and a seasoned Bikram yogi.

While, sadly, I will not be in attendance at the SDCC this year, I will bask in the memories, and I will be there in spirit. For those who are going, have a blast, be safe, and blow a kiss to the TWD and the FTWD panels for me. ❤ ❤

One day, SDCC, I’ll be back, and the adventures will be many, and epic, indeed. 

While I do entertain fantasies of being on a plane bound for San Diego, I am, in reality, exactly where I belong…at home, with the kids finally asleep, sitting in front of the laptop, drinking wine, simultaneously texting my WD buddy some mad gossip and getting ready to hash it with you all about just what the hell is going on with Rick, Morgan, our gang and the Alexandrians in this first image of TWD Season 6, the #TheWalkingDeadSDCC Seasonpromotional poster.

Like, seriously, people…we need to talk about what is going on in this picture.

Let us begin our discussion with our two favorite frenemies in the forefront, locked in a terse moment of exquisite manly tension…Rick and Morgan.

When we last left Rick and Morgan, in the final moments of the TWD Season 5 finale episode, “Conquer,” Morgan’s journey to find Rick Grimes ended in a most unexpected fashion, when, in yet another classic TWD moment, the brains-and-blood-spray hit the proverbial fan…

Rick was all like...

Rick Smash! was all, like, BANG! and McBeaty’s face, head, and brains were all like, SPLAT! all over Deanna Monroe’s fancy courtyard.

And then, Bloody Rick looked up, and saw his old friend, Morgan, standing there, and Morgan was all, like,

hello morgan


And, stone-cold busted, Rick was all, like, ….



The way I imagine it, later that night, Daryl set out in search of a missing Rick, and found him drunk, in Alexandria’s soundproofed recreation center, taking long pulls from a handle of bourbon, stumbling around, and singing karaoke to:

I mean, right? Honestly, people, watching that ending scene just reinforced for me the inescapable, irrefutable truth that timing is everything. It really is. Sometimes, timing works out, and it’s all like, “Oh, what perfect timing!” and shit’s all beautiful, and everything just seems to fall into place. Those are good, good times.

Savor those moments, people, because other times, timing is not your friend. Other times, timing will kick your ass, hard.

The “Bloody Rick looks up from blowing McBeaty’s brains into the bricks, and sees Morgan standing there, looking horrified” moment would, in my humble estimation, fall into the latter category.

Now, the way I see it, Morgan has been out there, in the feral open, for quite some time, and has most certainly seen some shit go down these past two years since the inception of the walker apocalypse. (I am, of course, hoping that Season 6 will give us TWD fans some Morgan backstory, a la Season 4’s “Live Bait,” which caught us up with the Governor’s whereabouts, and gave us one of our most beloved TWD characters, Tara.)  

 So, I have a couple of questions, here:  We have Morgan, flanked by Daryl and Aaron, coming up on a scenario where he sees, on one end, a man bleeding out from a gash in his throat, dying, as his sobbing wife holds him…over on the other end, Morgan sees Rick, who is dressed in a cop’s uniform (and yes, is covered in blood, I know, but it’s walker blood, and these are some crazy times, so you never really know what you are going to see when you turn a corner) standing over another man who has been wrestled to the ground…then, Morgan sees Rick shoot said man, wrestled to the ground, in the head…and, while it’s all a bit startling, I ask you, dear readers, is it really that shocking, in these times, to come up on a scene like that? 

And, upon taking in the whole scene, is it really that hard for Morgan to put the pieces together and realize what events may have transpired to lead up to McBeaty’s brains being splattered all over Deanna’s nice courtyard?

Seems pretty simple to me: Domestic abuser goes all crazy, slashes an innocent man’s throat, has to get put down like a rabid dog…seems to me that that shit goes into the “crazy fucker had it coming” category. 

All I’m saying is, while this strange reunion may lead to some awkward moments when Rick and Morgan run into each other at the commissary, is this fateful first encounter, with its clash of idealogies, really going to be a friendship dealbreaker for Rick and Morgan?

I certainly hope not, especially since we know what’s coming for Alexandria…the Wolfboys, flanked by their Walker Army! 

They found Aaron’s man-purse, they’ve seen the pictures, and they are coming, people

As we study this first #TWDSDCC promotional poster image, we see Rick, standing close to Morgan, looking intensely at him, as if imparting crucial information to Morgan, or awaiting Morgan’s response to said information.  We see Morgan’s gaze is fixed outward, towards the horizon, as if he is studying the walls surrounding Alexandria, and considering the threat that is coming from the outside.

(Um, yeah, Morgan, about that…remember those wacky, weirdo wolfboys sporting W’s on their foreheads? The ones that tried to kill you? The ones that basically told you, straight up, that they find and kill innocent people they come across, or they trap them, or they run through their camps and communities, massacring the innocents, turning them into walkers, and bringing them back, somewhere, in their new, “not exactly alive” state?  Remember those guys, the ones you didn’t kill? That mean, nasty shit they do, and bragged to you about, is like their fucked-up hobby, their life’s purpose.

And after those wolfboys woke up from their kung-fu coma nap in the back seat of that abandoned car you so kindly tucked them away in, they found their way back to the trap you rescued Daryl and Aaron from, “walkerized” some poor dude in a red poncho, fashioning themselves another member for their undead army, and then, they found Aaron’s man purse, pulled out pictures of your new community, and now, they are coming to your new home, Morgan. They are coming, with their walker army, to kill people and fuck shit up, and I ask you, my friend…do you think that maybe, in retrospect, that some lives are a little more precious than others?

Sorry for the diatribe, but that shit needed to be said, and btw, I am also saying. right here, right now, that I just know that Kirkman, Gimple, and Nicotero are going to have a scene where we (and most likely, Daryl and Aaron) see that red poncho guy, who will now be Red Poncho Walker, sporting a W on his decomposing forehead, snapping and slavering amongst his fellow troops in the undead infantry…mark my words, dear readers. That shit is coming, to a walled community near you.)

Anyway, back to the poster…Morgan really does seem to be listening, thinking, processing what Rick is trying to tell him, which, judging from the grim expressions on both men’s faces, seems to be a matter of great importance. 

Life, death, walker army…that kind of shit.

We see the others behind Rick and Morgan, divided, which is interesting, but not really so surprising, you know? A lot of shit has gone down in a short time in Alexandria, and everyone’s still trying to get their bearings. Everyone’s expressions are so serious, grim. (Which really did bum me out, when I first saw this poster. I was like, “Wait, what about the fun playdates at the Grimes’ house? What about Friday Night Dance Troupe?” Tragic, all this unrealized potential for fun, flirting, and frolic. Such a waste of hot, sexy talent.  As we have said before in this blog, Damn you back to the hell that spawned you, cruel, cockblocking walker apocalypse!)

In the poster image, we see Rick’s gang, with Daryl and Michonne in the forefront, lined up behind Rick, standing at the ready, as if anticipating battle.  Behind Morgan, the key members of the Alexandrian community stand together, including Deanna Monroe, and her surviving son, Spencer (who I think got cut off at the edge there in my reproduction for this post..sorry about that…was impossible to get a full-sized screenshot of the entire poster image). We see Aaron  looking worried, behind Deanna, and, lurking in the background, looking tragic as usual, we see Father Gabriel. 

Jessie, while on the side of the Alexandrians, has gaze turned towards Rick, while her body is turned halfway between Rick and his people, and her fellow Alexandrian citizens. I feel that Jessie’s placement, and posturing, in this image suggests that she is caught somewhere in the middle, between the two camps, Team Rick, and Team Alexandria.

I feel that we TWD viewers will see the a fuller scope of Jessie’s strength and character as Season 6 unfolds, as she negotiates the complex and vital role as translator/mediator between Rick’s group, Morgan, and Deanna’s group. She would be able to be more objective, and see the strengths of each side’s approach on how to navigate both survival in this new world, while trying to retain some of the humanitarian and moral codes of the world left behind.  

The way I see it, Rick, Morgan, Deanna, and the others have enough challenges to face in the season ahead, as they try to come to some sort of accord, and find a way to coexist, flourish, and explore the rare opportunity to actually live a life worth living, however brief it may be, within the relative safety behind Alexandria’s walls. It is a tall order, especially with the ever-present threat that looms just beyond (and, sometimes, inside) the steel walls of Alexandria…the predatory world of both undead, and living, foes alike want nothing better than to breach those walls and prey upon those living within them. 

War is coming to Alexandria, people, and as we study this poster, it is easy to surmise that each and every individual in this picture knows it. Daryl, Michonne, and the rest of the righteous gang look poised and ready, their battle faces on. Deanna’s face looks grim, and stormy, and her people, who are not so battle-savvy (yet) look worried.  

Nobody’s fucking around, least of all Kirkman, Gimple, and Nicotero. And our man, Rick Grimes, ain’t playing. But, never fear, darlings. The TWD panel will convene at #SDCC this Friday at noon Pacific, and they will debut the Season 6 trailer, and it will all be good, I promise.  And, of course, with that trailer, another tweaker blog post from barnfullawalkers will be forthcoming, and once again, all will be right in the world.

Until then, enjoy the playlist, darlings.  With all this strife and discord in the air of Alexandria, I figured we needed a “rudey, ‘tudey, crass and crudey” punk rock playlist, with a triple scoop of Transplants, to help sort it all out. To Rick and the gang, and to TWD, and to the San Diego Comic Con…cheers to all!


Elvis Costello, “(What’s So Funny Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding?”

Transplants, “Something’s Different”

Dead Kennedys, “Holiday In Cambodia”

Fugazi, “Sieve Fisted Find”

Balkans, “I Can’t Compete”

Billy Bragg, “To Have And To Have Not”

Bad Brains, “I And I Survive”

Transplants, “Diamonds And Guns”

FIDLAR, “No Ass” (Seriously, everyone in Alexandria needs to just settle down with all this internal fighting, seize the day, and get them some serious loving before the Wolfboys and their walker army come knocking…just sayin’!)

Liam Lynch, “United States of Whatever”

Transplants, “Tall Cans In The Air”  (Tall cans in the air for Rick Grimes and our gang of hot, sexy, battle-savvy transplants. Alexandria hasn’t been this exciting since, well…ever!)

The Walking Dead, Season 5, Episode 16, “Conquer”


(All images used in this post are screen caps from AMC’s “The Walking Dead” unless otherwise specified.)

Hello, loves…it has been far too long. While I have been immersed in the rich layers of life in the IRL, my thoughts have been, quite often, with my fave show, and my #TWDFamily, all over the world.

This is the moment I have been waiting for, when I finally get to sit, focus, and endeavor to conquer “Conquer.”

We have much to discuss with The Walking Dead’s Season 5 finale, Episode 516, but before we do, dear readers, let us take a moment to look back on TWD’s Season 5, and honor those we have, friends, foes, both living and undead (and even an inanimate object or two), while we raise our glasses, our bottles, our mugs, and serenade our dearly departed with a classic by Neutral Milk Hotel, “In The Aeroplane Over the Sea”:

(At this point, before, I would have inserted this classic song, via the beloved Grooveshark widget embed, into this post; but alas, loves, Grooveshark is no more… I grieve, as we had some good jams, and Grooveshark made the music available to many, for free.  I did know that Grooveshark was embroiled in some legal trouble, as free music sharing does raise the issue of compensation for the artists… I knew that one day, Grooveshark may be gone. And, like so many of our beloved TWD characters, gone it is. 

R.I.P. Grooveshark…we had some good jams.

And now, (drum solo, please), dearest readers, may I present: Neutral Milk Hotel’s, “In The Aeroplane Over The Sea,” via the new tunes tech: Spotify 

So pimp, right? At this point, I am not sure if playlists will be available for immediate listen if the reader doesn’t have an account with Spotify.  If not, hopefully you can create a free account, and access the playlists, perhaps with some advertisements thrown in. If you are on the Spotify premium plan, you can listen to my shit uninterrupted.  I do apologize for any inconvenience this change of events may cause. Change happens, and once I recovered from my shock at having my existing playlists be wiped from existence…

the scream

… I realized the opportunity was there for a serious upgrade. And so, upgrade I did.

One of the many perks of “said upgrade” is that my playlists will now be available on mobile devices for those who have the Spotify app, so now, those readers may enjoy the playlists on their phones, tablets, etc., which they could not do before, with the previous tunes tech.   

And so, dear readers, if you will, cue the music, and raise a beverage for:

The WD Season 5 Hall of Fame Neutral Milk Memorial    R.I.P. and cheers, and much love to: 


Beth Greene 

noah and beth escape beth is a badass


Tyrese still

Bob Stookey  

bob smiling


noah sez what

Noah’s mom 

noah bends over his dead mom

Noah’s Lil Bros  

lil bros tyreese looks

Lil Bro Walker 

noah rekills lil bro walker

Aiden 😦

aidan 1

Rick’s Beard 

shave 1

Bob’s Leg 😦

bobs leg on the grill




mary is shocked

Alex (Technically a Season 4 casualty, but Alex did enjoy a brief posthumous cameo in Season 5, so we include him here.)

dead alex

Shitty Martin

martin asks tyreese question about gareth


later terminus


poor sam is first on the block

Friends With Benefits Walker 

Joan Walker 

joan walker about to go awol

Dawn Lerner

dawn takes a pull from her flask


gorman so gross

Mr./Dr. Trevitt 

bye bye mr trevor

Sgt. Lamson

deputy smash is coming

Officer O’Donnell

officer OD challenges beth as dawn walks past percy

The Van

van fall 2

The Bus 

bus blows 3

The Mission to D.C. 😦

im not a scientist

Ragin’ Face

face tat tweaker rager

Walkers Interruptus   ❤

mom and child walkers interruptus

Hey, Where’s The Party At? Walker 


I Died In A Barn Walker

i died in a barn walker

Rick’s Little Bit Of Flare Walker 

flare walker 5


poor buttons

Wild Dog Pack  😦

wild dogs

The Owl Sculpture

rick crashes the owl

Grabby Walker

walker grab leg

I Wanna Eat Francine Walkers

abraham takes out the uglies in the front

White Walker 

white walker go buh bye

Poor Girl Tied To A Tree Walker 

daryl does her a solid rekill

Hostage Walker 

maggie finds kidnapped walker


reg says u have me beat


rick meets petey mcbeaty

Leonard Nimoy  

live long and prosper

The Walking Dead’s Episode 516 opens with a shot of a car, hood smashed in, abandoned in the woods.  The sun is low on the trees, suggesting either the dawning, or the darkening, of another day.

crashed car

Inside the car, we see Morgan (yay! <3 ) sleeping.

Inside the car, we see Morgan sleeping.

Morgan awakes...

Morgan awakes…

...and sits up, smiles...

.. sits up, smiles… he looks up and sees his lucky rabbit's foot has kept him safe again.  I am assuming that this rabbit's foot belonged to Morgan's  son, Duane, who was bitten by the walker his mother became after dying from a walker bite and ensuing fever.  I imagined, watching this scene, that Morgan started every day by taking a moment to remember his son. The rabbit's foot was an item that he lay on the altar back at Gabriel's church, right before finding the map to D.C. with Abraham's note to Rick written on it, as he knelt in prayer at the altar.

…as he looks up, sees his rabbit’s foot, hanging from the rearview mirror…it seems to have kept him safe for another night. I am assuming that this rabbit’s foot belonged to Morgan’s son, Duane, who was bitten by his mother-turned-walker, Jenny Walker. While watching this scene, I imagined that Morgan started every day by taking a moment to remember his son, his wife, his family. The rabbit’s foot was an item that Morgan lay on the altar back at Gabriel’s church (right before finding the map to D.C. with Abraham’s note to Rick written on it) as he knelt in prayer at the altar. It seems here, from Morgan’s serene countenance, that he has found some peace within himself since Rick, Carl, and Michonne last encountered him in Season 3’s “Clear.”

In the next shot, we see a small campfire, surrounded by rocks, with a small metal grate placed over the flame, and a metal cup placed on top, presumably to heat water.

hot cup of something

Morgan takes the cup from the fire, rips open a packet of instant soup or something, and pours the contents in the cup. As he stirs his breakfast, the shot pans out...

Morgan takes the cup from the fire, rips open a packet of instant soup or something, and pours the contents in the cup. As he stirs his breakfast, the shot pans out…

...and we see another figure approach, a young man with dark hair, who steps forwards, across from where Morgan sits, balancing playfully on a rock a moment before stepping down. Morgan says nothing, does not acknowledge the young man's presence.

…and we see another figure approach, a young man with dark hair, who steps forward upon a rock, across from where Morgan sits. The young man balances playfully on the rock a moment before stepping down. He appears to be pointing a handgun at Morgan. Morgan says nothing, does not acknowledge the young man’s presence.

The young man leans forward slightly towards Morgan. “Looks good,” he says, sitting on the rock across from Morgan, still pointing the pistol at him.

“Hi,” says the young man. He peers closely at Morgan, waiting for a reaction.

Morgan does not respond right away, looks over his shoulder, casually, in both directions, checking to see if anyone else is there. He looks back at the young man.

“Hello,” Morgan says. He motions to the gun the young man points at him. “You may want to lower that,” he suggests, mildly. The young man does not respond, nor does he lower the gun. The two men regard each other in silence over the campfire.

“What’s the “W” for?” Morgan asks the young man, who bears a “W” mark on his forehead.

In response, the young man narrows his eyes at Morgan.  His mouth sets to the side, somewhere between a smile and a grimace. He cocks the pistol he is pointing at Morgan, who does not seem afraid of the young man or his gun.

young man narrows his eyes

“You know the first settlers here? They put bounties on wolves’ heads,” the young man begins.

(Editor’s note: Putting a bounty on wolves’ heads is a practice that has actually resurfaced, in the United States, in recent years. In the U.S., federal protections for wolves are being systematically stripped away, state by state, across the country, leaving hunters and poachers free to kill wolves and wolf pups on sight alone, without provocation, with the intention to decimate the species. Congress is considering passing a bill, at the time of this writing, to delist the gray wolf as an endangered species. Google this issue, visit the Defenders of Wildlife online site, and write to your elected officials if you want to protect the future of this iconic species, and tell them in reinstate federal protections for wolves.) #SaveTheWolf

The young man continues, telling Morgan, “(The settlers) brought the natives into it, made them hunt (the wolves)…didn’t take them too long to kill them all.”

The young man then points to his forehead.

The young man then taps the “W” on his forehead. “They’re back, now,” he informs Morgan.

Morgan regards the young man, and his posturing, with amusement.

Morgan regards the young man, and all his posturing, with amusement.

He looks down, biting back his laughter...

He looks down, biting back his laughter…

...and as Morgan looks away, composing himself (and rechecking his periphery), the young man prompts,

…and as Morgan looks away, composing himself (and rechecking his periphery), the young man prompts, “Thoughts?”

In reply, Morgan turns his attention back to the young man, looks at him a moment before answering.

“Every thing gets a return,” Morgan replies.

The young man sits back and processes this a moment, then smiles, uncertainly. “Are you shittin’ me?” he asks Morgan.

Morgan shakes his head earnestly.

Morgan shakes his head earnestly. “No, I shit you not,” he assures the young man. The two men share a laugh at this.

Still laughing, the young man sits back, regards Morgan.

Still laughing, the young man sits back, regards Morgan. “I like this…just talkin’,” he says. Then his face becomes somber again. “I don’t get to meet new people very often,” he tells Morgan, figuring, “Maybe, once every two weeks.”

“That’s a lot,” Morgan exclaims softly. The young man nods. “I work at it,” he says, amends, “We do…sometimes we find camps, run through them. We have traps, too.” The young man pauses, muses, “It’s different…it’s not like meeting like this…as equals.”

As he tells Morgan this, the young man’s manner is very matter-of-fact, conversational, reporting the information simply and truthfully, like a child would. The young man seems like he is no older than a post-teen, early twenties tops.

In response, Morgan looks casually over his other shoulder, checking again to see if anyone else is coming up on him. He looks back at the young man, regards him.

The young man continues, musing,

The young man continues, musing, “Little chats in front of the fire, with a stranger…that’s the closest thing to movies, now.” Morgan keeps his eyes on the young man, nods warily.

“I miss movies,” the young man muses. “I used to–put that down,” he orders Morgan, who has lifted his mug to take a drink of his soup.

Morgan's hand pauses, the mug stops mid-sip. He lowers the mug.

Morgan’s hand pauses, the mug stops mid-sip. He lowers the mug. “Why?” he asks the young man, puzzled, free hand turned up in question.

“Because I want it,” the young man replies, frowning. He blinks slowly, then says to Morgan:

I want everything you have…every last drop.”

“Can I keep a little of it?” Morgan asks, testing the young man. “Just to get me through a day or two, you know, just to keep me alive?” I feel like Morgan is testing the young man, to see how much of a danger he really is, testing if the young man has any empathy or compassion left inside him at this point.

The young man looks at Morgan. His eyes are devoid of any feeling or compassion.

The young man looks at Morgan. His eyes are devoid of any feeling or compassion. “I’m taking you, too…” the young man says, slowly.

“…and you won’t exactly be alive,”

Morgan looks at the young man, says nothing, and slowly, deliberately puts his mug down. When he returns his attention to the young man across from him, Morgan’s look has changed…his smile, and friendly manner of before, are gone.

morgan looks back at the young man 2

The young man resumes talking, “Some of the tribes, around here, they thought that the first people were wolves, transformed into men…and, now, well, you know‘Everything gets a return,’ right?

(The implication here, I think, is that the men, the people, once they die and reanimate (as walkers), are then transformed back into an incarnation of wolves…savage, wild, predatory creatures who hunt the living in packs.)

Morgan smiles, slightly, and nods, slightly, at the young man, looks at him a moment.

“You can have my supplies. You can have everything,” Morgan offers the young man.

“There doesn’t need to be any ugliness,” Morgan continues, “but I can’t allow you to take me away.”

“I will not allow that,” Morgan says, gently, firmly.

Morgan reaches down for his staff, only to be stopped by the sound of the safetly being released on the young man's gun.

Morgan reaches down for his wooden staff, only to be stopped by the sound of the safety being released on the young man’s gun.

“Don’t move,” the young man commands, and Morgan’s hand freezes mid-air, above the staff.

Morgan turns back towards the young man, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender.

Morgan turns back towards the young man, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender.

The young man motions Morgan back, while pointing the gun at Morgan.

The young man motions Morgan back, still pointing the gun at Morgan.

Just…be still,” the young man says to Morgan. Then the young man’s eyes harden a bit, and a small smile returns to his face. He says it again…


Morgan knows the attack from behind is coming, and he is quick to evade the young blond man who leaps at Morgan from the bushes behind him, swinging a curved scythe down at the spot where Morgan was sitting.  The pointy end of the scythe strikes only rock as Morgan whirls aside, grabbing his staff in one deft motion…and with that, the #MorganStyle kung fu beatdown begins…

After Morgan leaps away from the young assailant's  first strike, he grabs his staff and whirls around, delivering a swift blow to the dark haired young man, knocking him to the ground.

After Morgan leaps away from the young assailant’s first strike, he grabs his staff and whirls around, delivering a swift blow to the dark haired young man, knocking him to the ground.

morgan kung fu 2

Morgan ducks low to evade another wild swing from the blond wboy's scythe, and the young man's balance is thrown off again...a swift strike from Morgan's staff into the young man's lower spine sends him toppling forward into the dirt.

Morgan ducks low to evade another wild swing from the blond wolfboy’s scythe, and the young man’s balance is thrown off again…

morgan kung fu 3

A swift strike from Morgan’s staff into the young man’s lower spine sends him toppling forward into the dirt.

Morgan then brings his staff end down, so it rests in one hand, standing tall beside him, like a shepherd’s staff. It is a posture of peace, and power, an unspoken message of, “Run along now, wolfboys, and don’t make me kick your ass again.”

As the young men come to a shaky stand, the dark-haired one regards Morgan with a new respect, and fear.

As the young men come to a shaky stand, the dark-haired one regards Morgan with a new respect, and fear.

The blond one menaces forward, glaring at Morgan.

The blond one menaces forward, glaring at Morgan. “You should just go,” Morgan warns them. “Now.” The blond young man growls, “No,” and lunges for Morgan again.

Morgan sidesteps the young man’s attack, and brings his staff down, blocking the scythe’s blade, then delivers a series of quick strikes upside the blond wolfboy’s, well, everything, and then sends blond one’s dark-haired little bastard compadre back into the dirt with two fierce blows, one with the staff, followed by one downward blow with his gloved fist.

It is truly satisfying to watch Morgan kick some wolfie ass, #kungfupimp style.

It is truly satisfying to watch Morgan kick some wolf-poser ass, with style, grace, and restraint, in the way of the master. #kungfupimp

morgan kung fu 8


Morgan whirls with a pimp flourish, twirling his staff expertly as he changes direction, readies his stance. His young opponents struggle to come to another shaky stand... they flank Morgan, pause, wait for their opportunity to strike again. This next time, they will probably both rush him, and Morgan knows this, waits.

Morgan then whirls with pimp flourish, twirling his staff expertly as he changes direction, readies his stance. His young opponents struggle to come to another shaky stand… they flank Morgan, pause, wait for their opportunity to strike again. This next time, they will both rush him at once, and Morgan knows this, waits for the attack.

“Just go,” Morgan says again. The young men, of course, do not listen.

The young dark haired one draws his knife. You can tell the two wolfboys aren't used to having to work this hard to subdue other victims...

The young dark haired one draws his knife. It seems the two wolfboys aren’t used to having to work this hard to subdue other victims… they crouch, reading Morgan, readying for the next attack.

…as they crouch, reading Morgan, readying for the next attack. The blond one seethes as he looks at Morgan.  This time, it’s personal.

Morgan softens his gaze downward, as if at a focal point in front of him. It reminded me of young Luke Skywalker with the eyeshield on, learning to tap into the Force without relying soley on his sense of vision. Morgan uses the point in front of him to access his peripheral vision equally on both sides, to be able to feel and read sudden movement from either end, and respond accordingly.

Morgan softens his gaze downward, as if at a focal point in front of him. Watching this scene, I was reminded of young Luke Skywalker, wearing eyeshields, learning to tap into The Force and block an attack with his lightsaber, without relying soley on his sense of vision to guide him.  Morgan seems to use the point in front of him to access his peripheral vision equally on both sides, to be able to feel and read sudden movement from either end, and respond accordingly. “Please,” he asks, once more. His unspoken message is clear: Go now, young wolf posers…don’t make me do this.

Suddenly, the dark haired one screams,“Now!” and both young adversaries rush Morgan at once, from opposite sides.

morgan kung fu 13

It’s time to shut it down. Morgan sends the dark haired boy into the dirt, unconscious, with one or two swift high strikes to the head…

morgan kung fu 15

…Morgan whirls to the other young man and sends him out with a high, then low, strike, from each end of his staff, bam bam! There is no more movement from either of the young men. #knockedthefuckout

Morgan bends and picks up the handgun, hears a walker approaching. He points the gun at the walker and pulls the trigger repeatedly, gets only clicks.

gun is empty

The damn gun was empty the whole time?

The damn gun was empty the whole time?

Nothing to be done but sully the staff with some walker brains...Morgan takes a cloth and wipes his staff clean of the undead mess on his chosen weapon.

Nothing to be done but sully the staff with some walker brains…Morgan pulls a cloth from his coat pocket and wipes his staff clean of the undead mess on his chosen weapon.

In the next shot, we see Morgan carefully lay the unconscious blond man on top of his dark haired counterpart in the back seat of the abandoned car he had spent the previous night in. Enjoy your nap, douchebags, and btw, those

In the next shot, we see Morgan carefully lay the unconscious blond man on top of his dark haired counterpart in the back seat of the abandoned car he himself had spent the previous night in. (Enjoy your nap, wolf-posers, and btw, those “W’s” you drew on your foreheads look really fucking stupid. Wearing a “W” on your forehead doesn’t make you a wolf, or a primal tribesman, or anything remotely cool like that. It just makes you look really dumb, like you’re fronting wolf  while acting like sadistic, demented assholes.) “W” clearly stands for “wack” and “Whatever, weirdos.”

Morgan shuts the young feral felons into the back seat, and then he leans across the front seat of the car, honking the horn 2 or 3 times, ostensibly to alert their

Morgan shuts the young feral felons into the back seat, and then leans across the front seat of the car, honking the horn 2 or 3 times, ostensibly to alert their “tribe” to come look for them. We see that Morgan’s way of dealing with the men is very different from the way Rick Grimes would have handled them. Morgan could easily have killed his young assailants, or left them to be killed by walkers, but didn’t…he seems to value their lives to the degree that he took the time and effort to move them to an enclosed, protected place, where they wouldn’t be prey to walkers as they lay unconscious. Morgan  then looks up at Duane’s rabbit’s foot, hanging from the rearview, and smiles at it once again before tearing the lucky charm from the mirror, taking a quick look around, and slipping off into the forest, in search of Rick Grimes.

Before we move on, kudos and Deadies to the following mavericks (I am giving out mad Deadies this post because it’s the WD Season 5 finale, people, and attention must be paid, props must be given, and the love must be shown!)

First Deadie goes to Greg Nicotero, directorial and special effects prodigy, who directed the TWD Episode 516, “Conquer,” as well as other groundbreaking episodes in Season 5: “No Sanctuary,” “What Happened and What’s Going On,” (just to name a couple of my personal favorites).

Standing ovation, Greg Nicotero. You really brought TWD Season 5 to a whole new level, and set an unprecendented standard of excellence to television as a whole.

Suck on that, Emmy snubbers.

There are many who say that Season 5 is, hands down, the best season yet of The Walking Dead television series. In many respects, I fully agree. I personally feel Greg Nicotero is a huge reason for this season’s artistic excellence on all levels, and I imagine anyone working directly with the project knows this to be fact.

Much love, many thanks to Crazy Uncle Greg from us at barnfullawalkers. Thank you, Crazy Uncle Greg, for bringing the love, and the pain, and for being so beautifully twisted, genius, and spectacular. You are bringing it like Bukowski.  

Next Deadie goes to our man, Lennie James, who plays Morgan Jones, kung fu badass who walks the way of the peaceful warrior. I do not know if Lennie James has been studying martial arts for a long time, or if he had to immerse himself in a quick study for this role, but damn, that man is pure poetry in motion. Style. Speed. Grace. Power. Poise.

And, impeccable acting, time and time again, in every project I have ever seen him in, and especially as Morgan Jones in The Walking Dead.

(I was a huge Morgan-and-Duane fan from the first moment I met them in the TWD pilot episode, Season 1’s “Days Gone Bye,” when Duane clocked Rick in the back of the head with a shovel, and he woke up, bound, in Morgan and Duane’s house.

As I watched WD Season 1, I kept asking Rick, on the screen, “Rick, have you tried to radio Morgan yet today? Call Morgan and Duane! They need to know where you are so they can meet up with you!”

Look, people, I knew Rick was super busy in Season 1, reuniting with his wife and kid, getting cuckolded, road tripping back and forth to Atlanta, trying to get to the CDC, but I was always super worried about Morgan and Duane.

I never stopped thinking about them, and I was kind of mad at Rick for dropping the ball on keeping in touch with Morgan like he said he would.  I got over it, of course. I can’t stay mad at Rick Grimes for long, and who would want to? That’s just crazy talk, people!

I must tell you, however, when I watched Season 3’s “Clear,” when Rick, Carl, and Michonne found Morgan, and we found out what happened to Duane, it messed me up, hard…I won’t go into the sordid deets, but suffice it to say that the entire rest of that night was awash in bourbon and tears. I was haunted. I wore a black armband for days after under my work attire. It wasn’t pretty.

But, as hard as “Clear” was for me, I was mesmerized by Lennie James’ performance in that pivotal episode.

I remember hearing an interview with Andrew Lincoln on Talking Dead, and Andrew Lincoln said that he and Lennie James filmed the Morgan-to-Rick soliloquy scene in “Clear” on Andrew Lincoln’s birthday. In the TD interview, Andrew Lincoln said that the way that Lennie James delivered that monologue was the best birthday present he could have asked for.

For me, personally, Duane being alive and well would have been the best present I could have asked for, but alas, that was not to be…Kirkman said no, so I abide.)

R.I.P. Duane. 


So, much love, Lennie James, and mad props. You are an amazing actor, a talented martial artist, a total master, and a total pimp.

And, the last of the First Round of Deadies goes to genius composer, Bear McCreary, who delivered another incredible score, bringing the Morgan kung fu asskicking scene in the woods to new heights. Pure perfection, really. Once again, kudos, Bear McCreary.

Speaking of kudos, and sheer awesomeness, let us now return to Episode 516, where we see another beloved character, doing one of the things he loves best, being a beautiful badass on a bike…

Daryl Dixon.

Daryl Dixon.  

Behind Daryl, Aaron follows in a car that has seen better days.  Daryl, then Aaron, pull over on an abandoned dirt road, shut off their vehicles, and gather their belongings. After a quick look-around, the two men slip into the woods.

daryl and aaron dip into the woods

Meanwhile, back in the Alexandria Juvenile Detention Center…

Rick Grimes wakes up in lockdown...

Rick Grimes wakes up in lockdown.

Rick blinks awake, peers around at the darkened room. There are rays of sunlight pouring through some small opening, or window, and Rick tries to sit up, painfully. He laughs a little, softly, to himself, shaking his head before giving it up. Shielding his eyes, he starts to lie back on the cot, when he is surprised by a voice in the room.

“What’s so funny?” we hear Michonne’s voice ask.

Shielding his eyes, caught unawares, Rick looks up at her.

Shielding his eyes, caught unawares, Rick looks up at her.

Girlfriend is not pleased.

Girlfriend is not looking pleased.

“You were here the whole time?” Rick asks her, hoarsely.

“All night,” Michonne answers, succinctly. She asks again, “What’s so funny?”

“This,” Rick replies, sitting up with some effort, motioning to the room around him, “is like the train car. After the whole thing…I’m still there.

“Deanna wanted you in here,” Michonne replies. “Calm things down.” Her manner is terse, annoyed. “Rosita patched you up, Carl came by for a while, sent him home.”

Michonne’s tone and manner with Rick right now seems to be like: “Hey, remember your kids? Your people? Or did you forget about all that while you went off chasing after your own little drama story of, ‘Let me get all up in Jessie’s biz and fuck it all up for everyone else?'”

Then, Michonne stands, brings her chair a few steps closer to Rick’s bed, sits down again, looks at Rick. Classic interrogation room style.

“Rick,” Michonne asks, “what are you doing?” Rick shakes his head slightly, does not reply, rubs the back of his head.

Oh, does your head hurt sooo bad that you can't answer the question? I love the man, but Rick Grimes is being a total drama guy right now.

Oh, Rick, does your head suddenly hurt sooo bad that you can’t answer the question? I love the man, but Rick Grimes is kind of being a total drama king right now.

Michonne knows this, looks away, rolls her eyes, takes a deep breath. “They put Pete in another house,” she informs Rick. (And yes, they should have done that way sooner…but who exactly was going to enforce that, before Rick Grimes came along?)

“You could have told me what was happening,” Michonne tells Rick.

Rick turns the baby blues up to Michonne.

Rick turns the baby blues up to max volume, looks at Michonne.It moved fast…and then, Noah,” he says, by way of explanation.  (Whatever, dude. That’s code for, “I was seeing everything through my one-eyed monster, and now, here I am…here we are.”)

Michonne ain't buying it, and neither am I.

Michonne ain’t buying it, and, really, neither am I.

“I couldn’t tell you about the gun,” Rick continues.

Michonne fixes him a look, replies, “Nooo, you couldn’t…” Her tone quietly calls bullshit on Rick. I tend to agree. The gang is a tribe, a family, and after all they’ve been through, true family shouldn’t keep big secrets like that from each other. Go down in folly, whatever, but go down together, get checked before you wreck it for everyone.

“You wanted this place,” Rick says.

Michonne narrows her eyes at him. “We needed to stop being out there.”

Rick looks around the room. “Well, we’re here,” he says, stretching his leg out on his prison cot.

(Like I said, people, I love the man, and we all know that Alexandria is rife with bullshit on many levels, and I do love when Rick Smash! comes out to play and fuck shit up, but I find myself siding with Michonne on this one.

The gang needed to get to a safe place, and change is something that happens slowly, not all at once. Rick and Carol have been enabling each other’s drama and crazy, big time, which is, of course, completely delicious on many levels…but once it was clear that Deanna Monroe and her people were not malevolent, merely clueless, perhaps Rick and Carol could have dialed it down a little, and given it some time, let things play out.

I know the storyline here is all about Rick Smash! having a hard time readjusting to society, but is plotting a hostile takeover within the first week of being at the choice new digs really necessary? Dude, you’re a dad…when was the last time you cuddled your baby girl, or have you been too busy being all up in Jessie’s grill to even think about your own family?

In my opinion, Rick is being pretty self-obsessed, all about his own drama, and he is being a bit of a brat right now. While I love Rick, this isn’t all about him, and his actions are having a direct, negative effect on the rest of the righteous gang.

Talk to me, people…I would love to get readers’ thoughts on this one.)

In response to Rick's drama king

In response to Rick’s drama king “Well, we’re here comment, Michonne regards him coolly, replies, Well, you just said you weren’t.” Rick looks at her like, “D’oh!”  Oooo, burn, Rick Grimes!

The door opens then, and Glenn, Carol, and Abraham file into the room.

As Glenn, Carol, and Abraham stand, watching, we hear Michonne's voice ask Rick,

As Glenn, Carol, and Abraham stand, watching, we hear Michonne’s voice ask Rick, “Where’d you get the gun?”

Befre Rick can answer, we hear Carol's voice chime in, quickly,

Before Rick can answer, we hear Carol’s voice chime in, quickly, ” You took it, right?” (And thus begins the Carol’s Gonna Save Her Own Ass part of this program…)

“From the armory?” Carol prompts, looking hard at Rick, like, <“Um, I ain’t getting exiled along with you, dude…just sayin’.”>

Carol continues her award-winning performance. “That was stupid,” she admonishes Rick. “Why’d you do it?”

The First Carol Commandment: Save thy own ass.

The First Carol Commandment states:  First and foremost, thou shalt save thy own ass.

Rick looks away, turns up his hand like a shrug, then looks back at Carol.  (You said it yourself, Rick you are.) Locking eyes with Carol, Rick says,

Rick looks away, turns up his hand like a shrug, then looks back at Carol, locks eyes with her. Then,  Rick says, “Just in case,” cocks his head to the side. Michonne watches all this, studies Rick closely through narrowed eyes.

Glenn says that Deanna is planning on having a meeting tonight, for anyone who wants to. “To kick Rick out?” Abraham asks.  “To try,” replies Carol.

“We don’t know that,” Glenn points out. He turns back to Rick, tells him that Maggie is with Deanna right now, and is going to try to find out what exactly the meeting is about.

As Rick takes all this in, Carol begins coaching him. Her voice is shaky, betraying her worry for Rick. “At the meeting, you say that somebody was being abused, and no one was doing anything about it. You say you took a gun, to make sure that Jessie was safe from a man who wound up attacking you. You say you’ll do whatever they want you to, just tell them a story that they want to hear.”

Carol looks over towards Glenn, says, “That’s what I’ve been doing since I got here.” Glenn looks down, puzzled, like, “Wait, have I missed something, here? What the fuck is happening with everyone?”

Michonne turns to Carol now, her arms crossed. “Why?” she asks.

“Because these people are children, and children like stories,” Carol replies.

From behind, Abraham chimes in, looking at Carol, but addressing everyone in the room, “What happens after all the nice words, and they still try to kick him out?”

Glenn informs them, “They’re guarding the armory now.”

“We still have knives,” Carol muses, aloud. “That’s all we’ll need against them.”

Rick takes this all in, his fingers working. How are you enjoying this nice little war you've started so far, Rick Grimes? Any 20/20 hindsight kicking in yet?

Rick takes this all in, his fingers working. How are you enjoying this nice little war you’ve started so far, Rick Grimes? Any 20/20 hindsight kicking in yet?

Apparently not, because Rick begins to plan aloud, “Well, tonight, at the meeting, if it looks like it’s going bad, I whistle. Carol grabs Deanna, I take Spencer,” and then, Rick points his finger towards Michonne, “and you grab Reg…”

Listening to this, Michonne's like,

Listening to this, Michonne’s like, “What the shit?”

Rick continues, working out his super cray “Hostile Takeover of Alexandria” plan aloud, “…Glenn and Abraham cover us, watch the crowd…”

Wow, great plan, dude. It only has about 1,000 major, gaping holes in it. I’m sorry, but what the hell are he and Carol talking about? Knives v. guns? Have either of them checked in with the the rest of the gang, to see what they think about this? What about Carl and Judith?

Michonne tries to interject some sense into all this. “We can talk to them,” she asserts.

We will,” Rick assures her.But, if we can’t get through, we’ll take the three of them and say we’ll slit their throats.” (Hmmm. Well, Rick, I’m sure that will be a real turn-on for your new gf, Jessie, and I’m sure her sons will be so impressed with their NewDad’s take-charge attitude.)

Rick looks over at Michonne after delivering this announcement. Wow, I guess no good deed goes unpunished, does it, Deanna Monroe?

Rick looks over at Michonne after delivering this announcement.  (I guess no good deed really does go unpunished, does it, Deanna Monroe?)

“Like at Terminus,” Glenn says.

“No,” Rick asserts. “We just tell ’em:  They give us the armory, and it’s over.

Glenn's look says it all. Yeah, right.

Glenn’s look says it all. Yeah, ok, dude. One question… do you hear yourself right now? WTF? 

Glenn looks at Rick. “Did you want this?” he asks him.

“No,” Rick replies. “I hit my limit, I sna-…” Rick gestures to his head, does not finish the thought in words.

Rick opens his arms in mock surrender, announces, brattily,

Instead, Rick opens his arms in mock surrender, announces to the room, “I screwed up!”

(Well, that’s something, anyway…first step to overcoming a problem is admitting that you have one…and that you did, indeed, screw the pooch on this one, Rick Smash! P.S. You are still looking majorly cute though, all beat up and bandaged and bratty in your prison bunk 🙂  )

Rick looks around at the others in the room.

Rick looks around at the others in the room. “And, here we are,” he says. (Um, yeah, Rick, you said that already. He really does seem to know that he’s kind of fucking up the second chance they’ve been given, and the choice new digs for everyone else.)

the gang looks at rick 1 the gang looks at rick 2

And with that, Rick Grimes turns away, towards his pillow, and dismisses them. “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sleep some more.”

Two words: Hot Brat.

Two words: Hot Brat.

And, speaking of brats…

Looking out a window, Maggie watches Gabriel take his priest's frock off the clothesline.

Looking out a window, Maggie watches Gabriel, the holy brat, take his priest’s frock down off the clothesline.

gabriel at clothes line

Reg comes in to collect Maggie, tells her Deanna’s out on the porch. Maggie follows him out to where Deanna is waiting. As Maggie walks out, onto the porch, Deanna looks up from some papers in her hands. Her manner is more businesslike than warm towards Maggie, and she asks, “What do you need to talk about, Maggie?”

Maggie faces Deanna, answers, “The meeting tonight.”

Reg, who seems to greatly dislike conflict, tries to interject, reassure, but Deanna talks over him.

“I want to talk to everyone about what happened, and what we need to do about it,” Deanna says, firmly.

“If it includes sending Rick away,” Maggie says, looking Deanna in the eye, “It’s not going to work.”

Deanna looks at Maggie. “Tell me what that means,” she says.

“You let Rick in. You let all of us in.” Maggie looks at Deanna a moment before continuing. “You talked to us; you decided.”

Deanna looks down. Maggie continues, “And, now you want to put the decision on a group of very frightened people who may not have the whole story. That’s not leadership.”

Reg explains to Maggie that the meeting is just a forum, to give people a chance to say their piece…

...and Deanna says that she will make the final decision, as she has done since the beginning.

…and Deanna says that she will make the final decision, as she has done since the beginning.

Maggie explains, “(Rick) was frustrated…the things he’s seen? The things he’s lost…the things we have all lost.”

Deanna raises her eyebrows at this last part.

Deanna raises her eyebrows at this last part. “The things he’s lost?” she asks, softly.

Reg looks over at Deanna, like,

Reg looks over at Deanna, like, “Uh oh...danger zone.

Maggie looks at Deanna. “We’ve lost so much more,” she dares to say.

Deanna looks back at Maggie, angrily. “Rick took a gun, and he pointed it at people.”

“He didn’t pull the trigger,” Maggie replies. “That’s a metric, that he didn’t pull the trigger?” Deanna asks incredulously.

“Yes,” Maggie asserts. Deanna is clearly getting agitated, and Reg steps in, faces Deanna.

Michonne stopped him, Deanna,” Reg reminds his wife, gently. Michonne did.”

Deanna looks at Maggie. “I’m going to do what I have to do, Maggie,” she tells the young woman. Maggie looks at Deanna a moment, then stalks off. Reg calls after, then goes after, Maggie, as Deanna turns back to the papers in her hands.

“Maggie!” Reg hurries down the stairs after her. Maggie whirls around to face him. Reg stands on the steps, looks at the young woman before him, collects his thoughts a moment before speaking.

“The cave men… were all nomads, and, um, they all… died. Then, we evolved into this,” and Reg gestures around, to the buildings, the homes around them, “and we lived.” Maggie looks at Reg, listening, and he comes down a couple more steps until he stands at Maggie’s level, facing her.

“Civilization starts when we stop running,” Reg says, his hands in his pockets. He shrugs. “When we live together…when we stop sending people away, from the world, from each other.”

Reg looks at Maggie.

Reg looks at Maggie. “That’s what I’m going to tell her…that’s what I’m going to tell everyone.”

Maggie looks at Reg, silently expressing her thanks and gratitude, before walking off.

Maggie looks at Reg, silently expressing her thanks and gratitude, before walking off. Reg, man, you’re awesome. Solid gold. 

Meanwhile, just outside the steel gates of Alexandria…

Sasha is doing the lonely work of cleaning up the walker bodies she rekilled up in the tower. She loads another one on her cart and pulls it towards a deep pit that has been dug for walker burial.

Sasha is doing the lonely work of cleaning up the walker bodies she rekilled up in the tower. She loads another corpse on her cart and pulls it towards a deep pit that has been dug for walker burial.

sasha cleaning up walker bodies 2

Sasha looks down at the bodies in the pit, then turns and tugs at the body on her cart...the body is stuck, and is hard to dislodge, and Sasha herself slides into the pit with the dead walkers.

Sasha looks down at the bodies in the pit, then turns and tugs at the body on her cart…the body is stuck, and is hard to dislodge, and Sasha herself slides into the pit with the dead walkers.

After a moment, Sasha lowers herself down until she lay on top of the pile of walkers in the pit...

After a moment, Sasha lowers herself down until she lay on top of the pile of walkers in the pit…

...and the shot pans out as Sasha closes her eyes, opens her arms, and surrenders to the strange peace of lying on top of the fallen walkers.

…and the shot pans out as Sasha closes her eyes, opens her arms, and surrenders to the strange peace of lying on top of the fallen walkers. A really dark concept, creating a really beautiful shot, Nicotero-style.

The next shot we see is of Daryl and Aaron, making their way through the woods. Daryl notes that somebody came through that way a while back, and Aaron is quick to say that if they see the people, they hang back, set up the mike, “Watch, and listen.”

“For how long?” asks Daryl. “Until we know,” replies Aaron. “We have to know.”

Daryl continues to stealth through the woods, tracking as he goes.

Daryl continues to stealth through the woods, tracking as he goes. “You sent people away?” he asks Aaron.

Aaron confirms yes, they did. “What happened?” asks Daryl. Aaron tells him that it was early on…it was three people. Two men, and a woman.

Davidson was their leader,” continues Aaron, as he follows Daryl through the woods. Smart as hell, strong…I thought they’d work out. They didn’t.

“I brought them in,” Aaron tells Daryl, “and I had to see them out.” The two men continue through the woods, the cool air misting their breath. Aaron tells Daryl how he, Aiden, and Nicholas drove the exiles out, far away, gave them a day’s worth of food and water, and left them.

“They just went?” Daryl asks. “We had their guns…all their guns,” replies Aaron.

“I can’t make that kind of mistake again,” Aaron tells Daryl.

Back in Alexandria, Carol is sitting on the edge of Rick’s bed, shaking his sleeping form. “Wake up,” she says, softly.

carol wakes up rick

Rick starts awake, sees Carol sitting there, and sits himself up.

Carol gets right down to business.

Carol gets right down to business. “It’s good what happened last night,” she says. “We have more cover now…all of them think you’ve been ‘found out.’ They think it’s over.”

Carol holds out another handgun to Rick, and after a moment, he takes it.

Carol holds out another handgun to Rick, and after a moment, he takes it.

After taking the gun, Rick looks at Carol.

After taking the gun, Rick looks at Carol. “Why didn’t you want to tell them we had more guns?” he asks her.

“Michonne stopped you…she knocked you out,” Carol says.

Rick looks away a moment, then back at Carol. “I deserved it,” he admits.

Carol doesn’t agree. “It was stupid,” she says, disgustedly.  Rick looks at her. “She’s with us, Glenn is,” he asserts.

Carol looks at Rick. “I didn’t tell them about the guns, just in case,” she replies.

Rick leans his head back against the wall, then looks back at Carol.

“I don’t want to lie anymore,” Rick says.

Carol looks at Rick.

Carol looks at Rick. “You said you (don’t?) want to take this place, and you don’t want to lie? Oh, sunshine, you don’t get both.

Rick shakes his head, taking in the full import of Carol's words.

Rick shakes his head, taking in the full import of Carol’s words.

(A couple of thoughts, before moving on.  I replayed Carol’s response to Rick quite a few times, and she clearly said, to my hearing, You said you don’t want to take this place, which confused me.  I can’t really understand, after repeated playbacks, what exactly Carol’s saying, but I think I am picking up what Carol’s putting down. To me, it sounds like Carol’s still riding the train of, “Let’s take this fucking place.” It’s kind of the only interpretation that makes sense to me, in the moment, and as I’m sleep deprived and on mad deadline right now, a lot doesn’t really make sense in my world, right now…so, really, I have no idea.

Another question…is Alexandria really that bad, that Carol thought that Michonne was stupid to interfere with Rick’s Fifty Shades of Cray moment out in the street, the day before? If Michonne hadn’t interfered, and knocked Rick out, where would Rick’s standoff have ultimately led to? Would Carol have pushed Sam off her, run to get her guns, and come out, barrels blazing? What exactly is their grand takeover plan, here?

Is their plan to kill Deanna, Reg, Spencer, and all the other Alexandrians in charge, and then offer the other citizens a choice, join us or die? Are Rick and Carol really up for slaughtering any resistant elders, innocents, children, to take over a peaceful, established community that took them in, that appears to truly mean them no harm, as clueless as the Alexandrians appear to be about the true state of life outside the walls? Especially when they are not sure if all of their people, their best people (like Michonne, Glenn, Daryl, Abraham, Maggie, Rosita, Sasha) would be on board with this plan to begin with?

And, what does Rick think Jessie would say about all of this? How was he planning on explaining this to her? “Oh, it’s simple, babe…I just kill your abusive husband, we take over your community, and then, you are riding high as First Lady of the Ricktatorship! What was that you said? What about your sons? Oh, they’ll be cool with it…their biodad’s a real dick!

How would Rick’s own son, Carl, feel about this plan?  What about the inherent danger a hostile takeover would be to the most vulnerable Alexandrian citizens, like Baby Judith? A loud gun battle within the walls of Alexandria would bring every walker within a twenty mile radius, hissing and pounding on those walls…and don’t even get me started about potential living threats who may come knocking!

And, how does Carol think that Daryl will feel about this plan? As Carol and Rick plot and plan, Daryl’s with Aaron, 50 miles out, looking for others to recruit into the Alexandria community. Does Carol think that Daryl will approve of this hostile takeover, or that Aaron’s just going to sit back and accept this order of things upon his return, especially if his boyfriend, Eric, is one of the dissenters, and gets killed for his refusal?

Sorry for the rant, gang. I, of course, love all the hot crazy in theory, but when it comes down to it, I say: Bad plan, sorry, can’t back you guys on this one.)

Anyway, back to our story… 

50 miles away, out on the scout, Daryl and Aaron have spied a lone man, wearing a red rain poncho, carrying a backpack. They watch him through their binoculars.

“What’s he doing?” Aaron asks, as they watch the man bend down, pick something from the ground, and rub it vigorously on his hands, then his face.

Watching the man, Daryl remarks,

Watching the man, Daryl remarks, “Wild leeks…looks like somebody knows how to keep mosquitoes off him.”

After a moment, Daryl bids Aaron, “Come on,” and they begin to follow the man, keeping a safe distance behind.

Back at Alexandria…

Rick steps out of juvie, blinking in the sunlight...

Rick steps out of juvie, blinking in the sunlight…

...and begins to walk down the sidewalk, where Tobin and two other men stand. Tobin is wearing a rifle on his shoulder, a new development in Alexandria...the armory is being guarded, and it seems that Rick's quarters are under watch as well.

…and begins to walk down the sidewalk, where Tobin and two other men stand. Tobin is wearing a rifle on his shoulder, a new development in Alexandria…the armory is being guarded, and it seems that Rick’s quarters are under watch as well.

Rick and Tobin greet each other as Rick passes. It is safe to assume the men with Tobin are armed as well, and Rick is most certainly packing his heat. When I first watched this episode, I thought Rick was carrying his pistol openly on him, but rewatching it, I am not sure if it's open, or hidden, but it most certainly is on him.

Rick and Tobin greet each other as Rick passes. It is safe to assume the men with Tobin are armed as well, and Rick is most certainly packing his heat. When I first watched this episode, I thought Rick was carrying his pistol openly on him, but rewatching it, I am not sure if it’s open, or hidden, but it most certainly is on him.

Deanna looks up from her papers and watches Rick pass, with some alarm showing on her face.

Deanna looks up from her papers and watches Rick pass, with some alarm showing on her face.

Rick passes by Deanna, makes eye contact with her, but neither one greets the other as Rick passes.

Rick passes by Deanna, makes eye contact with her, but neither one greets the other as Rick passes.

Seems like Rick could have taken the opportunity to greet Deanna, or apologize for the previous day's events, but I guess that's not happening...

Seems like Rick could have taken the opportunity to greet Deanna, or apologize for the previous day’s events, but I guess that’s not happening…


Glenn sits on the porch, waiting for Maggie to return from her meeting with Deanna as a shady lurker watches him from the shadows....

Glenn sits on the porch, waiting for Maggie to return from her meeting with Deanna as a shady lurker watches him from the shadows….

Nicholas Lurker watches Glenn, hatred in his eyes...he surely has his handgun on him.

Nicholas Lurker watches Glenn, hatred in his eyes…he surely has his handgun on him.

Maggie comes up, and Glenn asks her what the verdict is…Maggie tells Glenn it’s what they thought.

Maggie assures Glenn that she will go and talk to people today, before the meeting, plead Rick's case.

Maggie assures Glenn that she will go and talk to people today, before the meeting, plead Rick’s case.

Maggie assures Glenn. He manages a small smile, nods. Maggie sees something is bothering Glenn, asks him, “What?” He does not reply. Maggie sits down next to him, asks again, “What?”

Instead of voicing his real thoughts, Glenn smiles at Maggie, tells her,

Instead of voicing his real thoughts, Glenn puts his hand on Maggie’s knee, smiles, tells her, “I love you.”

Maggie looks at Glenn's troubled face.

Maggie looks at Glenn’s troubled face. “We’re gonna work it out,” she tells him. “I know it.” They look at each other, and Maggie smiles bravely at Glenn. I’ll see you there,” Maggie says, and the young couple parts ways.

After Maggie leaves, Glenn sits a moment more on the porch, thinking...a sudden noise makes him look up, and he sees...

After Maggie leaves, Glenn sits a moment more on the porch, thinking…a sudden noise makes him look up, and he sees…

...Nicholas, climbing up, and over, the fence. Glenn stands, looks around, then sets off after Nicholas.

… Nicholas, climbing up, and over, the fence. Glenn stands, looks around, then sets off after Nicholas.

The weird just keeps on happening, it seems, because in the next scene, we see Spencer, at the main gate, opening the door for Gabriel. Spencer asks Gabriel, “Sure you don’t want a gun, Father?”

Looking intense and spooky as all get-go, Gabriel replies,

Looking intense and spooky as all get-go, Gabriel replies, “I just want a quick walk.” He looks around, adds, “The Word of God is the only protection I need,” before heading out.

As he closes the gate, Spencer's look is like,

As he closes the gate, Spencer’s look is like, “Ummm…ok.”

Rick, meanwhile, has made it to his house, opens the door, and is greeted immediately by Carl. “Dad!” Carl exclaims, relieved, and rushes forward to give his dad a hug.

Carl, please talk some sense into your father.

Carl, please talk some sense into your father.

Carl asks Rick if he’s ok, and Rick assures him he is, apologizes to Carl as he continues walking through the living room. Carol tells his father he heard about the meeting, and Rick is quick to issue the order, “You’re staying home.”

“That’s what it is, now, right? Home? Carl asks. The question stops Rick in his tracks, and he turns around to face his son.

Even with bandaids and shit all over his face, Rick Grimes is just one fine-ass looking man.

Damn. Even with bandaids and shit all over his face, Rick Grimes is just one fine-ass looking man.

Rick looks at his son for a moment, then answers, “Yeah.”

Carl looks at Rick. “They need us,” he tells his father. “They’ll die without us.

Rick looks at his son a moment, walks over to him, faces him.

“I may have to threaten one of them,” says Rick. “I may have to kill one of them.” “You won’t,” Carl asserts. “I might,” counters Rick.

“You have to tell them,” Carl says. Rick protests, “I tried to tell them last night.”

Carl looks into his dad's eyes.

Carl looks into his dad’s eyes.You have to tell them so they can hear you,” he tells his father, wisely. (I love Carl in this scene!)

Rick leans in towards his son. “I don’t know if they can,” he says softly. He asks Carl, “Does that make you afraid?” Carl shakes his head, then looks at his dad again.

For them…you have to tell them,” he insists, looking earnestly into Rick’s face. Carl’s right, and deep down, Rick knows it.  The Alexandrians may be clueless about some things, but they are basically good people, and both Carl and Rick have grown to care about certain members of the community very, very much.

Rick looks at his son, and nods.

Rick has some of his finest (and I mean finest) moments when he is getting schooled by his son.

Rick Grimes has some of his finest moments when he is getting schooled by his son. ❤

Meanwhile, about 50 miles away…

Peering through binoculars, Daryl and Aaron spot a couple of tractor trailers which look promising for a major food score.

Peering through binoculars, Daryl and Aaron spot a couple of tractor trailers which look promising for a major food score.

daryl and aaron fence 1

As Daryl surveys the trucks through the fence, Aaron laments,

As Daryl surveys the trucks through the fence, Aaron laments, “We checked the forest, we checked the roads…we can’t find him.” He is talking about the man in the red jacket, who they spotted earlier. They have been searching for him, in vain, and ended up here.

“Sometimes, they (people) slip away, it happens,” Aaron continues. He looks through the fences, at the tractor trailers, then at Daryl. “But, you don’t come across something like this every day.”

Daryl points out that if they do this now, it means they've given up on finding the man with the red jacket. Aaron replies that home is 50 miles that's time to go.

Daryl points out that if they do this now, it means they’ve given up on finding the man with the red jacket. Aaron replies that home is 50 miles back…it’s time to go.

“You saw it last night…there’s bad people out here,” Aaron says.

“That’s why we gotta keep looking for the good ones,” Daryl maintains.

“We need more people, we do, and when we find them, we’ll need to feed them,” Aaron points out.

Daryl thinks about this for a moment, then agrees, “All right.” He takes his knife and raps on the metal fence, calling over the walkers that are milling around outside the inner fencing, blocking the way to the trailers.

After making quick work of rekilling the walkers through the fencing, Daryl and Aaron pull open the gate, and make their way towards the trailers.

After making quick work of rekilling the walkers through the fencing, Daryl and Aaron pull open the gate, and make their way towards the trailers, sitting abandoned in the loading area of the canned foods distribution center.

It seems like an ideal score...too good to be true.

It seems like an ideal score...too good to be true.

As they approach the tractor trailers, Daryl and Aaron don't seem to notice that each trailer has a couple of empty cans, with holes punched through and strung up alongside, or under, the trailers. They catch the wind, and seem to be some kind of noisemakers...

As they approach the tractor trailers, Daryl and Aaron don’t seem to notice that each trailer has a couple of empty cans, with holes punched through and strung up alongside, or under, the trailers. The cans catch the wind, and seem to be some kind of noisemaking or alert mechanism.

As they approach the backs of the trailers, each emblazoned with colorful images of cans, vegetables, laden fields, Daryl keeps watch while Aaron, beaming, crouches, opens his backpack. and begins unscrewing something low on the back of one of the trucks.

“Whoa!” Aaron exclaims, looking delighted. “Wasn’t sure I’d see one of these!” Yep, too good to be true…

As he works, Aaron tells Daryl that he doesn’t like giving up either, but, you know, the guy is in a red poncho…

“You can see him from a mile away!”

And just when Aaron thought it couldn't get any better, he finds that the license plate he just unscrewed is one from Alaska...triple bonus score!

Aaron pulls up a license plate from Alaska…triple bonus score!

As they stand in front of the three trailers, Aaron happily remarks that even though they may have lost track of the man they were tailing, finding trailers full of canned goods is a pretty great find...Daryl agrees, squats down to pull open one of the trailer doors...the sliding door seems to set off some kind of mechanism, and all at once, all three doors slide open, and what they reveal inside is not quite the bounty the two men were looking for.

As they stand in front of the three trailers, Aaron happily remarks that even though they may have lost track of the man they were tailing, finding trailers full of canned goods is a pretty great find… Daryl agrees, squats down to pull open one of the trailer doors…the sliding door seems to set off some kind of chain-reaction mechanism, and all at once, all three doors slide open, and what they reveal inside is not quite the bounty the two men were looking for.

Sometimes, it seems the universe has quite a twisted sense of humor...

Sometimes, it seems, the universe has quite a twisted sense of humor…

...and triple bonus score is another name for...

…and triple bonus score is merely another name for…

...triple fucked.

…triple fucked.

triple fucked 4

Walkers begin to pour out of the trailers, snapping and snarling, while other walkers, without arms or legs, hang on hooks, helplessly gnashing their rotting teeth...just what is the deal with these torso walkers?

triple fucked 5

Daryl and Aaron make a run for it, only to find their way blocked by another large group of seems the trailers open at both ends once the booby trap mechanism is set off.

Daryl and Aaron make a run for it, only to find their way blocked by another large group of walkers…it seems the trailers open at both ends once the booby trap mechanism is set off.

Daryl and Aaron must fight through the first wave of walkers...Daryl uses his knife to spear through the walkers' rotten skulls...

Daryl and Aaron must fight through the first wave of walkers…Daryl uses his knife to spear through the walkers’ rotten skulls…

...while Aaron uses his newfound Alaska license plate to slice through the walkers' brains, like a walker-killing MacGyver.

…while Aaron uses his newfound Alaska license plate to slice through the walkers’ brains, like a walker-killing MacGyver.

There are too many walkers to fight through, and Aaron and Daryl dive under one of the tractor trailers for momentary cover.

There are too many walkers to fight through, and Daryl and Aaron dive under one of the tractor trailers for momentary cover.

The walkers, however, are not far behind, clawing their way, hissing, towards the men.

The walkers, however, are not far behind them, clawing their way, hissing, towards the men.

daryl under the trailer w walker lady

Daryl finds a good-sized length of rusty chain, and he bids Aaron to follow him out the open side of the trailer, away from the crawling walkers.  Daryl encounters three walkers in his path, and he chainwhips them in badass bullwhip style…

I have no idea how the WD special effects mavericks achieved this effect, but kudos to seamlessly realistic.

I have no idea how the WD special effects mavericks achieved this particular effect, but kudos to them…so seamlessly realistic.

daryl chain whips the walkers 2

Daryl then spears his knife into a walker that has come up on Aaron.  Aaron must be taking notes, because he machetes two walkers upside the head as they run for cover...

Daryl then spears his knife into a walker that has come up on Aaron. Aaron must be taking notes, because he machetes two walkers upside the head in pimp padawan style as the men run for cover from the walker horde that is closing in around them.

Daryl and Aaron run to the only refuge from the walkers they can find, and abandoned car that is sitting in the middle of the lot.  As they dive in and try to shut the doors against the crush of walkers, Aaron slams his door on SquishNasty Walker’s head, squishing it nasty…



After a couple of tries, Aaron finally gets the car door shut, and then the two men are trapped in a closed car, as the walkers swarm the outside of it.

Oh nooooo!

Oh noooo!

The Torso Walkers are all like,

Back inside the truck, hanging from hooks, the Torso Walkers are all like,”Goddamn it…we miss all the fun shit!”

Well, this sucks.

Well, this sucks.

Aaron says the glass should hold a while...right? Daryl says he thinks so, comes up with the idea to cover the windows, so the walkers can't see them in there, and eventually lose interest...if they can find something in the car to cover the windows, maybe they can ride it out, or maybe somebody else will come along...

Aaron says the glass should hold a while…right? Daryl says he thinks so, comes up with the idea to cover the windows, so the walkers can’t see them in there, and eventually lose interest…if they can find something in the car to cover the windows, maybe they can ride it out, or maybe somebody else will come along…

As Aaron and Daryl look around the car for something to cover the windows with, Aaron finds a crumpled note, saying,

As Aaron and Daryl look around the car for something to cover the windows with, Aaron finds a crumpled note, saying, “Trap. Bad people coming. Don’t stay.”

Aaron, alarmed, looks at Daryl, who looks down at the note. Shit.

daryl and the car walker

Fucked creek without a paddle, this is.

Fucked creek, without a paddle, this is. #yodaspeak

And, speaking of fucked creek

There is a knock on the door, as McBeaty sits alone in his dark, solitary's so gloomy and lonesome when there's no one around to terrorize!

We hear a knock on the door, as we see McBeaty sitting alone in his dark, solitary mansion…it sure is gloomy and lonesome when there’s no one around to terrorize, huh, McBeaty?

After the second knock, McBeaty gets up, goes to the door, and opens it. Carol strides in, carrying a casserole.

“What the hell are you doing?” demands McBeaty. (Wow, McBeaty, you have quite the way with all the ladies, don’t you? What these Alexandrians have yet to realize is that a Carol casserole on the doorstep seems to be the equivalent of a dead canary…)

Still holding the casserole, Carol informs McBeaty, “You need to check on Tara. You treated her, you’re a surgeon, you need to do that.”

McBeaty points to the door. “Get out,” he growls at Carol, beginning to walk back to the dark living room, presumably to sulk some more (as I am sure that Deanna Monroe, Inc. cleared out all the alcohol in McBeaty’s detention mansion).

As I watched Carol casually reach for her knife, still holding the casserole, I could only think: McBeaty, McBeaty, McBeaty… remember when you tried that line, just yesterday, on Rick Grimes? Remember how that turned out?

As I remember it, as soon as you uttered the fatal words: 1) your wife basically jumpstarted the process of quitting your ass and leaving you for another man, 2) that said man threw you through a window, and, 3) you got your ass beat on some hot asphalt in front of the entire town of Alexandria.

I dunno, McBeaty...maybe next time, you should try another angle...that line doesn't seem to work very well in your favor.

I dunno, McBeaty, maybe next time, you should try another angle…that line doesn’t seem to work very well in your favor!

“I could kill you right now,” Carol informs McBeaty, holding the knife under his chin.

“I could,” Carol continues. “I will…”

“And who would believe I did it because I didn’t like you? No one,” Carol singsongs, holding the pointy end of her knife right up under McBeaty’s chin, twisting it for effect. McBeaty’s breath becomes shaky.

It is truly comical to see this tiny woman holding a huge knife to this big man...McBeaty is breathing hard, having at least enough good sense to be terrified in this moment.

(It is truly comical to see this tiny woman holding a huge knife to this big man, who is breathing hard now, truly shaken.)

Carol holds the knife under McBeaty's chin, not letting up.

Carol keeps the knife point under McBeaty’s chin, not letting up. “They’d believe you tried to hurt me…they’d definitely believe that, she informs him.

With one quick swipe of her knife, Carol deftly draws the barest drop of blood from under McBeaty’s chin, and shows it to him on the tip of her blade.

Carol brings the knife down, invites McBeaty,

Carol brings the knife down, invites McBeaty, “Come at me.” McBeaty takes the barest step forward, then thinks better of it. “No?” asks Carol. McBeaty wisely doesn’t move, doesn’t answer. “Yeah?” taunts Carol. McBeaty stays still and silent as a stone. “No,” concludes Carol, with some regret in her voice.

Carol regards the tall, shaken man in front of her. “The way this has played out, you have a chance,” she informs him. “You’re here, your wife’s…there,” and New Carol motions her head towards the end of the street.

New Carol sizes up McBeaty.

New Carol sizes up McBeaty. “You’re a small, weak nothing,” she says, disgustedly. “And with the world how it is, you’re even weaker.”

New Carol tells McBeaty,

New Carol tells McBeaty, “Play your cards right, and maybe you don’t have to die.” She then shoves the casserole hard, into his gut, turns to leave, then turns back once more. “I want my dish back clean when you’re done.” And with that, New Carol walks out the door. McBeaty stands there a moment, in shock, before dropping the casserole to the floor, and in an impotent rage, storms into the other room and starts trashing it. “This isn’t my house,” he seethes. “This isn’t my house!” Loud crashing ensues.

Ah, so very good, New Carol…a low bow to you, most honorable master. ❤

Meanwhile, out in the woods, Glenn is following Nicholas, keeping some distance behind. Nicholas scurries deeper into the woods, and after looking around, Glenn follows behind.

glenn following nicholas

Glenn peers at the rekilled remains of Houdini Walker (forgot about you in the memoriam, bud...sorry! R.I.P. Houdini Walker <3 )

Glenn peers at the rekilled remains of Houdini Walker (forgot about you in the memoriam, bud…sorry!)  R.I.P. Houdini Walker

Glenn approaches the site cautiously, taking in the sight of the walker, and the bloody chain Aiden and Nicholas used, to try to keep the walker tethered, so they could torture it for their sport when they weren’t feeling so good about themselves, back in the day.

Glenn hears a noise in the bushes, and draws his knife, looking around. A loud shot rings out, and Glenn is hit, the bullet grazing the top of his shoulder.



Glenn falls to the ground.

Glenn winds back, falls to the ground.

Nicholas rushes forward from his cowardly hiding spot in the bushes. (Nicholas! You dastardly bastard!)

Nicholas rushes forward from his cowardly hiding spot in the bushes. (Nicholas! You bastard!)

But when Nicholas reaches the spot where Glenn fell, he only sees drops of blood on the grass and leaves…Glenn is gone.

You tell him, Nelson:

Ah, this next scene…so beautifully done. One of my all-time favorites.

As Jessie tries to clean up the broken mess of her living room window, we see a gentleman caller has come to pay a visit...

As Jessie tries to clean up the broken mess of her living room window, we see a gentleman caller has come to pay a visit…

I love this look on her face when she looks up and sees Rick coming up her porch stairs...Alexandra Breckenridge does an amazing job in this episode, and of course, Andrew Lincoln...well, there are no words, even for me.

I love this look on her face when she looks up and sees Rick coming up her porch stairs. Alexandra Breckenridge does an amazing job in this scene, this episode, and of course, Andrew Lincoln…well, there are no words, even for me. Beautifully shot, beautifully acted. Michael Satrazemis, director of photography, director Greg Nicotero, of course…Deadies all around for this scene, another classic TWD moment.

“You should go,” Jessie says to Rick (translation: You should go to my bedroom, with me, now!)

“I just wanted to check on you,” Rick says, gently.  #constabledreamy

Jessie and Rick share a sweet moment, looking at each other, not saying words, anyway.

Jessie and Rick share a sweet moment, looking at each other, not saying anything…in words, anyway.

Rick leans forward, noticing.

Rick leans forward, noticing. “Your eye,” he says, concerned. Jessie is indeed sporting a black eye from McBeaty’s savage backhand when she tried to pull him off Rick, and break up the fight.

Jessie assures Rick that it happened during the fight. McBeaty has been in Lockdown Mansion, down the street, and hasn’t had a chance to lay a hand on her since.

Jessie then says that they shouldn’t be seen talking right now…but it’s pretty hard to tear themselves away.

“I’m not sorry I did it, no matter what happens, or what I have to do,” Rick tells Jessie (which is pretty much the most perfect thing he could say in this moment). #swoon

After another moment, Rick turn to go. As he turns away, Jessie calls to him, “Don’t turn around, Rick.”

Rick stops, waits.

Rick stops, waits. He doesn’t turn around.

“You were right,” says Jessie. Rick turns his face slightly towards her, before walking away.

And down the street, from inside a house that isn't his own, we see McBeaty watching this interaction.

And down the street, from inside a house that isn’t his own, we see McBeaty watching this interaction.

Cue the sinister Bear McCreary music.

Cue the sinister Bear McCreary music…


...50 miles away...

50 miles away…

daryl talks to aaron in car 1

Inside the car, Daryl looks at the walkers outside the window, then looks straight ahead, gives a little laugh as a funny thought occurs to him. “Huh!”

Aaron looks over at Daryl.

Aaron looks over at Daryl. “What?” Daryl explains, with a shake of his head, “I came out here toI feel all closed up back there (in Alexandria).”

Daryl looks towards Aaron, then slightly away as he marvels,

Daryl looks towards Aaron, then slightly away as he marvels, Even now…it still feels more like me.”

Daryl sadly muses that back at

Daryl sadly muses that back at “those houses,” he was really putting himself “on.”

Aaron winces as the pain of Daryl's sad statement hits him. Daryl feel his importance as someone who can contribute to his group out in the wild, but is overcome with self doubt finding his place in a walled, polite society, living in palatial homes that would have never allowed the likes of him inside, before the turn.

Aaron winces as the pain of Daryl’s sad statement hits him. Daryl feel his importance as someone who can contribute to his group out in the wild, but is overcome with self doubt finding his place in a walled, polite society, housed in homes that would have never been an option for someone like him before the turn.

Aaron looks at Daryl, says, gently, “You were trying.”  Daryl looks ahead, thinking a moment, then replies, “I had to.”

Aaron shakes his head. “No, you didn’t.” Daryl doesn’t respond. Aaron continues, “Listen, I saw you out there with your group, in the road…and you went off, on your own, by the barn. The storm hit…you led your people to safety.” Daryl is silent, listening to Aaron’s words.

“That was it,” Aaron says, remembering. “That’s when I knew that I had to bring you people back.”

Daryl does not reply, and then it is Aaron’s turn for self-reflection, and self doubt. As the walkers continue to hiss and paw at the windows, Aaron looks down, muses, “You were right. We should have kept looking for that guy in the poncho.”  Aaron shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have given up. You didn’t.”

After a moment, Daryl pulls out a cigarette, puts it in his mouth, and reaches in his jacket, fishing for a light.

After a moment, Daryl pulls out a cigarette, puts it in his mouth, and reaches in his jacket, fishing for a light.

“I’ll go,” Daryl offers. Aaron turns, looks at him in disbelief. “I’ll lead ’em out, you make a break for the fence,” Daryl says, gesturing beyond the car’s windows.

Daryl then lights his smoke, inhales.

Daryl then lights his smoke, inhales deeply.

“No, no, no,” Aaron counters. “This was my fault.”

daryl lights up 3

Daryl looks at Aaron.

daryl says ain't your decision

“It wasn’t a question,” rebukes Daryl, “and this ain’t your decision. Ain’t nobody’s fault.”

“Now, just lemme finish my smoke first.” (A very special Deadie right here, right now, for our man, Daryl Dixon:  The Most Beautiful, Tender Hero, Always Award)   Daryl Dixon, you are the most beautiful, tender hero, always. ❤

“No,” whispers Aaron. “You don’t draw them away…”

“…we fight.”    

Aaron looks at Daryl. “We go for the fence. We do it together…whether we make it or not, we do it together. We have to.” 

( A Padawan Hero Deadie for Aaron, here, and a Most Excellent Newcomer Deadie to Ross Marquand, the actor who plays Aaron. He even does impressions! ) 🙂

Daryl looks over at Aaron,  regards him with a little smile, and a new respect.

Daryl looks over at Aaron, regards him with the barest of smiles, and a new respect. “All right,” he agrees. He takes one more drag of his smoke, asks, “Ready?”

“Yeah,” Aaron replies, softly. Daryl says, “We’ll go on 3.” Aaron grips his machete, and Daryl draws his knife, begins to bounce himself in the seat, readying himself for battle as he begins to count, “1…”

As Daryl counts, Aaron, gripping his machete, turns and locks eyes with one of the walkers, outside. The walker seems to be smiling at Aaron, as if it knows what is happening...

As Daryl counts, Aaron, gripping his machete, turns and locks eyes with one of the walkers, outside. 1-2-3 Walker seems to be smiling at Aaron, as if it knows what is about to happen…

“…2…!” Daryl counts, and as if on cue, 1-2-3 Walker’s brains are suddenly dashed against the car windows, to Aaron’s shock and surprise.

The car door is flung open, and we see who the rescuer is…Morgan!

morgan saves aaron and daryl 1

Brandishing his trusty wooden staff, Morgan continues taking out walkers, buying Aaron and Daryl a moment to get out of the car and begin battling walkers themselves.

Brandishing his trusty wooden staff, Morgan continues taking out walkers, buying Aaron and Daryl a moment to get out of the car and begin battling walkers themselves.

morgan a d 1 morgan ad aerial

Aaron brings his machete down on a walker's head...

Aaron brings his machete down on a walker’s head… Daryl stabs at the walkers, and Morgan takes them out with his staff. Between the three of them, they are able to clear a line to the gate and quickly get outside, pulling the gate closed behind them, barring the walkers' way.

…as Daryl stabs at the walkers, and Morgan takes them out with his staff. Between the three of them, they are able to clear a line to the gate and quickly get outside, pulling the gate closed behind them, barring the walkers’ way.

As the walkers rush the fence,  Aaron, Daryl, and Morgan take a moment to process the fact that they just escaped, against all odds. They made it!

As the walkers rush the fence, Aaron, Daryl, and Morgan take a moment to process the fact that they just escaped, with their lives, against all odds. They did it!

Aaron turns to Morgan, ecstatic.

Aaron turns to Morgan, ecstatic. “That was…” he begins, bowing his hands towards Morgan, unable to find the words. “Thank you,” he says, simply.

Morgan receives the thanks, and the praise, humbly.

Morgan receives Aaron’s thanks, and praise, humbly.

Aaron introduces himself, and Daryl. Morgan introduces himself, “Morgan.” Daryl regards Morgan, puzzled.

“Why?” Daryl asks him. Morgan looks at Daryl.

“Why?” Morgan replies. “Because all life is precious, Daryl.”

As Morgan and Daryl regard each other, Aaron begins talking, quickly, reminding them that whoever set that trap will be coming back, at some point, and that they have good news…they have a community, with electricity, and walls. Aaron tells Morgan he is welcome to come with them, if he likes.

“I thank you,” Morgan tells them, politely and sincerely, “but I’m on my way somewhere. Fact is, I’m lost.” Morgan begins fishing in his coat pocket for something, says, “If you could tell me where we are,” and hands a map over to Daryl…

...who takes the map Morgan has handed him, and looks down to see Abraham's note to Rick:

…who takes the map Morgan has handed him, and looks down to see Abraham’s note to Rick: “The new world’s gonna need Rick Grimes!” 

Daryl looks down at the map, then up at Morgan a couple of times, trying to wrap his head around what is happening. Morgan  returns his gaze in an open, friendly manner, his eyebrows raised in silent question.

Daryl looks down at the map, then up at Morgan a couple of times, trying to wrap his head around this. Morgan returns his gaze in an open, friendly manner, his eyebrows raised in silent question.

:) <3

🙂 Cue the sweet Bear McCreary piano music

Some ways away, another type of music is in the air…a singsong bird whistle carries hesitantly through the woods as Gabriel walks along, clad simply in a long-sleeved white shirt with dark pants.

Gabriel seems to be dressed in white for his self-sacrifice, and is whistling to attract walkers.

Gabriel seems to be dressed in white for some sort of ritualistic Eat Me self-sacrifice, and is whistling, presumably, to attract walkers. Judging from Gabriel’s face, however, he may be whistling because he’s really, really terrified and doesn’t quite know what to do with all that.

Gabriel approaches a clearing, and what he sees  warps his whistle into some shrill, discordant notes...he makes himself step closer...

Gabriel approaches a clearing, and what he sees beyond it warps his little singsong whistle into some shrill, discordant notes…he makes himself step closer…

...towards the walker feasting on some poor doomed somebody in the road.

…towards the walker feasting on some poor doomed somebody in the road.

Gabriel seems to find his resolve more and more with each step towards the walker, who is pretty busy in the moment, and who does not yet notice Gabriel behind it.

As he walks towards the walker, Gabriel calls,

Gabriel opens his arms and calls out,

Gabriel opens his arms and calls out, “I’m ready!

That gets Eat Me Walker's attention, and it turns to face Gabriel.

That gets Eat Me Walker’s attention, and it turns to face Gabriel.

Eat Me Walker stands and begins lurching towards Gabriel, whose eyes are wide with fear, but who continues to step towards the fast-coming walker…

Arms open, walking towards the walker, Gabriel repeats, more uncertainly this time,

Arms open, walking towards the walker, Gabriel repeats, more uncertainly this time, “I’m ready.”

Eat Me Walker lurches towards Gabriel.

Eat Me Walker lurches towards Gabriel, whose face begins to look more and more like, “I’m not ready” for this…

gabriel woods 7 walker close up

“No, fuck this, I am definitely not ready for this! Fuck. This!”

Gabriel pushes the walker back with its first rush at him, and it takes him one more second of considering his course before he does what any other person, sane or not, would do if he/she wanted to continue living…he defends himself.

Crying, hating himself, Gabriel pulls at Eat Me Walker's hanging noose end until the walker's head pops off its rotten neck. So much for self sacrifice.

Crying, hating himself, Gabriel pulls at Eat Me Walker’s hanging noose end until the walker’s head pops off its rotten neck.

 So much for self sacrifice. Never been a big fan of it, myself.

So much for self sacrifice. Never been a big fan of it, myself.

Gabriel takes a large rock and smashes it into Eat Me Walker’s gnashing, reanimated head, spattering its brains all over the ground. The only thing I could think in the moment, watching this scene, was, “Well, where was all that brawn and bravado before, Gabriel, when Rick and the gang could have really used another killing machine in their many righteous battles against the undead, and your ass just hung back, and watched, and sniveled? You better be jumping up and getting up in there next time…just sayin’…time to be a helper, Gabriel!”

Gabriel walks over to Eat Me Walker's chomped victim, who lay convulsing on the ground...

Gabriel walks over to Eat Me Walker’s chomped victim, who lay convulsing on the ground…

Gabriel lifts the rock high, and brings it down on the poor man’s head, killing him for good.

Gabriel breaks down, sobbing.  He collapses in the road, crying in real anguish. Seth Gilliam, killing it once again as Gabriel, tortured priest. Renegade Deadie to our man, Seth Gilliam! (I do hope after this season, Seth Gilliam can start living closer to the rest of the TWD cast during shooting...way more fun!)

Gabriel breaks down, sobbing. He collapses in the road, crying in real anguish.  The Renegade Deadie goes to our man, Seth Gilliam, who is killing it once again as Gabriel, the tortured priest! (I do hope that Seth Gilliam can start living closer to the rest of the TWD cast during Season 6 shooting, and not be an outsider any more…closer digs would be way more fun.)

Abraham comes in, bearing flowers, to visit Tara...

Meanwhile, back in Alexandria, Abraham comes to visit Tara, bearing hand cut flowers in a jar…

...and stops short when he sees Eugene's dozing form, slumped in one of the visitor's chairs beside Tara's bed.

…and stops short when he sees Eugene’s dozing form, slumped in one of the visitor’s chairs beside Tara’s bed.

Abraham turns to go. “I’ll come by later,” he mutters, trying to duck out the door. “He’s asleep,” Rosita says. Abraham stops. Rosita smiles at him, as if trying not to laugh. “He’s asleep, sit,” she says.  Rosita turns back to writing as Abraham quiety closes the door and begins to gingerly step over to Tara’s bed.

abraham visits tara 3

After taking a second to stare down at Eugene, determining if he really is asleep, Abraham begins to ease himself slowly into the chair beside Eugene when…

...Rosita deliberately pushes a metal pan off the counter, and it clatters loudly on the floor.

…Rosita deliberately pushes a metal pan off the counter, sending it clattering loudly to the floor. “Whoops, “ Rosita mock laments. Abraham freezes in mid-sit, his face saying it all. She got him good, and they both know it.

Eugene jolts awakes, sees Abraham beside him. He peers over at Abraham, who is turning back from shooting Rosita a look…Abraham and Eugene regard each other a moment.

“Good afternoon,” says Eugene. Abraham says nothing.

First Abraham, then Eugene, turn their gazes back to Tara, sleeping in her bed. An awkward moment passes, then Eugene speaks up.

First Abraham, then Eugene, turn their gazes back to Tara, sleeping in her bed. An awkward moment passes, then Eugene speaks up. “She saved my life,” he says, of Tara.

Eugene continues, “She also cracked open my gourd to considering implications I hadn’t… I’ll remark on those at this time.”

Eugene turns to Abraham.

Eugene turns to Abraham.You got us here. All I did was craft a top shelf lie, to which a person of strength and heroism could apply their talents.” (Editor’s note: The Top Shelf Lie is an amazing name for a mullet.)

“My bet was that you needed that,” Eugene continues, still looking over at Abraham. Abraham is kind of staring ahead, at Tara’s sleeping form, taking it all in.

“I thank you, Eugene says, simply and humbly, and bravely. Abraham turns to face Eugene.

Tears in his eyes, and a shake in his voice, Eugene looks at Abraham and says,

Tears in his eyes, and a shake in his voice, Eugene looks at Abraham and says, “I am sorry.” Awww!

“And I mean both, emphatically and in equal measure,” Eugene concludes.

After a moment, Abraham looks back at Eugene...

After a moment, Abraham looks back at Eugene…

...then looks away again.  As Rosita and Eugene watch, Abraham seems to really struggle with saying the words:

…then looks away again. As Rosita and Eugene watch, Abraham seems to really struggle with saying the words: “I’m…sorry, too.”

Eugene hurriedly tries to assure Abraham that his apology is “utterly and completely unnecessary,” when Abraham reminds him that:

“I almost killed you.” Abraham’s voice betrays his anger at himself for losing his shit on Eugene so hard after Eugene confessed his big lie.

“Yes,” Eugene concedes, “there’s that.” The men look at each other for one more awkward moment, then both turn back to look at Tara.

Meanwhile, Spencer, who is pulling gate duty, hears a rap at the gate, peers through an opening in the tarp covering the fence, and sees Gabriel has returned.

Spencer rolls open the gate.

Spencer rolls open the gate. “You’re back,” he greets Gabriel. “Good. Just wanted to sneak off to the meeting.”

Gabriel does not reply, just looks like his usual spooked self, and Spencer turns to go, then turns back to Gabriel. “Do you think we could find some time to talk later?” he asks the priest. “About Aiden? There’s just some things I need to say, and I’m not sure who I can say them to.”

Spencer looks shyly at Gabriel, confesses,

Spencer looks shyly at Gabriel, confesses, “I don’t really have anyone here, right now, if you know what I mean.”

Oh, I think Father Gabriel knows exactly what you mean, Spencer!

Oh, I think Father Gabriel knows exactly what you mean, Spencer!

Gabriel whispers something like, “I see,” which really isn’t the most comforting or reassuring reply, but Spencer seems like he’s already onto number next. There’s a meeting to get to, and it’s a big one…they’re gonna be talking exile and shit.

“Cool,” Spencer says breezily, and turns to go, then turns back to Gabriel, motions towards the gate. “Can you get that?” Spencer asks Gabriel, and like someone half asleep, Gabriel whispers, “Yeah…”

“Thank you,” says Spencer, turns, and strides off towards the meeting. Gabriel turns and pulls the gate closed, half-heartedly, and is already walking away as the metal door bounces against the frame and begins to roll back open…unlatched, unlocked, unmanned…open.

Dude, really?

Dude, really?

Meanwhile, out in the woods…

Nicholas is running through the woods, buggin' hard, trying to find Glenn, who he shot, and lost...he sees a figure moving through the trees, raises his gun.

Nicholas is running through the woods, buggin’ hard, trying to find Glenn, who he shot, and lost…he sees a figure moving through the trees, raises his gun.

The moving figure, however, turns out not to be Glenn, but Je Ne Sais Quoi Walker, whose face alights as it spies Nicholas and begins to stride towards him with a certain je ne sais quoi style and flair.

The moving figure, however, turns out not to be Glenn, but Je Ne Sais Quoi Walker, whose face alights as it spies Nicholas, and begins to stride towards him with a certain, undead, je ne sais quoi flair to its shuffling step.

Nicholas pulls out his knife as the walker approaches, but seems to lack confidence in his hand to hand walker takedown skills...

Nicholas pulls out his knife as the walker approaches, but seems to lack confidence in his hand-to-hand walker takedown skills…

Nicholas goes for what he knows, reaching for his pistol and firing upon the walker , rekilling it instantly. Glenn knows this is the moment to strike, and he tackles Nicholas against a tree.

Glenn, being shot, has the definite disadvantage of being wounded, losing blood, but he manages to land some good shots at Nicholas...

Glenn, being shot, has the definite disadvantage of being wounded, in pain, and losing blood, but he manages to land some good shots at Nicholas…

glenn gets some good punches in2

Nicholas gets some good shots in on Glenn, and does the dick maneuver of jabbing a finger or thumb into Glenn's bullet wound, causing Glenn to cry out in pain. Glenn tackles Nicholas to the ground...

Nicholas gets some good shots in on Glenn, and does the dick maneuver of jabbing a finger or thumb into Glenn’s bullet wound, causing Glenn to cry out in pain. Glenn tackles Nicholas to the ground…

...and manages to stomp the inside of one of Nicholas's legs, hard, most likely breaking the bone. Nicholas gets the advantage once again, ending up on top of Glenn, punching him again and again, jabbing poor Glenn's wound. Glenn screams out in pain.

…and manages to stomp the inside of one of Nicholas’s legs, hard, most likely breaking the bone. Nicholas gets the advantage once again, ending up on top of Glenn, punching him again and again, jabbing poor Glenn’s wound. Glenn screams out in pain.

The noise attracts the attention of Aye, Aye, Aye Walker, who ambles up crookedly with a high-pitched, gurgling snarl, “Aye…aye…aye!”

nicholas after glenn 11

As Aye, Aye, Aye Walker comes up, Nicholas rolls off Glenn and flees, leaving Glenn at the mercy of the she-walker and two other undead fiends...

As Aye, Aye, Aye Walker comes up, Nicholas rolls off Glenn and flees, leaving Glenn at the mercy of the she-walker and two other undead fiends…Nicholas, you bastard!

Aye, aye, aye! Watching this finale episode, my WD buddy and I were super freaked at this scene, and then the shot faded out to commercial. I turned to my WD buddy and said,

Aye, aye, aye! Watching this finale episode, my WD buddy and I were super freaked at this scene, which ended with the shot fading out, to the next scene, or commercial. I turned to my WD buddy and said, “They’re not going to take Glenn down with a fade-out!”


Rick is sitting alone, looking down, thinking. Michonne comes up behind him, watches him a moment.

Rick is sitting alone, looking down, thinking. Michonne comes up behind him, watches him a moment. “Rick,” she says, softly, “you ready?”

Rick sits a moment, then turns to Michonne, and starts to confess the truth. He looks pretty adorable, abashed, not really able to meet her eyes at times as he comes clean with her.

“Daryl, Carol, and me…we worked it out together. Carol took three guns from the armory. I still have one, she still has one.” Rick turns to look at Michonne, who is digesting all this information.

Rick takes a deep breath before continuing.

Rick takes a deep breath before continuing. “We lied to you, because I wasn’t sure how you’d take it, what you’d do.”

Rick holds out the gun for Michonne to take. Michonne makes no move to take the gun.

Rick holds out the gun for Michonne to take. Michonne, however, makes no move to take the gun.

Michonne tosses the constable's jacket on the bed, fixes Rick with a look.

Michonne tosses the constable’s jacket on the bed, fixes Rick with a look. “You think I’d try to stop you?” she chides gently.

Rick, still holding out the gun, looks at Michonne, who still does not reach for it.

“Well,” he jokes, “you did hit me over the head.”

That was for you,” Michonne replies, “not them.”

Rick takes this in, gets up from the bed, walks over to Michonne. He stands before her, faces her.

“I was afraid you’d talk me out of it,” Rick tells Michonne. “You could have.”

Michonne's face softens as she looks at the big adorable dummy in front of her.

Michonne’s face softens as she looks at the big adorable dummy in front of her. “We don’t need them (guns) here,” she says gently, shaking her head. “I don’t need my sword.”

Michonne looks up at Rick, looking like The Most Beautiful Wise One (and you know that's a Deadie, and you know it goes to Michonne/Danai Gurira! <3).

Michonne looks up at Rick, looking like The Most Beautiful Wise One (and you know that’s a Deadie, and you know it goes to Michonne/Danai Gurira!). ❤

Michonne tells Rick, “I think you can find a way.” Rick looks away, in a moment of resistance, or embarrassment, as he hears aloud what he probably already knew, deep down, to be true.

“We can find a way…” Michonne continues, “and if we don’t?” Michonne pauses a moment to let her next statement sink in, “I’m still with you.”

richonne 3

Dammit, Richonne, why? Why?? It could have been so amazing! I am trying to be supportive and unconditional with the whole Ressie thing, but you two, together, would have been the sexy superhero team-up of my dreams… <sob!>

Continuing to be the Most Beautiful, Wise One, Michonne tells Rick,

Continuing to be a beautiful oracle, Michonne tells Rick,Something’s gonna happen…just don’t make something happen.”

Rick takes the wisdom, and the lesson, in. He tries to hand Michonne his handgun one last time, and she presses it back towards him.

Rick takes the wisdom, and the lesson, in. He tries to hand Michonne his handgun one last time, and she presses it back towards him.

Michonne turns to leave. “Don’t be too long,” she tells Rick, who stands silently, mulling over her words.

Rick sits on the end of the bed, unsheathing a long, machete-style blade, weighing options, remembering words that Bob had told him, back on the goods run at the food bank:

“And you’re gonna find yourself in a place where it’s like where I used to be…and if you let too much go along the way, it’s not gonna work. “

As Rick stands and looks at the gun in his hand, Bob’s words continue to come back to him: “You’re gonna be back in the real world.”

Rick's own words to Bob come back to him as he tucks the handgun into the back waistband of his pants,

Rick’s own words to Bob come back to him as he tucks the handgun into the back waistband of his pants, “This is the real world, Bob.”

We hear Bob’s laugh, then his reply: “Naw, this is a nightmare…and nightmares end.”

Rick is pacing around the room, thinking, deciding…as he looks out the window, something outside catches his eye…something very amiss.

Alarmed, Rick grabs his jacket, and rushes out of the room.

Alarmed, Rick grabs his jacket, and rushes out of the room.

Outside, Rick walks quickly towards the gate, which is open...he checks all around the fence, peers outside, then sees...

Outside, Rick walks quickly towards the gate, which is open…he checks all around the fence, peers outside, then sees…

...blood and gory bits left on the slide-latch part of the gate...Rick looks down at the ground, sees drops of blood in a line leading into Alexandria.

…blood and gory bits left on the slide-latch part of the gate…Rick looks down at the ground, sees drops of blood in a line leading into Alexandria.

Rick quickly pulls the gate closed, latches it locked, and turns to scour the streets of Alexandria...

Rick quickly pulls the gate closed, latches it locked, and turns to scour the streets of Alexandria…

rick run 1

...for uninvited, undead intruders!

…for uninvited, undead intruders!

Meanwhile, we see Gabriel, gate-jacker, returning to his makeshift chapel, where a surprise visitor awaits him…



sahsa 2

Gabriel and Sasha look at one another a moment, then Gabriel walks silently up to the front of the chapel’s altar. Sasha looks down miserably towards the floor in front of her as she talks. “I came here…because I don’t know what to do…I’m losing my head.”

Can you help me?” Sasha asks, still staring towards the floor, unable to look at Gabriel, tears in her eyes.

Gabriel turns to regard the woman seated in his chapel.

Gabriel turns to regard the woman seated in his chapel. “No,” he replies, cruelly.

Meanwhile, the town meeting is waiting to begin…Rick is not there, nor is Glenn, Gabriel, Nicholas, Carl.

Deanna Monroe's face looks grim as she waits with Reg, Spencer.

Deanna Monroe’s face looks grim as she waits with Reg and Spencer.

Maggie is trying to keep cool, but glances over towards Deanna. You can tell she's worried. It doesn't look good for Rick, his not being there. And where is Glenn?

Maggie is trying to keep cool, but glances over towards Deanna. You can tell she’s worried. It doesn’t look good for Rick, his not being there. And where is Glenn?

We see a shot of the assembled townspeople, seated in chairs around a fire. We see Michonne looking around, surely wondering where Rick is, where the others are.

We see Jessie, sporting a black eye, most certainly freaking out inside, but outwardly keeping it together.

We see Jessie, sporting a black eye, most certainly freaking out inside, but outwardly keeping it together pretty damn well, and looking pretty cute doing it.

After a moment more, Deanna announces to the crowd,

After a moment more, Deanna announces to the assembled townspeople, “We’re going to start.”

“Can we wait?” Maggie’s voice is soft, but firm. “There’s still people coming. GlennRick.” (Awarding a Maggie For President Deadie to Maggie Greene/Lauren Cohan here, for bringing it in Season 5, and looking gorgeous doing it!) ❤

In response, Deanna Monroe turns back to the assembled citizens, says again, “We’re going to start.”

Deanna turns to look at Maggie.

Deanna turns to look at Maggie. “It’s already dark,” she says, petulantly. Man, these Alexandrians really have gone soft behind these walls!

Deanna turns and begins to make her case to the assembled. She orates grandly, and it is easy to imagine her taking the stage, or the floor, and addressing the public, or her fellow members of Congress.

Deanna turns and begins to make her case to the assembled. She orates grandly, and it is easy to imagine her before the turn, taking the stage, or the floor, and addressing the public, or her fellow members of Congress.

“We’re going to talk about what happened,” Deanna begins, “not the fight, not what precipitated it. We’re dealing with that. We’re going to talk about one of our constables, Rick Grimes. We’re going to talk about how he had a pistol…”

“… he stole from the armory…”

“…about how he pointed it at people…”

And, we’re going to talk about what he said.

Deanna lays it on thick as she shakes her head and mock laments,

Deanna lays it on thick as she shakes her head and mock laments, “I was hoping he’d be here.” (It made me think that Deanna considered it a personal affront on Rick’s part, and a show of disrespect for the Alexandrian way, his not being at the meeting. It seemed to me that while Deanna considered herself an impartial judge, she had, on some level, already made up her mind about how she wanted to handle Rick, with this perceived insult at the forefront of her consciousness.)

Michonne speaks up, says archly,

Michonne speaks up, reminds Deanna archly, “She says he’s coming.”

Junior League Carol chimes in,

Junior League Carol chimes in, with a hopeful smile at Deanna, “I’m sure he’ll be here…and I’m sure we can work all this out.”

The scene shifts to the darkened woods outside the walls…

...and we see Nicholas looking around fearfully...

…and we see Nicholas looking around fearfully…

...making his way back towards the walled town, thinking he had gotten rid of Glenn for good.

…making his way back towards the walled town, limping on his broken ankle, thinking he had gotten rid of Glenn for good.

The scene shifts again, to the darkened streets of Alexandria…

...where Rick Grimes runs through the streets, knife drawn, of the town that is meeting to decide his fate in this very moment.

…where Rick Grimes runs through the streets, knife drawn, patrolling the town that is deciding his fate in this very moment .

Meanwhile, in Gabriel’s chapel…

“I think I wanna die,” Sasha says in a shaking voice. Gabriel looks down grimly a the candles he is lighting. “Why wouldn’t you want to die?” he asks, brutally.

Gabriel turns to face Sasha. “You don’t deserve to be here. What you did, can never be undone.”

Gabriel flings his words, and contempt, at Sasha like weapons.

Gabriel flings his words, and contempt, at Sasha like weapons. “The dead don’t choose, but the choices you made, how you sacrificed your own….” Gabriel trails off here for a moment, looks away. Is he talking about Sasha…or himself?

Sasha looks at Gabriel, says,

Sasha looks at Gabriel, says, “I know what you’re doing.”

Gabriel does not let up, however, and the hurtful words keep coming.

“Bob was mutilatedconsumeddestroyed because of your sins. “Stop it, ” Sasha tells him, eyes wide. But Gabriel keeps walking towards Sasha, jabbing his finger at her, accusing. “Your brother thought that he was apart from it…he was a part of it. He didn’t deserve to be here! You don’t!” (Yep, Gabriel seems to definitely be projecting his guilt and anger at himself onto Sasha, Tyreese, and the others.)

Stop it! Stop it!” screams Sasha, rushing Gabriel, shoving him up against the wall.

sasha attacks gabriel

Rick, meanwhile, is racing through the yards, searching…a couple of dogs from inside the houses begin barking, obscuring the sounds of something coming up behind Rick…

Blow Yer Top Walker comes up behind Rick...

 One of the Freejack Walkers sneaks up behind Rick…

...who whirls around to face his undead attacker, just in time.

…who whirls around, just in time, to face his undead attacker.

At the meeting, Michonne is trying to explain reality to the Alexandrians.  It’s hard to know if the lot of them are picking up what she is putting down…

“And after being out there, and then not being how you were out there, it can drive you crazy. Rick just wants his family to live. He wants all of you to live.”

Michonne looks around at the assembled Alexandrians, then at Deanna Monroe.

Michonne looks around at the assembled Alexandrians, then at Deanna Monroe. “Who he is, that’s who you’re gonna be…if you’re lucky.

In that very moment, in another part of town…

Rick is busy fighting off, stabbing the Freejack Walkers...

Rick is busy fighting off, stabbing the Freejack Walkers…

rick stabs walker 2 rick stabs walker 3

Back at the chapel…

Sasha and Gabriel battle it out, wrestling the gun, which fires an errant shot through one of the chapel windows...

Sasha and Gabriel battle it out, wrestling the gun, which fires an errant shot through one of the chapel windows…Sasha manages to smack Gabriel in the head with the butt end of the gun, and he falls to the floor.

…and out in the dark woods…

We see Nicholas, limping through the trees...a noise behind him startles him...

We see Nicholas, limping through the trees, looking around, looking frightened…a noise behind him startles him…

...and we see Glenn come up behind Nicholas, and beat him down with one punch. Yes!

…and we see Glenn come up behind Nicholas, and beat him down with one punch. Yes!

And, back around the fire, the Rick Grimes Testimonials continue…

“Rick Grimes saved my life, over and over,” Carol tells the group. “There’s terrifying people out there, and he rescued me from them. People like me…people like us, need people like him.” Amen to that, New Carol!

Junior League Carol looks at the others.

Junior League Carol looks at the others. “I know what happened last night was scary…and I’m sure he’s sorry for that…but maybe we should listen to what he was saying.”

Rick, meanwhile, has his hands full, as Blow Yer Top Walker has him pinned underneath as it snaps at Rick’s face…

rick w walker on top 1 rick w walker on top 2

Rick Smash! summons all his strength, squeezing Blow Yer Top Walker's rotting neck with all his might. We hear the horrible liquid sounds of Blow Yer Top Walker's head reaching max pressure...

Rick Smash! summons all his strength, pressing his handgun into Blow Yer Top Walker’s rotting neck with all his might. We hear the horrible liquid sounds of Blow Yer Top Walker’s head reaching max pressure as Rick presses the pistol deeper and deeper into the decaying flesh under the walker’s chin…

As Glenn takes another, then another shot at Nicholas, out in the woods…

Abraham testifies on Rick's behalf. He informs those gathered at the meeting,

Abraham testifies on Rick’s behalf. He informs those gathered at the meeting, “Simply put, there is a vast ocean of shit that you people don’t know shit about…Rick knows every fine grain of said shit, and then some.”

Case in point, elsewhere in town…

Rick, underneath Blow Yer Top Walker, continues to press into the underside of the walker’s chin, upward into its brain, pulling the trigger, and exploding Blow Yer Top Walker’s head in a gorish spray of fetid blood and brains, all over his face. Rick sputters, pushing the dead walker off him, and lying there with walker blood and goo all over his face and front.

RIP, Blow Yer Top Walker

RIP  Blow Yer Top Walker

And, speaking of terrifying people…50 miles away, at the canned food distribution center…

We see the Wolfboys walking Red Poncho Guy, whose hands are tied behind his back, up to the gates of the distribution center, where the walkers snarl and grab at the fence.

We see the Wolfboys walking Red Poncho Guy, whose hands are tied behind his back, up to the gates of the distribution center, where the walkers snarl and grab at the fence.

The poor man pleads with them, but the Wolfboys pay him no heed. “They’ll hear you,” the dark-haired one tells him. “It will take longer to reset.”

Repeating his words to Morgan, earlier that day, the dark-haired one tells the Red Poncho Guy,

Repeating his words to Morgan, earlier that day, the dark-haired one tells the Red Poncho Guy, “Just be still…just be still.” The blond one then turns the Red Poncho Guy around, and the dark haired one slashes the poor man’s neck with one swift stroke of his knife. RIP Red Poncho Guy 😦

The dark-haired wolfboy turns to the blond one, as their latest victim, a newly deceased addition to their walker army, slumps to the ground, his life’s blood streaming out of the gash in his throat. “Welcome home,” the dark-haired one says, as the wolfboys turn to regard the savage walkers, fenced in, snarling, beyond the gate.

After a much-needed commercial/beverage re-up break, we are taken back to Alexandria, where Maggie is talking to the group about Rick Grimes.

“My father respected Rick Grimes,” Maggie tells the others. “Rick is a father, too. He’s a man with a good heart, and he feels the things he does, the things he has to do.”

Maggie continues, “And all of us, who were together before this place, no matter when we found each other, we’re family now. Rick started that.”

Maggie looks at the group, then turns to look at Deanna Monroe.

Maggie looks at the group, then turns to look at Deanna Monroe. “And you won’t stop it. You can’t. And you don’t want to.”

Maggie looks around at those gathered, at Deanna. “This community…you people…that family…you want to be a part of it, too.”

Deanna, and the other citizens of Alexandria, seem to have many things to consider while deciding Rick Grimes' fate.

Deanna, and the other citizens of Alexandria, seem to have many things to consider while deciding Rick Grimes’ fate.

After Maggie finishes speaking, Deanna steps forward. “Before we hear from…anyone else, I would like to share something in the spirit of transparency.”

Deanna rubs her hands, pauses, then with fingers laced, thumbs tapping together, continues: “Father Gabriel came to see me the day before yesterday, and he told me that our new arrivals can’t be trusted, that they are dangerous, that they would put themselves before this community.”

Maggie looks over at Deanna, but holds her tongue...once again, Maggie is exhibiting more self control in this moment than I ever could!

Maggie looks over at Deanna, but holds her tongue...once again, Maggie is exhibiting way more self control in this moment than I ever could!

Deanna continues, “And, not one day later, Rick seemed to demonstrate all the things that Father Gabriel said.” Deanna looks at the group assembled, concludes, “I had hoped Father Gabriel would be here tonight.” 

As Deanna moves to sit back down, Jessie speaks up.

“I don’t see him here, Deanna,” Jessie says clearly, stopping Deanna mid-sit. “So, you’re just saying what someone said…did you tape him?” (Yes, Jessie, way to have your man’s back!)

“He’s not here,” Maggie confirms.

“Neither is Rick,” Deanna fires back.

And, neither is Noah…and for that, out in those dark woods, Glenn wants to make Nicholas pay

“Noah died because of you,” Glenn grinds out, pinning Nicholas to the ground.

“And I tried to tell you how it is, how it has to be, and you tried to kill me?!” In the face of Glenn’s fury, Nicholas is crying, shaking his head… to no avail, of course. Too little, too late, Nicholas.

Glenn cocks the pistol, points it into the center of Nicholas's forehead, as Nicholas really starts to cry and beg.

Glenn cocks the pistol, points it into the center of Nicholas’s forehead, as Nicholas starts to sob in terror.

And back in the chapel…

Gabriel lay on the floor, dazed and terrified, himself...

Gabriel lay on the floor, dazed and terrified, himself…

...because Sasha's been pushed too far, she's got her #killinface on, and she's standing over Gabriel, pointing her rifle down at him, ready to defile another chapel with blood and guts!

…because Sasha’s been pushed too far.  Sister’s got her #killinface on, and she’s standing over Gabriel, pointing her rifle down at him, ready to defile another chapel with some blood and guts! (Gabriel, I guess if you were hellbent on dying today, you picked a quick, effective means of departure from this world!)

Meanwhile, 50 miles away, a surreal moment unfurls…and the plot thickens.

We see a hand press a button on a remote, and suddenly, lights flash inside the open truck trailers, and a happy, soothing, singsongy song plays loudly in the fenced area. The walkers turn toward the lights and noise...

We see a hand press a button on a remote, and suddenly, lights flash inside the open truck trailers, and a happy, soothing, singsongy song plays loudly in the fenced distribution area. The walkers turn toward the lights and noise…

The wolfboys watch the walkers turn and begin to shuffle back towards their trailer/holding pens, as if trained.  It is easy to imagine these young men were technically savvy before the turn, and have used their talents in these times...

The wolfboys watch the walkers turn and begin to shuffle back towards their trailer/holding pens, as if trained. It is easy to imagine these young men were technically savvy before the turn, and have used their talents in these times… rig up a system of manipulating, keeping, and even customizing walkers, to use for some mysterious, nefarious purpose, which I am sure will be revealed, courtesy of Kirkman, Gimple, Nicotero & Co., in due time!

…to rig up a system of manipulating, keeping, and even customizing walkers, for use in some mysterious, nefarious scheme (which I am sure will be revealed, courtesy of Kirkman, Gimple, Nicotero & Co., in due time!).  Shudder!

Back at the meeting…

Tobin has the floor.

Tobin has the floor. “I just want to keep my family safe,” he is saying. “I don’t know what that means anymore, but if that means we have to get rid of some-…”

Tobin stops mid-sentence when he sees...

Tobin stops mid-sentence when he sees…

Bloody Rick has finally made it to the meeting, and he's brought Deanna a present...

Bloody Rick has finally made it to the meeting, and he’s brought Deanna a present…

Rick throws Blow Yer Top Walker's rekilled body onto the ground, right at Deanna's feet, as his people, and the assembled citizens, gape wordlessly.

Rick throws Blow Yer Top Walker’s rekilled body onto the ground, right at Deanna’s feet, as his people, and the assembled citizens, gape wordlessly at him.

Bloody Rick looks around at the group, like,

Bloody Rick looks around at the group, like, “You were saying, assholes?”

Out in the woods, pistol to his head, Nicholas is terrified, pleading, blubbering…

“I was scared…I was scared…I don’t belong…I don’t belong out here!”

“Shut up!” Glenn grinds out, but Nicholas is too scared to stop himself, keeps saying, “I was scared…I was scared…”

“I don’t…I don’t belong out here…I don’t belong out here…” “Shut up!” Glenn hollers at Nicholas, preparing to squeeze the trigger, but we see Glenn’s face, his anguish as he holds the gun to the sobbing man’s head...can he really pull the trigger, kill a man who is crying, pleading for his life?

No, he cannot.

“Shut up,” Glenn whispers to the crying man underneath him, before rolling off Nicholas. Nicholas sobs in relief. Glenn cannot do it. Despite all he has seen, and all he has lost, Glenn has not lost his humanity, his compassion. Beacon of Humanity Deadie for our man, Glenn Rhee/Steven Yeun  

Back at the chapel, pointing her rifle at Gabriel, Sasha is struggling with her own moral dilemma…

Sasha points the rifle at Gabriel, but cannot bring herself to pull the trigger.

Sasha points the rifle at Gabriel, but cannot bring herself to pull the trigger.

“Do it,” urges Gabriel.

Maggie comes in to the room, sees what's happening.

Maggie comes in to the room, sees what’s happening. “Sasha!” Maggie admonishes, coming quickly to her friend’s side, gently placing her hands on the gun, and holding steady as Sasha breaks down in tears. Maggie gently takes the gun away from Sasha.

“You should let her,” Gabriel says, miserably. “They died…they all died because of me.”

Maggie looks down at Gabriel, her face showing her compassion for the priest’s anguish.  She kneels down, and looks at Gabriel.

sasha struggles 6

“They did,” Maggie agrees, simply, taking Gabriel’s hand, and pulling him up to standing. Truly her father’s daughter. ❤

Meanwhile, at the town meeting…

Rick tells the assembled, who are still staring in disbelief at the dead walker in front of them,

Rick tells the assembled, who are still staring in disbelief at the dead walker in front of them, “There wasn’t a guard on the gate…it was open.”

Deanna looks at Spencer, who tells her,

Deanna looks at Spencer, who tells her, “I asked Gabriel to close it.” Deanna takes this in. “Go!” she orders her son, who rushes off.

Rick turns to the townspeople.

Rick turns to the townspeople. “I didn’t bring it in…it got inside on its own.” 

Rick turns to Deanna, and Reg, who look like they are finally ready to listen to what he has to tell them.

Rick turns to Deanna, and Reg, who look like they are finally ready to listen to what he has to tell them. “They always will…” Rick tells them.

“…the dead, and the living, because we’re in here. The ones out there...”

“…they’ll hunt us…”

“…they’ll find us…”

“…they’ll try to use us…”

tara awakes

“…and they’ll try to kill us.”

We see one of the wolfboys collect Aaron's dropped bag from the ground at the distribution center...

We see one of the wolfboys collect Aaron’s dropped bag from the ground at the distribution center…

...and look through the pictures...

…and look through the pictures, images of people living a life like before the turn…

...of a peaceful, idyllic community, nestled behind tall steel walls...

…in a peaceful, idyllic community, nestled behind tall steel walls. Choice digs for the taking.

“But,” Rick continues, “we’ll kill them. We’ll survive. I’ll show you how.” 

Rick looks around at the assembled citizens of Alexandria.

Rick looks around at the assembled citizens of Alexandria. “You know, I was thinkin’…I was thinkin’ how many of you do I have to kill, to save your lives?”

“But I’m not gonna do that…”

“You’re gonna change.”

Rick turns to Deanna. “I’m not sorry for what I said last night…”

“…I’m sorry for not saying it sooner. You’re not ready, but you have to be. Right now. You have to be. Luck runs out.

And right on cue, here comes Mr. Bad Luck himself, Dr. Petey McBeaty…

“You’re not one of us!” McBeaty grinds out, brandishing…Michonne’s katana?

Reg, being the kind, kind soul that he is, rushes forward, between McBeaty and Rick, trying to talk McBeaty down. “Pete…you don’t want to do this!”  

McBeaty growls out, “Get the hell away from me, Reg.”  Reg, being a good, reasonable man, continues to try to talk sense into a furious, probably drunk, madman. (Let’s face it…if McBeaty broke in and stole Michonne’s katana from their house, he probably took the booze, too!)

Deanna frantically tries to call Reg back, but before she can get him to back away from McBeaty, luck does indeed run out for Reg…and Deanna. 😦

McBeaty pushes Reg, then slashes his throat with the katana.  Horrible.  Just horrible.

McBeaty pushes Reg, who is trying to talk to him, stop him from certain folly,  then McBeaty slashes Reg’s throat with the katana. Horrible.  Just… horrible.

It is so awful watching Deanna hold her beloved husband, sobbing,

It is so awful watching Deanna hold her beloved husband as his life’s blood pours from his wound, sobbing, “My love…my love!”

Deanna looks up at Rick, anguished.

Deanna looks up at Rick, anguished. “Rick…” she says.

“Do it.”

Rick turns and fires one fatal shot into McBeaty's head...later, McBeaty.

Rick turns and fires one fatal shot into McBeaty’s head…later, McBeaty.

And, hello, Morgan!

And, hello, Morgan!


Can somebody say awkward?

Can somebody say, “awkward??”

Wow. Done. It has been a long, epic, and sometimes arduous journey to get this last post out.  Life, and all that. Thank you for reading, and for being patient, and a special thank you to all those who kept checking in these last two months, to see if I had posted yet. It was like a blue jay pecking at my open wound (completely intentional reference to Seth McFarlane’s hilarious western spoof, A Million Ways To Die In The West…once again, I say, thank you, Seth McFarlane!to see my sad stats page, knowing I was letting readers down.

All apologies, loves, and I do hope, with my finale post, and with my homage to WD Season 5, that I brought it in a way that was worth the wait. Let me know. Give me a shout. Much fun to be had this summer, with social media, new music tech, and new spinoff series, Fear The Walking Dead.

Start of the turn?  In L.A.?  I am so there! Not writing about it (unless someone wants to hire me for recap/synopses…give a shout! I can be brief, and not use cuss words…really!)  but maybe a pic or two, a playlist with each episode.  I have lots of fun on social media, always throwing random stuff out in my continuous worship of pop culture, so keep posted with barnfullawalkers this summer:





Happy summer, loves, and enjoy the playlist. Lots of fun to look forward to…stay tuned, and keep in touch…I may be showing up in some TWD chatrooms, waxing poetic about Richonne and shit…and if I pull it off, a new graphic header just in time for Season 6!

I dedicate this post to my sister, Peg. Thank you for supporting me, and believing in me. I love you.  

Season 5 Finale Playlist:

Carl Douglas, “Kung Fu Fighting”

KRS One, “Sound of the Police

DMX, “What’s My Name?”

Prodigy, “Smack My Bitch Up”

Ty Segall, “Shoot You In The Head”

Royal Blood, “Little Monster”

The Soft Moon, “Insides”

Cold War Kids, “Relief”

Father John Misty, “True Affection” (for Rick and Jessie)

West Indian Girl, “Get Up”

The Walking Dead, Season 5, Episode 1, “No Sanctuary”

“No Sanctuary”

(All images used in this post are screen caps from AMC’s The Walking Dead, unless otherwise specified.)

First, came the First Four Minutes

AMC released The First Four Minutes of The Walking Dead’s Season 5 premiere episode, “No Sanctuary,” earlier in the day on Sunday, October 12, 2014 on AMC’s official website and Facebook pages.  My WD buddy texted me in the late morning:  Did you watch the first four minutes of tonight’s show they released? Intense. I’m stoked. 

I had not, yet.  I was still in the midst of Sunday chores.  It wasn’t until later that afternoon that I had a chance to sneak away with the laptop, find a quiet place, crack open a Miller Lite (for courage, and because, you know, it was time to start celebrating), and watch.

Four minutes and some later, it was a little hard for me to catch my breath. I was glad I had brought the Miller Lite.

Hours later, my WD buddy came over, bearing champagne, to watch the Season 5 premiere episode together.  It was such a treat for me to have her there.  We toasted Rick, Daryl, and the gang, and when 9 o’clock came, we rewatched the First Four Minutes:

First, we see a black screen, bearing one word:


The opening shot of “No Sanctuary” shows us the figures of about six young men and women, huddled miserably in a dark train car, sitting braced against the car’s walls, or in the center of the tiny, cramped space. Each person has his/her knees drawn up towards their chests in a self-protective measure. As the camera pans over the huddled figures, we hear a woman’s agonized screams pierce through the walls and the darkness.  All falls silent for a brief moment before the terrified screaming starts up again.

We can see how each scream resonates, and registers, through the body of each person who sits in the small, dark box, as he/she awaits his/her terrible, unknown fate.

As the poor woman’s screams stop, then start afresh, one young man’s head sinks lower, and lower, into his arms, crossed at his knees.  Another young woman sits quiet and still, and stares listlessly down at her hands in the brief, dark silence…then. a fresh wave of screaming begins again.

One bearded young man, huddled in the darkness, laments, in a shaking voice, “We should have never put up those signs…What the hell did we think was gonna happen?” Screams fill the silence that follows his words.

The camera pans to the profile of the young man speaking…we recognize him as Alex, the bearded, squirrely sidekick who met his fateful demise in the Season 4 finale, “A,” in the first moments of the standoff between Rick and the Train Car Superstars and the Terminans of the Sanctuary Cannibal Co-op.

Alex concludes his lament, saying simply, miserably, “We brought ’em here.”


Across from Alex, his brother, Gareth,  leans forward from the darkness. Gareth’s voice shakes too, with earnestness and conviction, as he whispers back to Alex, “We were trying to do something good

At this, Alex laughs, softly and bitterly, shaking his head at his brother in disbelief.

Gareth leans forward until he is face to face with Alex, asserts, “We were being human beings.”


In this first glimpse of Gareth, we see how he was before, with a softness and compassion still in his eyes. Gareth Before…

Alex laughs thinly at this, hisses back, “What are we now, Gareth?”

Gareth says nothing.  He closes his eyes for a long moment…


And when he opens them again, we see:

Gareth After.

Gareth After.

Next comes:


We hear Abraham’s voice as we watch images of our gang’s hands, as each member creates and modifies his/her own makeshift weaponry from whatever items are on his/her person:

“They seemed nice enough, but I was ready to go.  We had just got here, but, damn. It was time to go. When I told them about D.C., a wink and a nod from the head asshole in charge, they pulled their guns, and it was right back to our regularly scheduled shitstorm.”

Abraham is sharpening something metal down, on the floor, as he talks, Rosita is wrapping her belt around her hand, wrist, and arm…she has taken her earrings, perhaps, and has fashioned them into sharp spines that stick out from the belt she has wrapped over her knuckles. Glenn stomps on a belt, breaking off the top rounded part of the buckle, laces his fingers through the metal spines so they protrude from a closed fist, and proceeds to wrap the belt around his hand.

Michonne’s hands are testing the strength of a leather lace, snapping it taut, as we hear Sasha’s voice ask, “Before they put you in here, you didn’t see…Tyrese?

Michonne’s voice answers, “No.”

“Good,”  Sasha sighs.

We hear Daryl’s voice next, talking about Beth’s abduction, “Black car, with a white cross painted on it. I tried to follow it, I tried…” (We know you did, Daryl Dixon, you beautiful, sweet man.) 

Maggie’s voice asks, “But she’s alive?”

“She’s alive,” Daryl answers. We hear Maggie and Daryl’s whispered exchange of smiles, sighs, and laughter at this news.

Rick is using the chain of Hershel’s pocket watch to saw at a corner of a wooden support beam, fashioning himself a sharp blade.

rick fashions a knife

Outside, the voices of Creepy Comrades escalate, barking orders and telling poor, protesting people to “shut up” as they begin another horrific roundup.  Daryl peers out a crack in the door. “Alright,” he says, “There are four of them pricks, comin’ our way.” He looks up, his eyes meet Rick’s.

4 pricks coming our way

sweet daryl d look

It’s go time.

Rick tears the blade he has fashioned from the wooden beam, reminds the group that “You all know what to do…go for their eyes first, then their throats.”  Outside, a Teminan barks out the order for our gang in the train car to, “Put your backs to the wall at either end of the car…NOW!”

go time in the train car

sasha dukes it up

Rick looks back at the gang, nods silently as they crouch in ready stances, facing the door…but nobody comes through there.  The gang then hears a noise from above, looks up as a light shines down from an opening above them. A canister drops down onto the floor.

Abraham yells, “Move!” and shoves the others back as the canister erupts in a cloud of noxious gas.  Enter, stage left, The Dicks With Gas Masks.


The following sequence is a nightmarish series of images and events, seen from Rick’s point of view as he is dragged across a large concrete floor.  The piercing shriek of a chainsaw screams, then lulls, and winds through the black, sinister hum of the Bear McCreary score that simmers and pulses as if it were alive, breathing…

Rick's head slams on the concrete...

Rick’s head slams on the concrete…

He looks up, dazed, before a Creepy Comrade smashes his boot down on poor Rick's face.

He looks up, dazed, before a Creepy Comrade smashes his boot down on poor Rick’s face.

All goes black…and then we see:


We knew they were cannibals!

We knew they were cannibals! #thoseterminalbastards

First Rick, then Daryl,,and Glenn are dragged to the large metal sink, bound with zip ties at the wrists and ankles, gagged, and forced to kneel, along with others, at the long, gleaming trough.  Bob is brought last, and forced onto his knees to Rick’s right side. To the left of Glenn, there are four other men, bound,  gagged, kneeling.

One of the butchers, clad in respirator, baseball cap turned backwards, goggles, and bloody plastic apron, calls, “Hold up,” to his comrade.  He pulls out a fresh knife, then proceeds to sharpen the long, shiny blade in loud, scraping strokes. The other butcher, a tall, strong fellow with gleaming shaved head, clad in bloodstained plastic apron, grips his bat and begins to warm up his swings a couple of feet behind the kneeling men’s heads.

At the trough.

At the trough, Rick sees his refection in the shine of the metal sink, probably the last image the poor victims of the Sanctuary Cannibal Co-op see of themselves before their heads are bashed in from behind with the butcher’s bat.

One by one, struggle or not, a line of men are bound and kneeling, gagged, at the long metal sink.

One by one, struggle or not, a line of men are bound and kneeling, gagged, at the long trough.

It is a truly terrifying scene, the horror of watching the butchers warming up their swing with the bat and sharpening, wiping their long butcher knives.

It is a truly terrifying scene,  watching the butchers warming up their swings and sharpening their butchers’ knives,  while the bound, kneeling men try to manage their growing panic as the horrible realization of what is happening sets in.

As the camera pans down the long line of bound, kneeling men, we see

As the camera pans down the long line of bound, kneeling men, we see a young blond man at the end…He looks familiar. ..his eyes connect with Rick’s

OMG...Sam, of Sam and Anna, the cute hippie couple Rick and Carol found, and lost, back in Season 4.

OMG…it’s Sam, of Sam and Anna, the cute hippie couple Rick and Carol found, and lost, back in Season 4.

At first, Rick looks at Sam...

At first, Rick looks back at Sam…

...but then must look away.

…but then must look away.

From behind Rick, there is a signal to proceed...

From behind Rick, there is a signal to proceed…

The butchers walk to the end of the line, where poor Sam is first on the chopping block.  The First Four Minutes end with Sam's panicked last moments before his head gets bashed in from behind by one of the butchers.

The Terminal butchers stride to the end of the line, where poor Sam is first on the chopping block. The First Four Minutes end with Sam’s panicked last moment before his head gets bashed in from behind by the bat-wielding butcher.

The blow from the bat sends poor Sam forward into the trough, then the knife-wielding butcher steps forward, grabs Sam’s head back, and slices his throat in one quick stroke, then releases Sam’s body back forward into the trough just in time to catch the first gush of blood as it sprays from Sam’s throat into the gleaming metal sink.  This ritual is repeated with the next young man, as the bound, gagged men who are next in line begin to scream and plead into their gags, all the while trying vainly, desperately to free themselves, to flee what is happening. But they cannot.

Greg Nicotero has outdone himself once again, directing this episode (pretty much the most epic WD episode thus far, am I right?) and setting the bar once again with unprecedented effects.  Bravo, Greg Nicotero, bravo!

Greg Nicotero has outdone himself once again, directing this episode (the most epic WD episode thus far, am I right?) and setting the bar once again with unprecedented effects, like this amazingly realistic scene.

As the butchers move down the line…bash, pull back, slice, release, next, Glenn watches the dark blood drain closer and closer towards him…the butchers are now at the man to Glenn’s left…once they finish with him, Glenn is next in line.

glenn blood trickleblood drain

Rick pulls his shiv out of his boot, grips it, and waits.

Rick eases his shiv out of his pants leg, grips it, and waits.

As the butchers step behind the man next to Glenn,  Gareth strides into the room with a ledger book and pen. As usual, his manner is an interesting blend of testy officiousness and casual indifference as he flips open his ledger book, clicks his pen, and asks the goons in the bloody aprons, without looking up from his calculations, “Hey guys? What were your shot counts?”

It is some dark humor being wielded like the bald goon’s bat as the goon winds back, bashes the man next to Glenn’s head in, and answers easily, “38.”  This guy obviously knows the routine, knows to count the bullets as he corralls the panicked human cattle or mows down walkers. Gareth makes a note of this number in his ledger as the other butcher releases the freshly slit man’s body into the trough. The man’s life’s blood sloshes into the catch sink and gurgles down the drain.

The butchers line up behind Glenn, who clenches his teeth, anticipating the blow.

Once again, the  Terminal Batman winds back, and Glenn clenches his teeth, anticipating the blow, but before the Terminal BM can connect with Glenn’s head, Gareth interrupts…“Hey!” At the goons’ questioning looks, Gareth looks pointedly at the new guy, who didn’t answer the question. Gareth’s  pissy. his hand turned up in a silent rebuke. “Your shot count?”

The new guy takes a moment to remember his shot counts...grim hilarity.

The new guy squirms under Gareth’s withering look. “Crap, man, I’m sorry.  It’s my first round up.” It is some weak sauce, and they all know it. Even Daryl knows it.  Look at his face.  The other goon’s body language at this admission slumps, like, Dude, what, you didn’t take the shot count? Sheesh, fuckin’ new guys.

Gareth doesn’t really have time for this shit.  His Testy Level is at like 11 right now. He exhales, and as if explaining to a particularly stupid child, he instructs the new guy, “After you’re done here, go back to your point and count the shells.  Ok? We won’t be gathering them until tomorrow.” As Gareth goes back to writing, Bob begins to call out to Gareth through his gag, managing to convey that he wants, needs Gareth to “Lemme talk to you!”

Gareth tries to ignore Bob, counting the slumped bodies and confirming with the goons, “Four from A, four from D?” At the goons’ affirmative noises, Gareth notes this too in his book. Bob continues frantically calling out to Gareth through his gag.

Annoyed, Gareth walks over and yanks the gag off Bob’s mouth.  “What?” 

Bob doesn’t have much time. He makes it count.  He fixes his gaze on Gareth, unwavering. “Don’t do this,” he begins. “We can fix this.”

“No, we can’t,” Gareth replies. He goes to pull Bob’s gag back up over this mouth. But Bob is quick. You don’t have to do this!”  he yells, surging forward and taking Gareth back a step. Bob looks up at Gareth earnestly, continues, “We told you there’s a way out of all this. You just have to take that chance!” Gareth, unmoved, goes back to his ledger, continues his calculations.

“We have a man who knows how to stop it.  He has a cure. We just have to get him to Washington…you don’t have to do this, man! We can put the world back to how it was!”

Gareth’s Testy Level is inching up to 12 now, as he regards Bob with no small amount of annoyance.  This day is really shaping up to be one for the crap books.  He steps forward, ready to shut it down. “Can’t go back, Bob,” he says easily, pulling the gag back over Bob’s protests.  Bob tries another moment, then falls silent. Mad props to Bob for trying, though…he really gave it everything he had.

Gareth steps over to Rick, kneels down, and  pulls Rick’s gag from his mouth. He and Rick regard each other for a moment.  “Saw you go into the woods with a bag,” Gareth informs Rick, “and come out without it. I had to pull my spotters back before they went to look for it.” (So they did know Rick and the gang were coming! Those crafty, creepy people-eaters!) 

Gareth looks away as he says this, then looks back at Rick.  “So, what was in it?” he asks Rick.  Rick says nothing. “You hid it, right?  In case things went bad?” Gareth looks at Daryl, then back at Rick.  “Smart,” he nods briefly, then shrugs. “Still, we’ll find it…but…it’s too dangerous to go out there right now.” Gareth pulls out a knife, pulls Bob’s head towards him across the trough, and holds the pointed blade to Bob’s eye.

He turns back to Rick. “What was in it? I’m curious…and, it was a big bag.” Rick just looks at him, and a touch of Gareth’s former annoyance returns.  “You really gonna let me to do this?” he asks Rick, motioning with his blade towards Bob.  Rick’s voice is hoarse as he replies, “Why don’t you let me take you out there?”  Rick leans back, looks at Gareth.  “I’ll show you.”  Rick’s eyes shine with pleasure at the thought. Ha, how about it, motherfucker?

Gareth shakes his head. “Not gonna happen.” He pulls Bob’s face closer to the point of his knife. “This might.”

Rick speaks up quickly, “There’s guns in it.  AK-47, 44-Magnum…automatic weapons, night scope.”  Rick looks up, as if doing the inventory in his head. “There was a compound bow in it, and….a machete with a red…red handle.”  Rick looks at right at Gareth, now, as he says, pleasantly, “That’s what I’m going to use to kill you.”



Gareth is surprised, then laughs, sheaths his knife, and pulls the gag back up over Rick’s mouth. He gives Rick’s shoulders a couple of quick pats, mocking,  says, “Thanks,” before standing back up.

Gareth turns his attention back to his butchering flunkies, informs them, with pointed finger and arch tones, “You have two hours to get them on the dryer…I want to go back to ‘public face.’ Now’s the time we can get messy, but I want to dial it all in before sundown.”  The goons “gotcha’ and “yes’sir” Gareth, and as he turns to go, his departure is interrupted by the sound of gunshots.  He pulls out a 2-way handset and tries to reach “Chuck” as the Terminal BM winds back, once again ready to brain Glenn, when another gunshot pings off something metal outside,stopping him mid-swing. Strike Two. Again, dark hilarity ensues.

The gunshots are followed by a huge explosion, which sends the standing men flying and shakes the rafters of the warehouse, sending bits of plaster and ceiling raining down upon them all.

I transcribed, and deconstructed this scene in great detail because, one, I love it so; and because, two, I feel many key elements and questions were answered in that first nine minutes.

We see the origins of Sanctuary, that once Mary and her sons, Gareth and Alex, (wrong about other predictions but nailed the Gareth-Mary son/mom connection…yes!) and their community did start out as peaceful, idealistic folk who seemed to have established a good thing, and wanted to share it with others, and got preyed upon and brutalized for their efforts.

In the blink of an eye, locked in a darkened train car, Gareth seemed to reach inward and invoke a deeper, darker side of himself….and with that, the transformation of Sanctuary began, led by Gareth, to becoming a cold, predatory, brutally efficient system that lures vulnerable outsiders into its lair with the promise of safety and sanctuary, only to imprison them, dehumanize them, and harvest everything that can be gotten from them, right down to the flesh on their bones.

We see the scope of Sanctuary…they are placed in a ideal location, Terminus Station, where all the rail lines  around Atlanta converge. They are large in number, and they are well-armed, well fortified…well-fed.  They are brutal, ruthless.  The only way for their system to work is to decide quickly if there are newcomers who may be of value to them, and who could perhaps be persuaded to subscribe to the Terminal Method.

For those who do not rate, they must be stripped down, locked up, and harvested, quickly. I can only imagine that most people who cross the Terminal Gates are put in this latter category, and not regarded as potential members by the Terms (Scott M. Gimple’s  and Greg Nicotero’s name for the Terminans, which I really love).  Sadly, those who do not make the cut, get cut…and it doesn’t matter if they are men, women, children, elders…as the creepy slogans on the walls say, “We first, always.”

We get a glimpse of Gareth as a leader.  He is pissy (and can probably hold a grudge for about a thousand years), but he is smart, and meticulous.  Everything is accounted for, down to the very last shotgun shell used in roundups or for defense.  It has to be, as Gareth is running a veritable human processing factory, open 24/7.

Sanctuary has its weaknesses, too, as we see in this episode.  As Rick and the gang see Sanctuary’s weaknesses unfold, they exploit them as the opportunities arise (Hello, New Carol!).

While Sanctuary has the numbers, the arms, and the technology on their side, Rick Grimes and the Train Car Superstars & Co. have three game-changing elements on their side: Love, Luck, and Loyalty.  And a shit-ton of sex appeal.  So, suck it, Terminans.

Outside the false Sanctuary, somewhere down the tracks, Tyrese, Carol, and Judith are following the railway lines to Terminus. Carol tells Tyrese they are close, and she’ll make sure that he and Judith get there safely, but that she is not going to stay. Tyrese looks at her, and kind of nods in agreement, but says nothing.  A walker (who looks so much like the Tore-Up She Walker Abraham impaled into his truck last season in “Claimed”… could it be?) makes her way up to the tracks and spots them, hissing.  Poor Judith begins to cry, and Tyrese turns and takes the baby, telling Carol that he “can’t, not yet.”

Carol gives Tyrese a long look, saying, “Soon, you’ll have to be able to,” and rushes forward to kill Tore-Up She Walker 2.0. Carol hears hissing in the woods to her right, turns, and sees that they have another problem…


more on the tracks


more hear shots

The horde of walkers are making their way straight for where Carol, Tyrese, and Judith are crouched, hiding…until the gunfire from the Rick Standoff rings out through the forest…the walkers turn to follow the noise, shuffling down the tracks.

After the horde clears, Carol and Tyrese, holding Judith, step out onto the tracks. Tyrese wonders if the gunfire came from Terminus, and Carol muses that either someone was attacking them….or they were attacking somebody.  When Tyrese asks Carol if they want to find out what is going on at Terminus, Carol’s answer is clear and immediate: Yes.  She suggests an alternate route that will get them to Terminus.

“We’ll be real careful,” she assures Tyrese. “We’re gonna get answers.”

Now, I have had my doubts about Carol in the past,  but make no mistake…I am a big fan of New Carol, especially since Season 4’s “The Grove.”  New Carol is kicking ass, taking names, and getting it done, all day, every day. Much love, and mad props, New Carol.

It is especially awesome when Carol and Tyrese stealth up to the crappy little Half-TermMartin, who is setting up explosives around a cabin (to detonate and divert the walkers who will surely be attracted by the sound of gunfire from Terminus).

As he sets up the explosives, Martin indulges in some back-and-forth shit-talking with some woman comrade on his 2-way radio. Martin disses Alex for not recognizing that “the chick with the sword was bad news…bitch was like a weapon with a weapon.” The woman comrade agrees that Alex was always a “sloppy-ass motherfucker.”

Laughing, Martin then says he told “Albert” that he called dibs on “the kid’s hat, after they bleed him out.”

Nice. Martin realizes he has been stone-cold busted uttering this shitty, callous comment when he feels New Carol’s gun behind his ear.

Carol tells Martin to keep his finger off the radio’s button and drop it.  Martin complies, tries some of his Sanctuary welcome-wagon sloganage on Tyrese and New Carol, but Tyrese tells him to shut it. Martin wisely abides.

New Carol informs Martin, “We’re friends with the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat.”  First New Carol zinger of this epic episode…drink one if you got one!

Murton, you dumbass.

Martin, you dumbass.

Inside the cabin, Martin is trying to lie his way out of the mess he’s gotten himself into, but New Carol isn’t buying his line of shit. After Carol finds Martin’s bag of flares, explosives, and weapons, she informs him that a herd of walkers is heading towards Terminus, which works nicely with her plan to head there too, armed with Martin’s weapons, and get her people out.

Martin tells her she’ll never make it. Tyrese asks her how she’s going to do this…Carol looks right at Tyrese and informs him that she’s “gonna kill people.”

New Carol zinger #2, people…toss it back!

As Tyrese is left to babysit two babies back at the cabin, Carol goos herself up with walker blood, guts, and even a little mud mixed in, giving herself a nice walker-guts & mud facial…all natural ingredients, and very exfoliating!

carol goos up

Back at the cabin, Martinn is trying to get into Tyrese’s head.  He asks Judith’s name, asks if she’s his daughter.  Tyrese replies that she’s a friend.  Martin muses aloud at the now-alien concept of friends.  “I don’t have any friends,” Martin admits. He says the people he lives with are “assholes that I stay alive with.”  When Martin asks Tyrese if the lady who left was a friend, Tyrese looks at him, then down, like he doesn’t really know how to answer that question.

Martin continues, saying he used to have friends…he used to do a lot of things…watch football, go to church. I found it hard to focus on that Martin was saying at first, because I noticed he was chewing gum as he said it, and who the hell has luxuries like gum these days?  Terminans do, but at the cost of their souls, it seems.  Martin then muses that it’s hard to tell how much time has gone by, as horrible shit just seems to stack up, day after day, in these times.

“You get used to it,” sighs Martin.  Tyrese looks up at him, replies,  “I haven’t gotten used to it.”  “Of course you haven’t,” Martin says.  “You’re the kind of guy that saves babies…kind of like saving an anchor when you’re stuck without a boat in the middle of the ocean.”

Martin continues to size up Tyrese, guessing that he’s been behind walls for a while, and hasn’t had to get his hands dirty yet. “I can tell,” Martin says. When Tyrese retorts that Martin doesn’t know the things he’s done, Martin stands firm on his take.  “You’re a good guy,” Martin says. “That’s why you’re gonna die today…that’s why the baby’s gonna die.”

Tyrese stands up to his full height at this jibe, prompting Martin to quickly offer Plan B:  Or, take the car, take the baby, and go, keep on being lucky.  Tyrese growls out, “You think you’re gonna kill me?”  In response,  Martin asks Tyrese, point-blank, with a bemused smile, “Why haven’t you killed me?  How does having me alive help you? Why are you even talking to me?”  Tyrese has no answer for this, and Martin urges him once again to get the baby, get in the car, and go.  

“I don’t want to do this today,” Martin says.

I have to give it up for Chris Coy, the young actor who plays Martin, the Half-Term, for a standout performance in this episode. I call Martin the Half-Term because even though he has definitely lost much of his former moral code, he is still just a young man, one who has survived the horror of the walker apocalypse this long by adopting the brutality of the Terminal Method.  Still, he grapples with these choices, remembering better days.  Martin is on the fence, it seems, about it all.  It seems to piss him off to see Tyrese holding onto his humanity this long, having friends, saving babies.  It makes Martin mean, and say, and do, shitty things.

Meanwhile, Walker Stalker Carol, slimed in walker goo, approaches the outskirts of Terminus.  She hears the Terminal Goon ordering the gang to get up against the walls of the train car, and then we hear the canister go off inside the car.  Carol peers through the fence to see a group of Terms dragging Rick to the processing house.

walker carol at the fence terms take rick.

With Martin’s duffel bag full of ammo, Carol stealths around the perimeters of the fence. Using the scope on her rifle, she spies two Terminal Bitches culling walkers at the fence… then she spies:

Big ass propane dirt!

propane tank

…a big ass propane tank. Pay dirt!

As Carol continues to scope around, she sees the Terminal Bitches running from their culling posts at the fence, calling out in alarm.  She turns and sees the Hungry Herd, coming en masse, towards the Terminus compound.

Here comes the Hungry Herd,  just in time for dinner!

Here comes the Hungry Herd, just in time for dinner!

 New Carol knows the time to act is now.

new carol time is now

Carol loads up a large firecracker and aims it at the propane tank, props it against the fence…

new carol aims

…then Carol aims her gun at the tank. The first two shots, which we heard in the processing room, don’t pierce the tank. The third shot, which interrupted Terminal Batman’s lethal swing at Glenn’s head, connects with a loud “ping.”

walkers like the gas

The walkers are drawn to the movement and hiss of the escaping gas.

carol covers her ears

Carol shoots the firecracker towards the propane tank and covers her ears…

thar she blows

New Carol is going full-fucking Rambo on Terminus.

walkers go boom

Walkers go BOOM

walkers gonna party at terminus

The walkers who survive the blast are ready to party at Terminus, and show the Creepy Comrades what cannibal is all about…

Back at the cabin, Tyrese and Martin hear the explosion. Tyrese peers out the window and sees the black cloud rising over the trees. Martin, still bound and sitting, asks Tyrese if that’s Terminus.  Tyrese tells him it is.  Martin takes a moment to process this. He muses that maybe Tyrese and his people are going to win today, or maybe..maybe the woman who left was the one who got capped.  Martin continues, saying maybe it’s him that’s gonna get capped when she, the lady, friend, whatever, comes back.

Still looking out the window, Tyrese says that nobody’s gotta die today.  Martin snorts out a derisive laugh at this idealistic sentiment.  “Man, if you really believe that,” Martin tells Tyrese, “then it’s definitely gonna be you and the kid…even if that place is burning to the ground.”

The scene shifts to back inside the processing rooms, where the butcher goons are starting to rouse themselves after Rambo Carol’s blast. We can hear a voice on Gareth’s handset radio asking, “Man, what the hell was that?”

Gareth is losing it, ordering the goons to stay back with Rick and the others. When the bald guy questions this, Gareth screams at him to stay put while he finds out what is happening.

This is the opportunity Rick has been waiting for, and he continues to slice away at his zip-tie binds at his wrists.

The scene shifts outside to show Mary, who too has been knocked down by the explosion (no doubt while getting the front grill area all cleaned up and ready for “Public Face” later).  Mary looks up in horror to see burning walkers streaming through the hole that was one of their fences.  “Oh, shit!” she says.  Yeah, Mary. “Oh, shit” is right.

mary is shocked

Didn’t you know, Mary…

walkers on fire at terminus

… that karma’s a bitch…

...a bitch that will eat your face?

…a bitch that will eat your face?

While Walker Stalker Carol strides into the Terminal Blast Hole with the rest of the Hungry Herd, New Guy is freaking the hell out.  He’s trying to radio for Gareth, to no avail.  “Don’t  you smell the smoke?” he asks Terminal BM.  “The whole place could be going up!”  

Terminal BM blathers on about “protocol,” how their job is here, not there, spouting forth a bunch of bureaucratic blah blah blah.  

When this compelling spiel fails to derail New Guy’s freakout, Terminal BM  tries out some of the new management skills he learned last weekend at the Mary’s Sanctuary Effective Management seminar. (Lesson Three: Use the Voice of Authority, even when utilizing The Personal Approach, which is discussed in full detail in Lesson One.  For more on Lesson One, please refer back to page three of your course outline.) 

Terminal BM tries a combination of Lesson Three and Lesson One on New Guy : “Hey…look at me!”  New Guy turns to look at Terminal BM, just in time to see Rick Grimes teach Terminal BM a lesson of his own…

hey look at me slice!

This lesson’s called Eat My Shiv, bitch!

buh bye new guy

Here, let me show you close up.   Buh bye, New Guy.

Before going to cut Daryl, Glenn and Bob loose, Rick sees Alex's body laid out on the metal processing table.  Way to keep it in the family, Gareth, you sick bastard.

Before going to cut Daryl, Glenn and Bob loose, Rick sees Alex’s body laid out on the metal processing table. Way to keep it in the family, Gareth, you sick bastard.

Meanwhile, back inside Train Car “A”…

Abraham is chomping at the bit, and Eugene isn't exactly inspiring confidence in his mental acumen, or anything else, in the moment.

Abraham is chomping at the bit,  wondering what the hell is going on out there, and Eugene isn’t exactly inspiring confidence in his mental acumen, or anything else, in the moment. Sasha gets it, says that it sounds like “somebody hit them,” and maybe “our people got free.”

Carl comes forward, flanked by Maggie, and reminds everyone that his dad, Rick, said that they would be back, so they will be back. Maggie backs him up, adding that they just need to wait, stay ready to fight, when the time comes. Maggie then looks at her father’s pocket watch, thinking, no doubt, of Glenn…and Hershel.  She kneels and resumes using the chain, as Rick did, to saw a wooden blade for herself.

Michonne peers out the crack in the door, sees walkers roaming through the compound. A walker’s hand grabs at her through the crack, but of course cannot get at her.

Karma is slapping Terminus up like the bitches they are.  It is truly satisfying to see the Creepy Comrades of the Sanctuary Cannibal Co-op get feasted on by the undead:

walkers go cannibal on terminus

Doesn’t feel so good to be other side, does it, Terminal Bitches?

Carol takes in the scene, hidden among the walkers.

Carol takes in the scene, hidden among the walkers.

When Carol hears gunshots, she ducks around a corner and peers through her scope. She sees a Terminan shooting walkers with an assault rifle, so Rambo Carol takes him out, sniper style.  Her gunshots attract the attention of a couple of nearby walkers, and she ducks behind a heavy door and shuts herself away from them.

Back in the processing area, Rick cuts the righteous dudes loose, and as they gather knives and whatever other weapons they can find, while taking in Alex’s dead body and the carnage around them. Daryl goes to rekill one of the dead butchers.  He is stopped by Rick, who tells Daryl to, “Let him turn.”

The men wander into the “dryer” room, where sections of human carcasses hang from meat hooks.

carcasses dryer room

As Daryl, Glenn, Bob, and Rick take in the horror of the grisly room, Rick instructs them, “Cross any of these people, you kill them.  Don’t hesitate. They won’t.”

I love when Rick Grimes goes all Lieutenant Deputy.

After arming themselves with knives, cleavers, and other butchering apparatus, the dudes peer out to see a group of walkers pawing at a locked train car as the poor people locked inside cry out.  Rick suggests that they can run by, as the walkers are distracted, but Glenn says that they need to free the people in the train car.

At Rick's questioning look, Glenn says,

At Rick’s questioning look, Glenn says, “That’s still who we are…it’s gotta be.”

So, the good guys go and battle the walkers, and their heroics are rewarded with one wild, hairy dude running out, laughing maniacally and exclaiming, “I’m saved!  I’M SAVED!”

Ragin' Face Tat Tweaker paws at Rick like a sloppy drunk pawing a cop at an Insane Clown Posse show.  Rick shoves him off, and Ragin' Face promptly gets tackled by Juggalo Walker.  Freedom's a fleeting  thing at times, Ragin' Face.

Ragin’ Face-Tat Tweaker paws at Rick like a sloppy drunk pawing a cop at an Insane Clown Posse show. Rick shoves him off, and Ragin’ Face promptly gets tackled, and chomped,  by Juggalo Walker.  Freedom’s a fleeting thing at times, Ragin’ Face.

Judging from the grimly hilarious moments that run throughout this episode,  it seems that Kirkman & Co. had a blast filming “No Sanctuary”.

Meanwhile, Stealth Carol finds the goods room, with items fleeced from the victims of the Sanctuary Cannibal Co-op.  She first sees Rick’s watch, the one he gave to Sam…

carol sees her watch

and daryls crossbow

And then Carol sees Daryl’s crossbow…

carol picks up daryls crossbow

After Carol takes the watch, and Daryl’s crossbow, and turns to leave, she sees the heartbreaking sight of stuffed animals and children’s toys piled up on a table…each toy represents a child that was butchered by the Terminans.

Meanwhile, Glenn, Rick, Bob, and Daryl outside in the mayhem, stuck between a train car and a hard place.  Trying to go forward, there are countless walkers and Terminans, armed with assault rifles, systematically mowing the invading walkers down.  Rick tells them to wait there, and runs low to crouch behind an abandoned car. He monitors the oncoming Terminan shooters through a rear view mirror on the ground:

Once again, so pimp, Deputy Grimes!

Once again, so pimp, Deputy Grimes!

Daryl saves the day by spearing a walker that sneaks up behind Rick, after following Rick to the car.  So hot, and then this happened…

After watching the wave of shooters cross his threshold, Rick jumps out and nabs the last shooter around the neck...

After watching the wave of shooters cross his threshold, Rick jumps out and nabs the last shooter around the neck…

...and grabs the shooter's gun...mmm hmmm, that's right, Rick Grimes.

…and grabs the shooter’s gun…mmm hmmm, that’s right, Rick Grimes.

Rick! Blast!

Rick Blast!

I thought before it was some enemy peeps on a bridge, but it's Terminans that Rick! Blast! is mowing down.

I thought before it was some enemy peeps on a bridge, but it’s Terminans that Rick Blast! is mowing down.

 And that just makes it so much hotter...

And that just makes it so much hotter…

Sigh...the goosebumps on my goosebumps have goosebumps <3

Sigh…the goosebumps on my goosebumps have goosebumps

With the shooters out of the way, the Terminal Walkers are free to go nucking futs on Terminus...

Later, haters.

Later, haters.

Meanwhile, Carol has found Mary’s creepy candlelit ritual room, the one with the SCC slogans painted on the walls (“Never trust,” “We first, always,” “Never again”). As Carol takes all this in, there is a click behind her, and Mary’s querulous voice telling Carol to drop her weapons, and turn around.

“I want to see your face,” Mary says.

Carol spies the shadows of walkers underneath at a closed door.  At Carol’s hesitation, Mary screams, “Now!”  Carol’s wheels are turning in her head as she slowly shrugs off her bag, and Daryl’s crossbow.  Carol still, however, has the assault rifle under her poncho, and she whirls and fires on Mary, getting a shot into her and forcing Mary to drop her gun.

Mary drops to the floor, wounded, then in a burst of matriarchal fury, tackles Carol. They scrap hard, throwing each other into ornate candelabras and basically trashing the place in an epic Top Mama Tapout Beatdown (“Who’s Top Mama? I’m Top Mama! Say it, SAY MY NAME…TOP MAMA!”) 

top mama tapout carol bests mary

Carol, of course, is clearly Top Mama, and soon has Mary looking down the barrel of her gun.  Mary looks around, her eyes tearing, and tells Carol that the signs were real, that it was a real Sanctuary…but then people came and took this place, and they raped, and they killed…Carol tries to shut her off, and find out where her people are, but Mary needs to unburden herself, and so Carol lets her keep talking.  The abuse happened over a period of weeks, but they, the original Sanctuarians, fought back and reclaimed their home, by hearing the message: “You’re the butcher, or you’re the cattle.”

Mary is super into her moment, but Carol has other things on her mind.  “The men you pulled from that train car, where are they?” she demands.  Mary doesn’t answer, so New Carol busts a cap in her leg, dropping Mary to the floor.

mary got a cap in her leg

Mary, who still refuses to answer New Carol’s question, lay panting on the floor, then orders Carol to point the gun at her head. Oh, you think so, Mary?

Now Mary’s just going on all crazy, lying wounded on the floor, telling Carol that she “could have been one of us…you could have listened to what the world was telling you!” New Carol don’t think so, Mary.

You lead people here, and take what they have, and kill them? Is that what this place is?” she asks Mary, still pointing the gun at her.  Mary tells her not at first, but that’s the way it had to be, and they’re still here because of it.  Carol looks at Mary a moment, then says, “You’re not here…and neither am I.”

And with that, Carol lets the walkers in to go cannibal on Mary.

And with that, Carol lets the walkers in to go cannibal on Mary.

Back at the cabin, Tyrese watches the black plume of smoke continue to burn.  He hears, then sees, a handful of walkers coming toward the cabin. Tyrese rushes from one window, to the other, taking his eyes off Judith.  Martin seizes this opportunity to run to Judith’s makeshift crib and grab her, one hand on her head, the other near her neck.  One twist, and she’s gone. He warns Tyrese to back off, orders him to put his weapons down, and as the walkers outside paw at the windows, Martin orders Tyrese outside, where the walkers are.

Don't you hurt that baby, you Terminal A-hole!

Don’t you hurt that baby, you Terminal A-hole!

martin tyrese window walker

Tyrese begs Martin not to hurt Judith…Martin yells back, “Don’t make me!  It’s one twist, man!  Go outside!

Tyrese must do as Martin says…and the scene ends with Tyrese charging out the door, right into a press of walkers. After the commercial break, we see Martin trying to radio Cynthia, his 2-way buddy, but Cynthia does not copy.  From outside, it looks like there is some serious mayhem happening, crashing indentations into the cabin’s thin walls.

It would be easy to assume that the walkers were having the upper hand on one lone man, but then Martin hears a bellow, and two quick, crashing blows.  The hissing and slavering of the walkers stops for a moment.

Martin steps forward, then looks at Judith, pulls his knife.  But before he can do anything else, Tyrese charges him through the door:

tyrese tackles martin

You may have watched football, Martin, but Tyrese probably played football.

tyrese knife to martin's throat

You keep poking a grizzly bear with a stick, you’re going to get mauled, Martin.

tyrese walker carnage

Just sayin’…

Back in train car “A”, our gang is putting the finishing touches on their makeshift weapons.  Michonne’s weapon is particularly badass, a double-bladed katana with dual wooden blades.  Sasha asks Eugene point-blank what the cure is.  Eugene immediately answers that it’s classified. While Abraham tries to shoo the ladies away from Eugene, the sisters aren’t about to be dissuaded.  They want the deets.

Eugene spouts off some mumbly jumbo that sounds like a bunch of bullcrap, ending with the fact that if he goes “red rain,” the cure dies with him.  Abraham is placating, telling Eugene that he won’t let that happen. Eugene is uncertain, saying again that he isn’t one to be able to negotiate the physical threats of walkers and bullets if they do get outside.  Michonne answers that while he cannot, they can.  Sasha adds that they just want to hear it, the cure.  Rosita pipes in, telling Eugene that he “doesn’t have to” tell them (why are Abraham and Rosita enabling Eugene so hard?).

Pressed, Eugene stands, and tells them that he was part of a ten-person team with the Human Genome Project that created human pathogenic diseases to fight human pathogenic diseases…biological warfare. Eugene tells them that he personally knows the delivery mechanisms to unleash disease that could kill every person on the planet…he tells them that he believes “with a little tweaking on the terminals in Washington” that he can “flip the script” on the walker epidemic, and “take out every last dead one of them.”

Sasha looks wordlessly at Eugene.  Maggie steps up and prompts them to get back to work.  It sounds like both a plausible explanation for the walker epidemic and a reasonable scenario for a hope of a way  to combat this thing…biological warfare.  But can we believe Eugene?  I want to, I really do.  Eugene is a likeable enough guy, and I am obsessed with his mullet, which is looking really full and amazing in this episode.

I just don’t know, people.

Just then, the door to the train car opens, and it’s Rick and the dudes, holding off walkers and getting the rest of the team out of there.  It’s a great scene, with our gang going to town, in their inimitable Rick Grimes and the Train Car Superstar-style.  I just love our gang, people.  They are such total badasses.

rick hold off gareth

Rick hold off walkers, first, then Gareth and goons, shooting Gareth in the leg? shoulder? while the rest of the gang goes over the fence.

gang slashes rick hold off walkers fence

Later, Terminus.

Later, Terminus.

In the woods, outside of the fences, Daryl leads them back to the place where Rick and he buried the weapons.  Abraham wonders loudly why they are still hanging around these woods.  Rick’s going a little Rick Smash! at this moment…he is instructing the others to set up posts at the fences.  He still wants to fight.

At Abraham’s, “Um, what?,” Rick turns to look up from his digging, tells Abraham, “They don’t get to live.”

Bob, Blenn, and the rest of the gang are like, ummm....maybe we go now? Rick?

Bob, Glenn, and the rest of the gang are like, ummm….maybe we go now?  Rick?

The gang voices their dissent, and desire to go…Rick insists that it’s “not over until they’re all dead.”  I do understand his point, and I feel certain that we will be seeing Gareth and the Terminans later on…Gareth does know now where the gang is headed, and like I said, that guy isn’t one to let go of a grudge anytime soon.

As we we see in the end, when “No Sanctuary” comes full circle, back to Then, when Gareth and Alex’s mother, Mary, gets thrown back in the train car after being raped and brutalized, and another poor woman gets chosen, and pulled away, we see that how Gareth and his people suffered at the hands of brutal degenerates.  It took much strength, and resolve, to fight back, take back their home, and survive, even if the methods employed to do so were unspeakable and evil.

Gareth isn’t going to let this one go, and he’s not dead.  If if were up to Rick, they would stay, fight, and make sure he was.  But it’s not just up to Rick, not anymore.

But enough of that, because coming through the woods is…

Carol in the woods


Daryl sees Carol 1

Daryl sees her…

best hug ever

…and runs in for the Best. Hug. Ever.

best hug 3

Totally crying again, watching this, posting this.

tears of joy daryl carol

Awwww, such a sweet, sweet man!

Rick approaches next, smiling, tearing up, being cautious, respectful, asks Carol, “Did you do this?” meaning of course, killing Terminus.  Carol is crying, smiling, nodding, and Rick gives her a big hug as well.

Now, remember this moment, you are friends, remember that!

Now, remember this moment, you two…you are friends, remember that!

Carol tells Rick and the others, “You have to come with me.”  And so Carol leads them back to the cabin, where Tyrese is waiting for them, holding Baby Judith.

ricks sees judith

Rick sees his baby girl and rushes to her.

sasha and tyrese

Sasha reunites with her big brother, Tyrese.

The Grimes

The Grimes

Top Mamas <3 <3

Top Mamas

Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita watch as the gang is reunited. Rick says it’s time to go. “To where?” asks Daryl.  “Far away from here,” answers Rick.  Rosita looks at Abraham significantly, and he assures her quietly that he’ll “talk to him, not now, when the time is right.”  They follow the gang, and before Rick slips off with the rest into the woods, he makes a change to the Sanctuary sign:

no sanctuary

After the credits, we see another traveller, who has found Rick’s modified “No Sanctuary” sign.  He regards it for a moment, then pulls his hood, face mask off…


Morgan! I’ve been waiting a long time for you, bud…most awesome to see you again!

Before the epic playlist, I would like to award this week’s Deadie to Carol, MVP of Season 5, Episode 1, “No Sanctuary.”  And in honor of Sam, who came up with awesome names for walkers, and who was a sweet soul, I included a little love offering for you all this week, to bring the funny, like Sam did.

They call him Carl Poppa, bitches. ❤

Until next week, and enjoy the playlist.


Led Zeppelin  “Battle of Evermore”

Nirvana  “School”

Bad Brains  “I

Wipers  “Just a Dream Away”

Motorcycle  “As the Rush Comes” (Gabriel & Dresden Chillout Mix)