TWD, Season 7, Episode 6, “Swear”

While I loved this episode so very much, this post will be so much more about the magic, and the vibe, and the playlist, which sprang to life today in a burst of sunlight, serendipity, song & sequence.

Negan and the Saviors are the most horrible dicks, ever. I mean, all boys over 10 years of age? That’s some evil shit, right there. I know Jeffrey Dean Morgan has to be all bonded with his character and all, but when he takes Negan’s side and talks about Rick and his people killing the 30+ Saviors at the satellite station, and blowing up Little Timmy and his band of biker dicks, and Carol shooting up Hiro and his crew, and Daryl, Abraham, and Rosita killing some of Dwight’s “dead friends” after Dwight killed Doctor Denise, I just have to say, “Nope.”

Sorry, but Rick Grimes and his people would never grift other communities after terrorizing them, forcing them into indentured servitude after beating one of their loved ones to death with a bat wrapped in barbed wire while the other community members were forced to kneel and watch.


Rick Grimes would never have his people line up a row of men and boys from a community and gun them down, and then force the surviving, grieving women of the community to “produce” for him and his people.


Sorry, Jeffrey Dean, love ya love and hate Negan, but Rick Grimes was just doing what he felt he needed to do, under pain, duress, and the need to feed his people, when he went on his stealth mission to the Savior outpost. All those other Savior slaughters were in self-defense.

Nope, sorry, no comparison.

Anyway, love seeing Tara again, love Cindy (“Our new Glenn!” says my WD buddy, to which I sing, “Hollah!”) and I find myself being very sympathetic to the women of the Oceanside, and generally approving of the Oceanside’s methods, even though they try to waste Tara on many occasions, which, at the end, was exceedingly uncool of them.

I do imagine that the Oceanside, with their impressive arsenal and tribal-style warfare, will show up again in our Season 7 in the near future. While I do hope they manage to stay hidden from Negan and the Saviors, the way Season 7 has been going, peeple, I am not betting on any peaceful seaside scenario playing out.

My guess? We will be seeing Cindy, and others of the Oceanside, soon enough, and my wish is that they will be joining the ranks of the Ricksistance.

ยกViva la Ricksistance!

There were many great moments in this episode, and I must leave it to you all this week to capture them, and post them, for me.

This week, I let Alanna Masterson, aka @lucytwobowsย on Instagram, provide the images for me.

Pinky Swear Deadie goes to Tara, for keeping her word to Cindy. โค

(And, Heath, I really hope you are ok, man.)

Much love, dear readers, and enjoy the Pinky Swear Playlist, a dreamy, sundrenched, salt-air breezy mix featuring some old favorites, as well as some hot newcomers (The Lemon Twigs, Munro Fox, and Amy Syed), splashed with with a double-dash of former favorites (Grimes’ “Kill V Maim” and ODESZA’s “Sun Models”), then topped off with double-shot of Led Zeppelin.

(I gotta say, gang, any TWD ep where I can kick off the playlist with Physical Graffiti’s iconic “Down By The Seaside” is a total win-win, in my book.)

โค <3<3<3

Pinky Swear Playlist:

Led Zeppelin, “Down By The Seaside”

The Lemon Twigs, “These Words”

Munro Fox, “Hush”

Retrocity, “Games Without Frontiers” ย  (Was originally wanting to include Peter Gabriel’s original version of this classic song, but could not find on Spotify. I did, however, happen upon this amazing a capella version of the song by Retrocity, which I fell immediately in deep, hot love with. I think Peter Gabriel would approve.) โค

ODESZA, “Sun Models” (feat. Madelyn Grant)

M.I.A., “Sunshowers”

Led Zeppelin, “The Crunge” (It’s all about the bridge, man.)

Goat, “I Sing In Silence”

Grimes, “Kill V. Maim”

Amy Syed, “Lonely Love”